Grief in the circle of friends
South Lane Breeze
2023-06-23 07:36:16
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1. If I had to choose again, I would still choose you.

If I had to choose again, I would still choose you.

2. I will never forget the promise I made for you.

The promise I made for you will never be forgotten in my life.

3. How can I love myself when I give you all my love.

Give all my love to you, and how can I love myself?

4. Why is it still so uncomfortable when you have given up.

Clearly have given up, why still so sad.

5. I hope that next time I drink, I will not miss you or cry.

Hope next time you drink, don't miss you, don't cry.

6. Time takes away not only memories, but also the withered childlike innocence.

Time takes away not only memories, but also withered children's hearts.

7. If you can remember me, how can the world forget me.

If you can remember me, how can the world forget me?

8. Turn just to meet you, but forget, you will turn.

Turn only to meet you, but forget, you will turn.

9. I used to make people laugh, but finally I made her cry.

I used to make people laugh, but in the end I made her cry.

10. It's a pity that the person you like doesn't even have a group photo.

It's a pity that there is not even a photo of the person you like.

11. Being strong does not mean that your heart hardens, but that your tears can still smile in circles.

Strength is not the hardening of the heart, but the laughing of tears.

12. In the world, the only thing that cannot be deceived is the heart of self.

In the world, it is my heart that cannot be deceived.

13. It doesn't matter whether you see it or not. Time will eventually clear you and me.

What's wrong with seeing or not seeing? Time will eventually clear you and me.

14. No matter how good the past is, the taste will fade with more memories.

Even the happiest memory cannot afford being recalled for too many times.

15. I'm afraid if I close my eyes, you will occupy my whole mind.

I'm afraid to close my eyes, and you take over my whole mind.

16. Take away love, and our earth will become a tomb.

Take love away, and our earth becomes a tomb.

17. How strong I must become to bear the desolation of this world.

How strong will I be to endure the desolation of this world?

18. Whose sentence has a long way to go, let me see people go tea cool.

Whose sentence is long in the future, let me witness people go to tea.

19. A person's patience is limited. Please stop grieving.

A person's patience is limited, sorrow, please stop.

20. If I never give up, will you accompany me to go on.

If I never give up, will you go with me?

21. I've been to the city where you live, but I didn't have the courage to see you.

I have been to your city, but I have no courage to see you.

22. I want someone to understand me even if I don't say anything.

I want someone to understand me, even if I don't say anything.

23. Growth is the process of turning your crying into silence.

Growing up is the process of turning your cry into silence.

24. People like me, who are rare, only have themselves.

People like me, who is rare, rare only themselves.

25. Not everyone has everything and not everyone has nothing.

Not everyone has everything, not everyone has nothing.

26. The most painful thing is not leaving, but the memories after leaving.

The most painful thing is not parting, but the memories after parting.

27. I learned to smile with a mask, even if I am not happy.

I learned to smile with a mask, even if I wasn't happy.

28. To have a person who can miss is actually a kind of happiness!

There is a person who can miss, in fact, is also a kind of happiness!

29. I won't detain you if you leave, but don't expect me to turn back.

I won't keep you away, but don't expect me to turn back.

30. I landed alone, crowded and lonely.

A lonely landing, crowded only lonely.

31. You kissed my lips, but I am not your favorite person.

You kissed my lips, but I'm not your favorite person.

32. Let me be blind. I can't see through your hypocrisy.

Let me be blind. I can't see through your hypocrisy.

33. It is said that happiness is very simple. It will be diluted once time passes.

I heard that happiness is very simple. It will be diluted as soon as time goes by.

34. Whether happiness is too light and heavy, and excessive use is not itchy and painful.

Whether happiness is too light or too heavy, excessive use does not itch or hurt.

35. I am not a gentle person, but I have done everything for you.

I am not a gentle person, but I have done all the gentle things for you.

36. No one deliberately waited for someone, just didn't meet the right one.

No one is waiting for someone deliberately, just not meeting the right one.

37. What kind of future will make you leave without hesitation.

What kind of future, let you leave without hesitation.

38. I will wait for you until there is no reason to wait any longer.

I'll wait for you until there's no reason to wait any longer.

39. We are not strangers, but we are stranger than strangers.

We are clearly not strangers, but strangers than strangers.

40. We all looked forward to ten years, but did not cherish this decade.

We have all looked forward to ten years, but we have not cherished them.

41. The wound is the humiliation of others and the illusion of self persistence.

Wounds are the disgrace others give you, the illusion of self-perseverance.

