Writing with severe depression is very sad and depressing (89 sentences)
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2023-08-03 13:31:30
Complete sentences

1. We carried the past and walked into the crowd.

2. I'm afraid you will laugh at me for not knowing how to leave.

3. I try not to disturb you. You're better off.

4. It's better to wait for death than to wait for you. At least death will come

5. Late at night, I feel sad and can't breathe

6. What's the use of being good? It's not like being sad.

7. I was a killer. I was sober and left but not right.

8. Return all uncertain people to the sea of people.

9. Love and you are gone, and I am the only one left.

10. When I start to silence, I must be disappointed to the extreme

11. The world is very interesting. The uninteresting one is me

12. People are best when they first know each other

13. When can I get interested in life.

14. Do you think the suicides have a clear idea or not

15. Love is not something that you will return after several years.

16. I'm already very sad, even you won't let me go

17. Depression is breaking your pride inch by inch.

18. No accident, no surprise, it doesn't matter.

19. Life is not bad, maybe it's me.

20. I failed my life, so life didn't treat me well

21. It's boring to grow up. Even happiness is covered with a layer of bitterness

22. The world is a good place, but I don't want to come anymore

23. You are so arrogant that you can't live as well as a dog.

24. Never deny our love if you haven't experienced it

25. I failed my life, so life didn't treat me well.

26. It was later discovered that it was not my own, so it was useless to strive for it.

27. Only I know the days when I cry until I can't breathe.

28. The last way I love you is not to appear or disturb.

29. Later I learned that a promising future means farewell.

30. I hope that I will never meet anyone who has no results in the future.

31. All encounters are probably preparation for separation.

32. Admit it, we are all laymen who have collapsed in the late night.

33. It is clear that there is only one you deleted, but the whole group is empty.

34. Since then, we haven't been able to meet again, even if not across the mountains and seas.

35. Those who were moved by it failed me again and again.

36. Your words have a long way to go, and I have witnessed people walking away.

37. Try to smile, just to prove that I am still good without you.

38. It's hard. I suddenly became strange when I was so good.

39. I can't forget you, because you are the eternal scar in my heart.

40. The days will get better and the people who leave me will die slowly

41. Time not only allows you to see through others, but also allows you to recognize yourself.

42. Silence has become the normal state for me to start again and again.

43. The abyss in the night and the red blood are my salvation.

44. I have been failing my life, so life has not treated me well.

45. I will not forget the things that made me run away, but I will not say again.

46. In fact, the way to save me is very simple. It requires you to be there all the time.

47. Without you, even if the world is given to me, I still have nothing.

48. I use tears to interpret the torture I am destined to bear.

49. It feels good when you can't breathe or cry because of pain.

50. The sudden collapse made me lose the power to continue my life.

51. I know all the reasons, just like a fish living in the water also dies in the water.

52. How can sadness be explained clearly and how can loss be felt.

53. I only need a person who can hold my hand and stagger to white hair.

54. I know you so well that my hunches are all true.

55. I love you wholeheartedly, but you hurt me so thoroughly.

56. All the great enlightenment came from the hard nights and tears.

57. Living day after day, I am neither very sad nor very happy.

58. Retract to a corner of the abyss alone, and only the lengthy darkness accompanies me.

59. When I miss you, I will look at the sky, but I am stunned.

60. I gradually kept away from you until we had no contact.

61. My brain always tells me that I am not happy.

62. I have to endure many nights of splitting and self-healing before I can get relief.

63. You should keep a good sense of propriety when you are jealous because you have no identity through a broken network.

64. What floats in the dark night are all the worries that are overdue and moldy, and they are reluctant to throw away.

65. I waited until very late, but you didn't let me go with you. I left by myself.

66. No one cares about whether you are happy or not. Everyone just looks at whether you are useful or not.

67. In movies, people who have missed can always meet again, but we are different.

68. I will become the girl you hate sooner or later because I love her too much.

69. Secret love is like the light of a flashlight. The light hits him, but you are the light itself

70. Without telephone, greeting or news, we are like familiar strangers.

71. A person who thinks that his memory is unforgettable may have been forgotten by others.

72. I just miss the past and those days that are worth cherishing.

73. You are what I look forward to, and I am your bored leisure pastime.

74. In fact, there is no use in cherishing some things. If I hold tight, I will not fail.

75. I don't care what you think. Where are you when I need spiritual salvation

76. As I grow older, I find that my negative emotions can only be digested by myself.

77. What I regret most in my life is that the person who pushed me to hell also took me to heaven.

78. The school uniform is the only pair dress she and I wear, and the graduation photo is the only group photo of her and me.

79. Love is a game that turns strangers into lovers and couples into strangers.

80. Don't remember the people who tease you for too long. Don't let nature take its course. All stories will have results

81. When you strive to become brilliant, thousands of people will support you as the emperor. When you are down and regretful, you are surrounded by a group of white eyed wolves.

82. To your carelessness, and to my self indulgence. From now on, you and I are strangers in the world, never to see you again.

83. Maybe you have to love the wrong people to meet the right ones. Let time fill in the regrets you can't get.

84. Falling in love with you means falling in love with loneliness. I leave you and I leave happiness! Approaching you is approaching happiness; Far away from you is doomed to loneliness.

85. I will not detain anyone who wants to leave, because I feel that there is no meaning from that moment.

86. I waited until very late, but you didn't let me go with you. I left by myself. 27. I'm already very sad. Even you won't let me go

87. Memory is like water poured into the palm of your hand. Whether you spread it out or hold it tightly, it will flow clean from your fingers, drop by drop.

88. The simple and quiet life is actually not happy, so I only embrace the lasting feeling of the moment. It is not happy at all, so I only believe in the moment.

89. Over the years, I have never been the name you suddenly called when you were drunk. I just stood on your right side for so many years, talking with you and growing up with you.