Personal summary of college students
I didn't mean to fly a swallow into a dream
2023-06-13 17:39:10
Grade 3
Expository text

In this semester, I worked hard, became interested in all subjects, learned a lot of professional knowledge, enriched my brain, and got rich exercise, so that I could quickly adapt to the society and lay a solid foundation. In addition to studying textbook knowledge carefully in class, I also actively participate in various club activities in my spare time to improve my own quality; Actively participate in social practice activities, increase social experience, and prepare for entering the society in the future.
Time flies, and another semester has passed in the blink of an eye. In this semester, under the guidance of a good teacher, with the help of classmates and their own hard work, I basically mastered the professional knowledge I learned, and achieved good results at the end of the term, but also developed a good habit of taking learning and being a person seriously.
In terms of ideological cultivation, I have good moral cultivation and a firm political direction. I love the motherland and the people, firmly support the leadership of the Communist Party and the socialist system, abide by discipline and law, love public property, unite classmates, and be ready to help others. In the spirit of pragmatism and truth seeking, he enthusiastically participated in the public welfare publicity and patriotic activities of the school. Work conscientiously and steadfastly, and follow the world outlook of starting from reality.