Simple and advanced expression of love, short sentences on April Fool's Day (75 sentences)
Harmony between heaven, earth and man
2023-02-26 10:32:28
Complete sentences

1. You asked me how much I love you. "You are the object of spring dreams

2. Smile at me again, like when you first saw me

3. The two of them have three meals, four seasons, five tastes, six desires, seven emotions, eight words and nine deaths.

4. My ultimate goal is to cheat you "and keep you old

5. When we left suddenly, we didn't have time to say goodbye, which was also good, because we never said goodbye.

6. I don't want to be a good person or a bad person. I just want to be your sweetheart.

7. Life with you, that is the future, for someone else, that is making do.

8. Tonight I don't care about human beings, I just miss you; Tonight I don't care about cold or warm, I just want to hold you.

9. With you, my future is called the future, otherwise it is just a fool's errand.

10. Heartbeats for you every day, grieves for you every night, moves for you every moment, worries for you every second. It's good to have you.

11. Want to make your parents happy? "Think!" Take me home if you want

12. Wait a minute, I will accompany you.

13. As the wind blows and everything sways, I always feel that my love for you must have touched your heart in a moment.

14. Other children are picked up. When will you pick me up

15. Your smile is the rainbow clouds. If you are happy, I will give you everything I have.

16. No matter how far the kite flies, the line is always in the hands of the kite person. No matter where I am, my heart is always with you. My dear, my love for you is always a little more than yesterday.

17. After meeting you, my math draft paper was full of your name.

18. I thought I had seen enough sunshine, until I met you, I knew I had never really seen sunshine.

19. I don't want temporary warmth, just your company.

20. A thousand cups of wine are not drunk. One cup of wine with you will make you drunk. The spring and autumn are long. It's too short to spend a lifetime with you. The dream is fading. I am willing to enjoy three generations with you.

21. Form follows each other, snuggling up is just a temporary scene, and the heart is imprinted with each other. A moment has been a millennium love; Wish true love, the end of the world unchanged, day and night in the heart; I wish to be with you, never forget reincarnation, never abandon life and death, and never leave my white head!

22. If I have never met in my life, I will not believe that there is a kind of person who can never get tired of seeing it. There is a kind of person who feels warm when he knows it.

23. If I have you in my future, I am not afraid of anything else.

24. I will take you to see the whales in the sky, and then dive into the sea with you.

25. My motivation is to see you and talk with you every day

26. I want to become interesting, special, and a little star in your eyes.

27. I want to put me into your life.

28. When I think of you all night long, the warmth always comes into my eyes. I'm afraid I will never meet the second you again. The rest of my life is too long for you to forget.

29. Let's make friends "why" because we are going to start love

30. I hope one day. "I love you and can write it backwards.

31. I want to give you the best in the world, but I find that you are the best in the world.

32. I learned to wait because I love you, I learned to be strong because I love you, I learned to expect because I love you, and I learned how it feels to have no complete happiness.

33. From the day I met you, everything I did was to make you happy.

34. You are like a bowl of soup, which will never cool my heart.

35. There is no equal love between men and women. One person always loves and one person is loved. To love is to suffer pain, to be loved is to cause pain.

36. I can't stand rolling the sheets. I have already made them

37. Busy at work, taking time off to have fun; When you are sleepy at work, listen to music; Tired from work, I have time to relax; If you are tired of going to work, send a short message to communicate. Baby, remember to have a rest!

38. Go to every corner of the world together. You heard me right. I am happy and sad with you.

39. I always look at people accurately. You can tell that you are my person at a glance.

40. If one day no one loves you, I must be dead; If one day I don't love anyone anymore, you must be dead!

41. Meeting you is the fate of my life; Holding you is the happiness of my life; Falling in love with you is my lucky life. It is my happiness to have you with me in this life.

42. You are a bit like the moon in the sky and the twinkling stars. Unfortunately, I am not a poet. Otherwise, I will write 10000 poems to describe your beauty.

43. There is a rumor that I like you recently. I want to clarify that it is not a rumor.

44. It's none of my business to be nice. I like you no matter how bad you are.

45. I like to look at your shyness, because there are your dedicated eyes.

46. In a few days, it will be the Internet Valentine's Day. Do you want to express your love to the person you secretly love, or to your lovers on this day. The following is a small compilation of sweet and warm sentences about online Valentine's Day, and the short sentences of romantic love words are within the cross.

47. I want to hold your hand forever.

48. On the night when I met you, the stars in the sky seemed to darken all at once, because from that moment on, you were the brightest star in my heart.

49. The moon moves to the west of the small bridge, and the movie maker is independent. The tender and cool clothes make all dreams come to an end. Staring at the silence for a long time, why are you living like a dream?

50. You are my obsession, and only I know it.

51. If time can come again, I hope I can meet you and be with you earlier.

52. They are very attractive. "I'm different" I'm very annoying

53. Looking back on all the breathtaking things in the long years, you are still the best.

54. I'm afraid I love you too obviously, but I'm afraid you can't see it.

55. I want to steal your body temperature. "Speaking" needs hugging

56. I am so gloomy that I always want to give you some sunshine.

57. I pinched my fingers, but I missed you!

58. I don't care who you have loved or what you have done. I only want you to love me when you choose me.

59. Take good care of yourself. I don't want to love you in the next life.

60. I will cherish it more because I know I can't live without you.

61. Missing you is the only thing I can do, and loving you is the only way I can go!

62. It's really fun to eat snacks bought by people you like. It's very happy to fight with loved ones.

63. I liked you yesterday and today, and I have a hunch that I will like you tomorrow.

64. "How afraid I am to get used to who's good, and then he leaves like a joke

65. People will always be old. I hope you will still be with me.

66. Because I miss you, the whole world has become related to you.

67. Thanks for the time, impartiality, and avoiding the storm, so that I just met you.

68. The best thing in my life is to win this ticket and get on your boat.

69. You are not only an old play that I cannot hear enough, but also a firework that I cannot see enough.

70. You really have a noble look. I want to be the unique concern in your clean and clear eyes.

71. When drunk, I don't know that the sky is in the water, and the ship is full of dreams and stars. The gift is ready and I hope it can be accepted.

72. If you go to bed early and dream of you, you can stay with you for a while, hold you for a while, and kiss you for a while.

73. There are thousands of people in the world, only you come into my eyes.

74. Why are you dressed like this today? It's just the way I like it

75. I want to give you the best in the world, but I find that you are the best in the world.