42. Not to be serious about one sentence, but to the speaker.

Not to be serious about a sentence, but to the speaker.

43. I can finally do it. I am not surprised when I face you.

I can finally do it. I'm not surprised when I face you.

44. You are an island, and I am a tide that will never reach the shore.

You're an island, and I'll never reach the shore.

45. Now it is not because I love you, but because I only love you.

Now it's not because I love you, but because I only love you.

46. It turns out that not all pain can be shouted.

Originally, not all pain, can cry.

47. For us now, even a greeting is luxury.

For us now, even a greeting feels luxurious.

48. The retention of heart rending and lung rending is just the expression of unwilling heart.

Retention of torn heart and broken lung is just a manifestation of unwillingness of the heart.

49. The happiness of others may not be as beautiful as you see.

The happiness of others may not be as good as you see.

50. I miss that if there was a sound, you would have been killed by me.

I miss that if there was a voice, you would have been noised to death by me.

51. Everything will be fine, even if not today.

Everything will be all right, even if it's not today.

52. The last way I love you is not to appear or disturb.

No appearance, no disturbance, is the way I love you finally.

53. Nothing will last forever. Why should we ask for it.

Nothing lasts forever. Why do we want it?

54. Sometimes, I don't ignore you, but wait for you to speak first.

Sometimes, I don't ignore you, just wait for you to speak first.

55. Be kind to yourself when you are alone; Be kind to each other when two people are together.

Be good to yourself when you are alone, and be good to one another when you are together.

56. The deepest loneliness in the soul comes with sobriety.

The deepest solitude in the soul comes with awakening.

57. You never leave. You live in seclusion in my heart forever.

You never leave, you live in my heart, forever.

58. The so-called stranger means that we don't know each other at first, but we don't know each other at last.

The so-called strangers are those who don't know each other at first and eventually don't.

59. It is a pity to leave something untouchable, and our memories fall.

It's a pity that we can't touch. It falls into our memory.

60. I love you for a past. I'm tired enough after losing.

I love you, love a once, I lost tired enough.

61. Life is always very tired. You are not tired now, but you will be more tired later.

Life is always very tired, you are not tired now, will be more tired in the future.

62. I hope you will not be afraid of cold in the future, no matter the weather or people's hearts.

I hope you will not be afraid of the cold in the future, whether it is the weather or the hearts of the people.

63. The darkest thing is betrayal, and the most painful thing is forgiveness.

The darkest black is betrayal, the most painful forgiveness.

64. All wounds can be covered with paper.

Not all wounds can be covered up with paper.

65. I didn't mean to hurt you, but you hurt my heart every word.

I have no intention of hurting you, but your words hurt my heart.

66. When I'm tired of walking, can you stop and hold your memory.

When I am tired of walking, can I stop and hold your memories?

67. Time forces people to be strong, and they will pay all their injuries with a smile.

Time forces people to be strong and to pay for all the injuries with a smile.

68. No matter what kind of feelings, they are so vulnerable.

No matter what kind of feelings, they are so vulnerable.

69. At an age when I don't know love, I understand the harm that love brings.

In the age of not understanding love, but understand the harm of love.

70. I can't change your momentary gaze for my lifelong waiting.

I've waited all my life for your instant stare.

71. Does anyone see through my arrogance and care about my sadness.

Is there anyone who can see through my success cares about my sadness?

72. It's better not to see or read, so as not to fall in love with you.

Better not to see, better not to read, so as not to fall in love with you.

73. Do you understand? Long time no see is a sad greeting!

You don't understand. Long time no see is a sad greeting!

74. I want to cry, but I still want to smile at you.

Clearly want to cry, but also pull the corners of your mouth to smile at you.

75. I learned to smile with a mask, even if I am not happy.

I learned to smile in a mask, even if I wasn't happy.

76. The loved one will never understand how hard it is to love someone.

How hard it is to love someone, the loved one will never understand.

77. My acting skills must be very good. I'm so sad that no one knows.

My acting must be very good. I'm sad that nobody knows.

78. Leave a drop of hourglass, which is the trace of my missing you.

Leave a drop of hourglass, that's what I'm thinking of you.

79. Hurt, hurt, hurt for several times, and became haggard for love.

Injuries, injuries, injuries and injuries several times, have become haggard for love.

80. In fact, you don't have to be so cold. I never thought about pestering again.

Actually, you don't have to be so cold. I didn't want to get entangled again.