Youth Sentences Beautiful and short sentences describing youth (60 selected sentences)
Flowers smile at dawn
2023-07-09 16:44:47
Complete sentences

1. Seeing a slight smile is like thinking about things all the time. One moment is happy, and the other is sad. I abandoned my youth. Look for a husband like Dashen. Even brothers have gifts when they meet!

2. If life is colorful, then youth must be the most gorgeous one; If life is dynamic and static, then youth must be the most dynamic one.

3. Youth is accompanied by dreams, which are picturesque, poetic, and melodious. Even though there are many thorns in front of us, we still have to go through trials and hardships and never give up!

4. Youth inspirational maxim: To give yourself a cliff without retreat is to give yourself a chance to rush to the highland of life.

5. Youth is white, like snow, like waves, like clouds, like the moon, white and spotless. Like a piece of white paper, like written words, I love to draw the latest and most beautiful pictures.

6. The characteristic of youth is to betray yourself, even if there is no temptation around.

7. If you want to be young without regrets, you must dare to do what you want.

8. After listening to a song of Mayday, if we don't meet, suddenly we want a ktv, a person... our youth has passed.

9. Youth is crazy running, then gorgeous fall, get up and run again.

10. Go to hell, what youth will die, I bet forever!

11. In this sad and bright March, I rode through my thin youth, through the violets, through the kapok, through the occasional joys and sorrows and impermanence.

12. The delicacy of the sun covers the earth. Wiping the soul, the voice sways in youth.

13. After crying and laughing, I still persist in love. After hurting, maybe this is the most gorgeous color in youth?

14. Colorful youth ah, leave more warmth and beauty to the old age of life to aftertaste it?

15. At our age, "love" is more about longing. However, due to ignorance and caprice, I missed some love that belongs to youth.

16. Youth is like a dance that never ends. Those who can't play will stand by and watch it. Those who can't afford to play will leave as soon as possible.

17. In the world, love is the first language to express love. In the youth when love first came to the world, it learned a set of methods and never forgot them.

18. I always remember that youth is a beautiful thing, and it is always a source of inspiration for me.

19. Youth is blue, like a deep clear sky, like a fascinating ocean, deep and vast, full of fantasy.

20. Youth is the most beautiful time in life. If you grasp it well, the future will be bright: if you waste it, you will regret it.

21. In the most beautiful years! Youth will decay eventually. Time is fair to everyone. Everyone is fresh only in recent years, and no one can afford to lose.

22. Many things, however, are nothing if they are connected with youth. Once they leave youth, they are nothing.

23. First love is just a small episode of youth. The world that once passed by me is just passing by.

24. Seizing youth means that what you do today cannot be done tomorrow, and what you do cannot wait for others.

25. Youth is like wine. Can drink, can do, can leave.

26. Youth is not a stage of life, but a realm of life.

27. Young people will not complain about their colorful youth. Beautiful years are precious to them, even if it carries all kinds of storms.

28. Youth is green, like green bamboos and open grasslands, full of infinite vitality.

29. I have enjoyed the happiness of this world. The happiness of youth has long passed away, and the spring of life is far away from me.

30. Youth without regret, perfect answer sheet, grasp it well. When the autumn wind blows, I will recall my earnest grasp in the past and do everything I should do well, at least not to be ashamed of my soul.