Nice, sad, personality, mood, signature
Flat Mirror Coast
2023-05-23 19:03:36
Complete set of signatures

1. Don't scold me as a dog. I only blame myself for being young and weak!

2. Wealth is not sad for a long time, life is meaningless!

3. Who hurts when the beauty is so thin.

4. The rain falls on the iron tower in Paris, and the traces have gradually worn away the system

5. When the rain stops and the wind is still, everything is so quiet

6. The rain is still, the wind is broken, everything is so quiet

7. How I wish I had your presence when I was in the rain

8. No matter how heavy the rain is, it also washes away the pain in my heart

9. The rain stopped in this crying day; How to speak without choking.

10. You give me a tear, and I see all the oceans in your heart

11. No laws, no restrictions, just one rule: never fall in love

12. In the world of love, there is no one who is sorry for others, only those who do not know how to cherish others.

13. Some feelings can't be held if you want to hold them. If love goes away, what will you keep

14. Once more and more far, now more and more near, the future I have not seen!

15. Really, some things are really out of sight and out of mind. It's better to have more than one thing!

16. Those who have been hurt will be more brave, because they know that the most painful thing is this.

17. If you treat my feelings as a game, I can't afford to play, let alone lose.

18. Youth is desperate, mature, rational and firm, and loses its original simplicity when growing up.

19. The beginning and end are just two ends of a line segment. There is a beginning and there will be an end.

20. Since you've been hurt, don't be fooled; Since you have loved, don't be obsessed.

21. Some people don't love you anymore, but they have nothing worth loving anymore!

22. Life is a miracle of nature. Why should we care about it?

23. Don't pay too much attention to those who are unable to take responsibility for you. If you pay too much attention, it will hurt the other party.

24. Not everything must be seen clearly. When the sandstorm comes, the way to protect yourself is to close your eyes!

25. I really like you. I closed my eyes and thought I could forget, but the tears I shed did not deceive me.

26. Drink three courses of tea. The first is bitter as life; The second way is sweet like love; The third way is as light as the breeze.

27. You can think that I am not very good, but I believe there will always be someone who thinks that I am so special.