84 sentences in anger
This feeling has become a memory
2023-05-31 07:57:30
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1. Bad people need strength, while scum needs taste.

2. Sometimes, it is better to have fewer roots than to have more heart.

3. Explanation is concealment, and concealment is story making.

4. Your saliva is more deadly than sars.

5. You are a pig, I am a dog, and we are friends of pigs and dogs.

6. Others laugh at me for being too lewd. I laugh at others for being closed.

7. The world is as big as your heart.

8. You are so charming that countless blind people are bent down.

9. Even if you already have someone else, it doesn't prevent me from winning the dream person.

10. I want to say that you are a fool. I praise you.

11. Who will wait for you there after the passage of time?

12. Last year, he was mentally retarded. This year, it's stupid to be promoted.

13. I can't be a man without you. How can I still love others.

14. Suddenly there was a moment when I felt that I was dispensable.

15. I don't like cursing, because I have strong practical ability.

16. Don't act bravely after dark without medical insurance and life insurance.

17. The sexiness of the soul is the real sexiness of the bone.

18. In this society, there is no purity, just cheap.

19. It is not only the teeth that are difficult to extricate themselves, but also the pants.

20. No artificial intelligence can defeat your natural fool.

21. Even Amiba protozoa can't live on the keyboard you touched.

22. Listening to you, a sense of superiority in IQ arises spontaneously!

23. In the future, you will certainly thank you for your hard work now.

24. Don't be so restless. Your old bitch is about to get pregnant.

25. I won't do two things in my life: neither this nor that.

26. A woman who cannot cry is a monster, and a woman who can only cry is a waste.

27. Don't be shameful. If you do well, you will have excellent psychological quality.

28. Your face reminds me of a word, which is called "follow one's inclinations".

29. Protect yourself and take care of others. Please don't come out in the middle of the night to frighten people.

30. The left face lacks pumping and the right face lacks kicking. Donkeys kick when they see donkeys, and pigs tread when they see pigs.

31. I have heard thousands of songs, but I still live alone in real life.

32. The best love is to let go, and the best way to let go is to kill him.

33. Nowadays, fools are used to flirt, and bad words are used to swear!

34. The King of Hell collects so many people every day. Why didn't he take you away!

35. There is only a liar in the world who is sincere, because he is sincere.

36. You are the abandoned baby of the snowman on Mount Everest, and the murderer who blocked the septic tank.

37. Just because I saw you more in the crowd, I became blind.

38. Uncle, remember to cover your mouth when you smile, and be careful of your dentures.

39. I forgot that there is another kind of people in the world, Martians. Are you from there?

40. Idiots can be your teachers, and mentally retarded people can teach you how to speak.

41. I miss you so much when I can't see you! When I saw you, I was so mean!

42. Who has taken care of you for so many years? I admire his courage.

43. You live to waste air, die to waste land, and waste RMB at home.

44. Jealousy belongs to jealousy. Don't be a dog. Is it interesting to slander people behind their backs?

45. The woman who never forgets is the most vile, and the man who never forgets his old love is the most disgusting.

46. The only difference between Superman and me is that I wear underpants inside.

47. Descendants who have been disgraced by the scourge of damaging the reputation of Asian compatriots.

48. Men never regret marriage, only regret not marrying another woman.

49. You are the descendant of an African who engages in black pig, a chimpanzee with yin yang imbalance.

50. Animals have changed into human beings when they wear these clothes. You will become an animal as soon as you put them on.

51. How strong a body must be to support your dirty soul?

52. Achievements, you are the one who always provokes the relationship between my parents and me.

53. Some people, knowing that falling in love will hurt, still want to love.

54. How nice it would be if I could meet a handsome guy after sleeping in the spring and running in the morning.

55. The best love is to be happy and still be loved.

56. People say that if you don't try hard, there will be no sweet.

57. Don't say I have a bad temper. In this world, I don't protect myself. Who will protect me.

58. If your ugliness can generate electricity, nuclear power plants all over the world can be shut down.

59. When happiness knocks on the door, I'm afraid I'm not at home, so I've always been very homestead.

60. It's not your fault to want to do something, but it's your fault to study in university!

61. I finally understand that I can't look back anymore. People have to look at money when they are alive.

62. I keep all our memories, but now there is one you missing from my memory.

63. Since life is a book, it is not surprising that there are a few wrong words.

64. I wanted to delete my record after entering your space, but I didn't have access permission.

65. I didn't do anything good in my 18th life before I knew you. Even throwing into the sun is not environmentally friendly enough!

66. Although you are sprayed with cologne, I can still vaguely smell a scum smell.

67. Tell you not to force me. If you force me again, I... I will pretend to die.

68. Love is originally a cheap project. Love has no truth, no truth and no dignity.

69. Why give up the responsibility to nourish the whole forest as cow dung for the sake of a flower.

70. You just came to the world from the 18th floor of Hell and met Brother Chun, who stepped on you again.

71. The elder sister in front, I'm sorry, you are a little big, blocking my mobile signal.

72. My hobbies can be divided into two types: dynamic and static. Static means sleeping and dynamic means turning over.

73. You either have a bad brain or lack a thread; Your heart is very healthy, but you are short of an eye.

74. You are such a bother to me. I will teach you how to stab people if you have a mother but not a mother.

75. If you go to war, bullets and missiles can't help flying towards you. Even grenades will explode when they see you.

76. When you were born, you hid ugly. Even your parents dare not see you. Are you afraid of being reported?

77. "Virtue", as its name implies, means nothing at home!

78. The meanest is no more than feelings, and the coolest is no more than hearts. Thanks for your smile, I can't see your heart clearly.

79. I have always wanted to be a quiet walker, to guard myself in the deepest world of mortals, and to guard the initial initiation and joy.

80. You should be thankful that everything in the world is fake, even the contraceptive pill is fake, otherwise you would not grow so big.

81. Don't wander outside to affect the appearance of the city. You just change your nationality as soon as possible. I really don't want to be in the same country with you.

82. One ear is big and the other is small. I don't think you have evolved completely. I like my face when I see your face.

83. I don't want to hurt you. You go to the zoo to see if there is a suitable job for you. You are easy to be shot when you run around in the street like this.

84. I want to watch you talk, but why do you bury your face in your... Oh? Sorry, I didn't know that was your face, but where did you go?