Sentimental Sentences
Unique rabbit
2023-02-22 17:04:19
Complete sentences

1. If you take care of others, you will wear yourself out sooner or later.

2. I just want you to accompany me. I don't want to say anything again.

3. When the water is cold, you can drink it. When your heart is cold, it is hard to reheat it.

4. With no reluctance, we have lived a life of taking things as they are.

5. In the heaven and earth, drizzling and drizzling together; Manzhu is so popular that flowing water forgets the river.

6. What should be disappointed has never failed you, has it.

7. Don't use inappropriateness as an excuse when breaking up. Why was it appropriate at the beginning?

8. I would rather bury some words in my heart and never say them again.

9. Don't bother those who don't care about you. They lose their smile and dignity.

10. You have an impossible person in your heart, so you don't like others.

11. Some people are destined to amaze your time but not warm your years.

12. Time, will precipitate the most true feelings; The wind and rain will test the warmest company.

13. The journey of life is doomed to loneliness. It is because I can't let go that I refuse to stay.

14. The furthest distance in the world is the track of my tears falling after you turn around.

15. There is no shortcut on the road of life, only down to earth.

16. How many people I met and how many times I said goodbye before I really finished my life.

17. Love overflows the sea of memory, smoke spreads into disaster, leaving me in lonely despair.

18. The weather is extremely hot, and I hold my stomach and my intestines to you. The road of life is endless. Where can love go?

19. I tried to count the injuries you caused with a smile, but at last tears flowed out of my eyes with a smile.

20. You are my expectant and contradictory dream, the wind that I can't hold, the wine that I want to drink but I'm afraid of getting drunk.

21. A lazy person like me will take the initiative to talk to you every day, which shows how much I love you.

22. It's a pity to live like you after leaving you. It's a pity that you are no longer mine.

23. You humbly begged for so-called romantic love, but you selflessly offered your so-called noble friendship.

24. I choose to let go not because of how important you are, but because I want to let go of myself.

25. Don't open your wounds to others easily. There are not many doctors in the world, but people who sprinkle salt.

26. In those dark days, I studied, wrote and raised flowers seriously. Smile at life until you recover.

27. From now on, I will not love others as I love you. I will return love to you, and you can return my only pride to me.

28. It's so sad to miss you - some words can't be expressed in words. Maybe only by speaking to you personally can I release my missing for you!

29. The most sad thing is that although I have a boyfriend, I still live a single life. It seems that I have many friends, but no one is free.

30. The distance is about: you know that I didn't sleep, and I know that you didn't sleep, but I can't say a word when watching each other's updated news.

31. If we are all children, we can stay in the place of time, sit together and listen to the stories that will never grow old while slowly honing our heads.

32. I'm hungry. You have a piece of bread. Give me half of it as friends, and all of it as love. You hide the bread and say you are hungry. This is society.

33. It is not a memory blockade to record the dust of my despair. It is just to carve your name on my back, carry you around the world, but never see you.

34. Time is generous to those who are stingy with time. To make time live up to you, first of all, you should live up to time. Instead of praising life in old age, it is better to struggle to postpone old age.

35. I don't regret everything I have done, including blindfolded belief in a person. If ten thousand arrows pierce my heart someday, I will admit it. But you should remember that after the injury, there is no forgiveness.

36. Lowly pleasing others will only lead to others' disregard. Only when you are strong can you gain the attention of others, and only when you are treated equally can you gain real respect.

37. Many years later, I will never say I love you again. I'm afraid I can't afford it and I'm afraid I don't deserve it. All my courage and determination were exhausted that autumn.

38. If you can't be together, don't give the other party any hope or hint. This is the greatest responsibility; It is the last gentleness to leave without disturbing each other and let them live in peace.

39. He doesn't like you. He just likes to be liked by you. Sometimes he is nice to you, but he is afraid that you don't like him, and he is afraid of losing the vanity of being loved by you. Like a dog running away, the owner will call its name.

40. Is it sentimental? When you fall in love and can't get it, does that kind of helplessness, that kind of despair, that kind of rejection all deserve it? Accustomed to dependence, what should I do when I want to leave?

41. The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming, and many sorrows are shrouded. The grave sweepers want to kill their souls, and the dead relatives are nowhere to be found. Looking back on how important life is, don't forget your friends' blessings. May you live every minute of your life well.

42. When you ask me what it feels like to give up a loved one, it's like a fire that has burned down your house for a long time. You squat in the distance and look at the debris. You know it's home, but you can't go back.

43. The Qingming Festival is full of love, and I miss you today; Asking how much lovesickness is, this feeling is deeper than the sea. The prosperous and brilliant spring is thick, and the blessings are also warming up today. I wish you good luck and always come, and how happy the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday is!

44. I don't want to be a good person anymore. I will do anything in love; I will haggle over every ounce in giving; I want to be the one who always turns around first. I don't want to be left where I am, and will be discarded everywhere like garbage.

45. Sometimes I feel really tired and I can't help feeling. Only through personal experience can I know that life itself has many helplessness, but there are also many unexpected things in life, good or bad, which always make people have expectations.

46. Living in a city, or loving someone, or doing something, for a long time, you will feel tired and have an impulse to escape. Maybe it's not something that people who love in this city insist on, but can't give themselves the courage to persist.

47. The ancients said that "people have joys and sorrows, and the moon has its ups and downs", which is the common sense of the world. In the face of a monument, a handful of loess, and a hanging of paper money, who can experience the sadness and sadness of "the son wants to be filial but the family is not there"? In the sound of the Qingming firecrackers that resounded through heaven, I wish my tears could penetrate into the soil, and my grief for my father could be gently conveyed!