Love parents
Stars and moons follow
2023-08-05 23:01:59

Kinship is a jar of old wine, sweet and mellow; Kinship is a famous painting handed down from generation to generation, beautiful and meaningful; Kinship is a classic old song, gentle and gentle. Familiarity is a topic that can never be talked about. Familiarity is feeling with heart.

After reading the book "Gratitude to Parents", I felt how great the love of parents was. It turned out that when facing life and death, parents always gave us the hope of life and left the pain of death to themselves. At the critical moment of life and death, we know how small we are and how great love is. I chose the article "Maternal love annotated with life" in "Gratitude to Parents" to say.

A mother raised two sons and three daughters in her life. After her father died, the three daughters unanimously asked the mother to choose one of the three for retirement. But the mother insisted on staying at her son's house. The two sons turned against each other to shirk their responsibilities, but less than ten days later, the eldest son heard that his mother still had more than 10000 bankbooks, and he resolutely took over the kiss. However, the second son also heard that he would take his mother to live there. The two fought each other again. Finally, the mother chose the poor family of her eldest son, and secretly gave the second son 2017 yuan to settle the matter.

At the eldest son's house, the eldest son is very unkind to his mother. He often misses his mother's money and often says some unpleasant words.

on one occasion. After being beaten by his eldest son, a bull hit his eldest son crazily. The eldest son dodged the impact of the bull. Just as he tried to whip the bull, the bull hit him again. The eldest son was knocked down, but before he got up, the cow hit him again. The eldest son rolled aside and shouted for help. When the mother heard this, she quickly got up from the bed, picked up the crutches and ran to the yard. At this time, the bull collided again, and the mother raised her crutch to hit the bull. The crutch flew more than 5 meters away, and the mother who lost her crutch fell down. With a dull roar, the cow lifted its mother and flung her more than 5 meters away. Mother's blood spurted out and her intestines came out.

The mother died like this. The eldest son was not filial to his mother, but the mother spared her life to save the eldest son.

Look! This mother is a selfless, great and tolerant mother. A mother can forgive her children for all their mistakes and their unfilial behavior. When we are young, we don't understand filial piety. Maybe when we are ready to be filial, we are no longer young. Some people, some things may wait until you understand, it is too late to make up. Cherish the things in front of you and the people in front of you!