I can't refuse to say something about love in winter
Thinking alone in the snow
2023-01-30 13:06:03
A declarative sentence

1. When I met him for the first time, I was like a gentle person. When I became familiar with him, I didn't know which neurological hospital released him. Honey, this is you

2. I love the person I want to give her happiness, others I do not trust.

3. Although 'forever' has only two short words, no one can say it completely in words. How far 'forever' is, it will not disappear with the end of life. The real thing is always hidden in the heart. Although the sky will change and people will grow old, the heart will not change.

4. Memory is a pot of tea, a pot of dissolved tea cut with emotional water: rolling, ups and downs, and then cooling, calm, like ups and downs, happy and sad life finally turns to the plain beauty of "everything looks open, and the arrow follows the fate".

5. Silent night, the cool wind is bleak. The grey moon, dim and dim, is like a boat slowly moving forward in the vast night. My heart is disconsolate. Looking at the scene from afar, I feel faint pain. I have no choice but to look up to the sky and howl.

6. Because the memory was so beautiful that even the most cruel people would not forget it. It's not love that won't let you go. It's not memory that won't let you go. It's fate that won't let you go. It's yourself that won't let you go.

7. Lonely people always remember everyone in their lives with heart, so I always remember you counting my loneliness again and again in every night when stars fall.

8. Some people live in the memory, unforgettable; Some people live nearby, but far away. The world is very big. Even strangers who pass by each other, when they meet, they also drift a light edge. So, the edge is you, I cherish it; I will let you go.

9. It is unforgettable to feel pain in my heart, but I also remember what I was happy to take out. However, there are too few ups and downs in life, most of which are not small and necessary. These things fade away in my mind with the passage of sunlight.

10. Take care of yourself if you have the ability, or let me take care of you honestly!