25 verses or famous sayings describing maternal love
Not young
2023-03-29 01:54:39
Complete Poems

1、 Mourning for my parents, I was born with travail.

2、 My father gave birth to me, and my mother bowed to me.

3、 Before leaving, I am afraid of returning late.

4、 Two people are kind to their mothers, not weak to the ancient Lai.

5、 When Si'er is the day of the baby, when he flies high to carry his mother.

6、 Benevolent relatives lean against the hall door, but there is no hemlock flower.

7、 A loving mother worries about her rash, and her family reads "Qilai".

8、 Mother Fang is seriously ill and wants to cast a famous doctor.

9、 On the day of the mother's birth, the five internal organs always come.

10、 Motherly love is unrequited, and life is more difficult!

11、 My mother is a hundred years old and often reads 80.

12、 He who gives birth to his own son feels pity all day long.

13、 Far away from Guanci's mother, I am loyal to God.

14、 My mother is always merciful, why not be merciful now.

15、 Green insects are not easy to catch, and there is no fullness in Huangkou.

16、 The love between parents is the most true in the world. Tears and blood melt into children's bodies.

17、 It's a miserable snowy night in Chaimen. It's better to have children than to have none.

18、 The bed curtain goes to worship the mother river beam, and the white hair is sad to see the tears wither.

19、 Was Zeng Shen a murderer? Slander and motherly shock.

20、 Mother leaves her son, and son leaves her mother. There is no light to cry in the daytime.

21、 Yao Chi's mother's window is open, and the voice of yellow bamboo is moving sadly.

22、 The white headed old mother shuts the door and cries. She pulls off the sleeves of her blouse and keeps them.

23、 Don't worry about your parents' lack of gold, and the worldly children will also get it.

24、 The mother has many children, and the mother has pity on them. If there is no mother's pity alone, children would rather not be sad.

25、 I am close to my son and flesh, and I would like to say what I look like. Kuang left his parents and learned poetry from me.