Happy New Year, Warm Blessing Script, Happy New Year Blessing Script (90 selected sentences)
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2023-07-04 22:01:35
Complete sentences

1. I wish you a happy birthday, happiness and health.

2. Clean the hearth, send the Kitchen King, and the Kitchen King will send good luck to heaven; Sweep the dust, wash clothes and welcome the New Year clean; Cutting window decorations and pasting Spring Festival couplets surround Ruyi and auspiciousness. New Year is coming, I wish you happy, no trouble!

3. It's New Year! I wish you full of airs: I give you a blessing, a hope, a attachment, an installment, a sincere feeling, a waiting, a intoxication, a beautiful minute, a love, a longing, and I miss you very much!

4. When the new year comes, good luck will come.

5. Happy New Year! May your family be happy!

6. When the Spring Festival comes, clean the house, welcome the New Year and celebrate the festival; During the Spring Festival, we worship the Kitchen God, eat sugar, and pray for good luck; When the Spring Festival comes, you are busy shopping and buying New Year's goods. Happiness accompanies you; Wish you a happy New Year!

7. Wrap a lucky red envelope with lucky red paper; Brew a bottle of sweet red wine with a comfortable mood; With the happiness of reunion, round a warm little year; With sincere blessing, send a beautiful wish; Happy reunion, happiness and warmth often accompany!

8. When the Spring Festival comes, firecrackers will be set off and thousands of families will be very busy. Drink wine and eat fire. The Year of the Ox is coming soon. Happy family, happy life, wish you a better tomorrow. Wish: everything goes well in the New Year and a happy New Year.

9. The new year is coming. Clean the house and the outside. The windows are bright, old as new, and everything goes well. Congratulate the Kitchen God to welcome the Gospel and the Happy New Year. Happy New Year!

10. The more fragrant the wine is, the faster the festival moves. Clean the yard and sweep the dust. Cut flowers and paste couplets to worship the Kitchen God. Buy New Year's goods is busy, clockwork SMS friends see. I wish you a happy New Year and a happy reunion. Wish you a lot of money!

11. In the small year, the kitchen god praised the kitchen, wrote to the Jade Emperor, and gave you luck, health and safety, good luck, good luck, everywhere around, prosperous family, great fortune, good wife and son, many things, as well as blessings, wealth and treasure, good luck in the small year!

12. Everything is good when you send them good luck. When the Spring Festival comes, you will be happy and carefree.

13. When the Spring Festival comes, we should clean the house, welcome the New Year and celebrate the festival.

14. The Spring Festival trotted with good luck and fortune came. All the busyness was forgotten, and joy lingered around. New Year's Eve and Spring Festival were reported one after another. The reunion was so wonderful, and the mood must be adjusted well. Don't forget to bless and harass: every day is good!

15. When the Spring Festival comes, people laugh and there is much excitement at home and abroad. All the old and young went to war, and the kitchen and living room were busy cleaning. The window is clear and the heart is beautiful. We worship our ancestors and welcome our blessings. Blessing voice around, happy smile. I wish a happy New Year without troubles!

16. New Year's Day: give you the fire of "happiness", light the cannon of "happiness", give you the clothes of "happiness", put on the body of "happiness", give you the meal of "joy", welcome the "prosperous" year, give you "ten percent" money, light up the steps of "youth", and have a happy New Year!

17. The golden mouse will leave, and the ox will fly in the sky. There are many good things in the new year. The Kitchen God has a sweet mouth. He says good things for you. Happiness will always accompany you. Wealth will be happy, healthy and safe. He sees you every day. May you be happy for ten thousand years!

18. Make thick and happy syrup, fill it with heartfelt cooking candy, sing along with Xiaonian, and quietly come to you. You must taste it if it's not delicious, just stick you on for good luck, and don't forget to dip some blessing jam, dear friend, happy Xiaonian.

19. The walls of tall buildings glow and are decorated for the New Year. Wide windows are bright and bright, and beautiful flowers are placed. Husband and wife are busy shopping and shopping. There are a lot of mobile phones in the car, although I am very hardworking. I wish a happy New Year!

20. Missing shortens the distance, caring drives away the cold, New Year sweeps happiness, blessing warms the heart, mood prolongs happiness, mind throws away troubles, stamps collect auspiciousness, New Year fills good luck! Happy New Year!

21. Pick up the broom, sweep away the troubles of the year, stick the window grilles, and be full of the blessings of the year. Worship the Kitchen God, pray for good luck for the year, send a blessing, and convey the happiness of the year. When the New Year arrives, I wish you happiness and good luck!

22. Firecrackers will be set off in the New Year, and thousands of families will be really busy. Drink wine and eat fire. The Year of the Ox is coming soon. Happy family reunion, happy ballad elimination, and wish you a better tomorrow. Wish: everything goes well in the New Year and a happy New Year.

