Poems expressing missing lovers
Mature and steady
2023-02-07 09:07:26
Complete Poems

1. An inch of Acacia, thousands of threads, there is no place to arrange—— Li Guan's Butterfly Loves Flowers

2. If the two love each other for a long time, it will not be in every day and night—— Qin Guan's "Queqiao Immortal"

3. If a thousand gold coins buy a portrait, who will tell the story—— Xin Qiji's Fishing

4. Poor bones beside the Wuding River are still people in the dream of spring boudoir—— Chen Tao's Journey to Longxi

5. When the ends of the earth are poor, there is only endless lovesickness—— "Spring in the Jade Tower" by Yan Shu

6. Heartlessness is not like sentimentality and bitterness. One inch of it is also a thousand strands—— "Spring in the Jade Tower" by Yan Shu

7. Return your pearl to tears, and hate not to meet when you are not married—— Zhang Ji's Chant of Festival Women

8. In the sky, I would like to be a bird with two wings, and on the ground, I would like to connect branches—— Bai Juyi's Song of Everlasting Regret

9. Acacia meet know when? At this time, the night was embarrassed—— Li Bai's Three Five Seven Words

10. Hate is not as good as tide. Acacia begins to feel the depth of sea and Africa—— Bai Juyi's "Waves Washing the Sand"

11. The falling flower people are independent, and the micro swallow flies together—— Yan Jidao's "Two Immortals in Linjiang"

12. Fish, Shen and wild geese wander along the horizon, and Shixin believes that human separation is painful—— Dai Shulun's Acacia

13. At the bottom of the Acacia tree, people say that they miss each other, but they hate Langlang and don't know it—— Liang Qichao's Zhuzhi Ci

14. Life will not Acacia, will Acacia, then harm Acacia—— Xu Zaisi's Gui Ling

15. May I be like the stars and the moon, bright and bright every night—— Fan Chengda's "A Far Away Car"

16. He should never be a lover, for there is no love in the world—— Kuang Zhouyi's "Subtraction of Huanxi Sand"

17. My concubine looks like Xu Shan growing in the eyes, and Lang is like a stone Buddha—— Zhu Yizun's Boat Song on Mandarin Duck Lake

18. It is difficult to be a water once experienced the sea, but it is not a cloud except Wushan—— Yuan Zhen's Five Pieces and Four Pieces of Absence

19. If there is a bosom friend, he will sing Yangchun all over—— Yan Shu's "Willow in the Pavilion - Giver to Singer"

20. When people become sentimental, they become less sentimental now—— Nalan Xingde's "Breaking the Huanxi Sand"

21. The bleak farewell should be the same as the last two, and the most important thing is that there is no clear resentment in the moonlight—— Beauty Yu by Nalan Xingde

22. I will keep my eyes open all night long to repay my lack of eyebrows—— Yuan Zhen's Three Pieces of Sadness

23. The weather is not old, and love is difficult. The heart is like a double screen, with thousands of knots in it—— Zhang Xian's Qianqiu Sui

24. Can you bear to smile at the reward? After all, lovesickness is not like meeting—— Shao Ruipeng's Butterfly in Love with Flowers

25. The bright moon tower is high and reclining, and the wine enters the sadness and turns into lovesickness tears—— Fan Zhongyan's Su Screen

26. Don't spend all your time together in the spring. Every inch of lovesickness is an inch of ash—— Li Shangyin's Six Untitled Songs

27. It's no good to miss each other straight. It's pure madness to be disconsolate—— Li Shangyin's Untitled Six and Three

28. It seems that this star was not last night. For whom the wind was exposed, it was midnight—— Huang Jingren's One of the Two Qihuai Poems

29. The red flower is easy to fade, and the water flow is limitless, just like the worry of a farmer—— Liu Yuxi's Four Zhuzhi Ci Poems and Two

30. Ask the world what love is, and teach life and death—— Yuan Haowen's One of the Two Fishes

31. The animal stove sinks, the water smoke, the green marsh flower fragments, and the lovesickness story is written line by line—— "Sai Hong Qiu" by Zhang Kejiu

32. Since the emperor came out, there is no cure in the mirror. Thinking of the king is like running water—— Xu Gan's Room Thoughts

33. Without knowing that the soul is broken, there is a dream in the sky. Nobody knows except the moon on the horizon—— Wei Zhuang's One of Two Female Crown Sons

34. It is a long journey and the soul is bitter. It is difficult for the dream soul to reach Guanshan. Long term lovesickness can destroy the heart and liver—— "One of the Two Songs of Li Bai's Long Love"

35. Life and death are compatible, and we can talk with each other. Hold your hand and grow old with you—— Anonymous "The Book of Songs · Wind and Drum Beating"

36. This past year should be a good time and a good scene. Even if there are thousands of customs, more with whom—— Liu Yong's "Raining Bells"

37. A good dream is hard to achieve. Who knows my current situation. Tears in front of the pillow cover the rain in front of the pillow, and drop to the bright through a window—— Nie Shengqiong's "Partridge Sky"