Aesthetic copywriting with instant heartache
The age of no regrets
2023-07-12 14:30:27
Complete sentences

1. I'm afraid to find you more and more, because your indifference makes me feel that initiative is so cheap. Nobody hates love, but everyone is tired of waiting, guessing, apologizing and hurting, as well as promises that cannot be fulfilled.

2. Don't contact, because your indifference told me to disturb you. Don't take the initiative, because it can't move you.

3. A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you, only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be, so you have to let go.

4. No matter how much you like it, don't let the old feelings revive. The result of the old feelings revives is to repeat the mistakes.

5. An unacceptable love needs not sorrow, but time, a time that can be forgotten. A deeply hurt heart needs not sympathy, but understanding.

6. No matter how much a person says, no one will pay attention to it and feel sad; If a heart is persistent, it will be cold if there is no response.

7. Whether he loves you or not, ask your heart, not your ears; Whether you love him or not, ask your tears, not your smile.

8. Gradually, we learned that many people miss it and miss it. If they don't belong to themselves, they will be sad to get it.

9. What makes me sad is not that you are good to others, but that others have replaced my existence so easily. For me, no one can be you, but for you, everyone can be me.

10. The goodwill between people is so fragile. When you close the door a little louder, I feel you hate me.

11. If you don't find me, you don't want to find me. If I don't find you, I will bite my teeth and keep some self-esteem.

12. Loneliness means that some people have nothing to say and some people have nothing to say.

13. When I was young, I thought that bleeding was very serious. No matter whether it hurt or not, I cried first. I didn't realize until I grew up that tears hurt more than blood.

14. Our life is reborn in the posture of constant starting. For some calls from the heart that can only be perceived by oneself, you can't stop walking on the road.

15. Don't be afraid to live because you care too much about others' opinions. No matter how well you do, there will be fools telling you what to do.

16. Time can fade everything and deepen some memories. Some people say they can forget, but they can't do it; Some feelings will return to the original point after walking around.

17. Can't do the kind of woman you want, can't give you the love you want, can't see the long and narrow flow of what you want, can't get the white head you want, can only give you, this life unforgettable admiration.

18. Sometimes, I just want to cry because my heart is holding back. Sometimes, I just want to be crazy, because I am depressed. Sometimes, I just want to shout abuse, because I feel unhappy. Sometimes, I just want to be quiet, because I'm really tired.

19. Suddenly, I don't want to be with you. I'm very tired from your perfunctory manner every day. Can I let you go? In this relationship, you don't even want to say a few words to me. What do I want to do with you.

20. There is always a person who has been living in the heart, but has left in life. What cannot be forgotten is memories, and what continues is life. Many people come and go, and there is always a place that has not changed.

21. Speak less and do more; Say less, you should give others a step, give yourself a temperament; To do more, we should work steadily and meaningfully.

22. Let's hold hands tightly and communicate with each other! Heart to heart, smile happily! Let's talk about the beautiful future we are looking forward to.

23. That person doesn't like you. It's useless for you to take the initiative a thousand times. Just like a wrong password, you can't log in a thousand times.

24. Time may change your face, but it also precipitates your life. Time is like a cloud, take it easy to watch the clouds roll; The mind is like a flower, quietly opening in life.

25. I am a passer-by you forget when you turn back. Why should I accompany you to the cape in time?

26. You gave your youth and love to one person, but finally you gave your life to another person. The order of appearance in life is really important. The deep and early love is not as good as the just love.

27. When you are not sure to become the most important person in the other party's heart, don't show your small temper from time to time. Human relations are so fragile. If you make a fuss, the person will no longer be yours.

28. I dare not expect too much from everyone who came after you. This is a shadow and a lesson.