23. I wish you good luck in your new year, and happiness, longevity and health will last forever!

24. I wish you a happy Spring Festival and happiness!

25. When the new year comes, stick a window flower and stick the good luck of the year; Pick up the broom and sweep away the unhappiness of the year! Life has you, my family, I am the happiest! Life has you, my friend, I am the most contented!

26. The Great Wall will never fall. I want to say Happy New Year to you! The spring breeze has passed the Yumen Pass. I wish you a double salary! I miss my family every festival and get high bonus every month! Guilin's landscape is the best in the world, and all the money is under the pillow. Ha ha, I can steal joy every day!

27. New Year wishes you, good things follow you, supervisors attach importance to you, diseases avoid you, gas cars let you go, planes avoid you, lovers love you deeply, pain away from you, happiness follows you, and everything goes well with you!

28. When the New Year is coming, send a blessing to your mobile phone. It's my first New Year blessing. I wish you all the best in the new year!

29. The Spring Festival is prosperous, you can go to the bank every day, and you can go shopping every day. The tickets are beautiful, the gifts are bright, everyone has a bright smile, the beauty is in your heart, and the gifts are in your hands. I wish you a happy Spring Festival!

30. The 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month is a happy New Year. I bless you with all my heart and soul. I have no worries all my life. I am happy every year. I am respected for my words and deeds. I am happy once and for all. Eleven "one" words accompany you!

31. There are a lot of New Year goods when the New Year arrives. We can pack a basket of happiness, carry a bag of good luck, and succeed in a string. We can keep the whole box safe, keep healthy, and do good things. How can happiness disappear? The road is paved under your feet!

32. On New Year's Eve, I'll give you a table of dishes. I hope you have more than enough braised fish every year, nine layer cake, sweet scented osmanthus lotus root, spicy tofu and sweet sweet dumplings! Happy New Year!

33. Good luck in the Year of the Ox and good luck in the coming year. The sun shines on the earth in spring, and the world is full of happiness. One is to give you a healthy body stick, two is to give you a smooth life, and three is to give you happiness and good health. I wish you a happy New Year and a long friendship!

34. When Xiao Nian arrived, the Kitchen God reported to the Jade Emperor the situation of your family for one year. There are only four words: hardworking and simple. The Jade Emperor was delighted when he heard this. He ordered you to have good luck and good luck for a year. His family is kind and happy. He also wished you a happy New Year.

35. In the twinkling of an eye, Taurus will arrive; First shake the ox head, which indicates a good omen for the coming year; Let's swing the oxtail again. May your life be more wonderful; The cow body then danced, and all the troubles disappeared instantly. New Year's greetings are sent early. May you be happy and healthy! Happy New Year!

36. I wish you good luck in the Year of the Ox!

37. Hello, dear. Happy New Year! I wish my beloved friend happy every day and happy every life.

38. The sound of firecrackers sends the Kitchen God to pray for good luck. Red hot new year, paint a new house bright. The steed gallops near. The Year of the Snake is glorious and the Year of the Horse is glorious. Every year is better than every year. We are busy preparing dinner for the Year of Horse. Wish you a happy New Year!

39. It's New Year's Eve, so I'll pay you. Here is a card from Agricultural Bank of China for you. Here is a CCB card for you. I wish you a happy life and work. Here is a BOCOM card for you. I wish you a safe trip. Here is a BOC card for you. Wherever you are, I wish you all the best. Happy New Year.

40. More snowflakes will accompany you to count down the time, waiting for the arrival of happiness. More colors will accompany you to count the time, waiting for the arrival of happiness. The New Year is coming. I hope my blessing will bring you more warmth.

41. A civilized city is full of beautiful high-rise buildings. The lights are bright and beautiful, and the laughter is spreading. On the other side of the wine fragrance street, stop and look up at the wind. The people's living standard is high, and the Spring Festival party is a feast. Wish you a full house of friends!

42. When Xiao Nian comes to worship the kitchen, the kitchen god will bless him. The worship of ancestors is sincere, and drinks and tributes are in abundance. Clean the house and brighten the hall, and pray for more health in the New Year. Every year is better than every year, and everything is smooth and happy. Happy New Year!

43. From Xiaonian to Xiaonian, all worries and troubles give way; Happy New Year, everyone earns a lot of money; Xiao Nian is fast, everyone who sees the message looks handsome. Wish everyone a happy New Year!

44. The lights of the year will be extinguished gradually, and the glory of the year 20_ will set sail in the wind. I hope that the new flame will light a bright future for you, and that the new flame will light a happy tomorrow for you. I wish you a happy New Year in advance.

45. In the new year, the Kitchen God praised and wrote to the Jade Emperor to give you luck, health and safety, good luck, good luck, good fortune, good fortune, good wife and good son.