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Pure old man
2023-01-25 21:05:17
Complete sentences

1. Girls can either be beautiful or work hard. If they are beautiful and work hard, they can pull a little.

2. I have traveled many roads and met many people. I can't make do with the quiet time.

3. If time can go back, I will turn around and leave when I meet you.

4. Let me tell you the secret of happiness, pretend to be happy, and finally you will forget that the happiness is fake.

5. Sleeping in spring and not knowing the dawn, yawning at the door, not sleeping at night, not waking during the day.

6. If possible, I hope I can be gentle and gentle, not full of anger, nor frown.

7. Love a person is too tired, so I love money. How can I go to heaven without money? How can I stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

8. If you are insane, the world will let you. If you think the whole world wants to let you go, then you are insane. Well, nothing wrong.

9. Loneliness is a bad cold with no medicine.

10. I want to be a hooligan in mind, a good girl in life, a tender girl in appearance, and a transformer in mind.

11. There is no peace of mind, which is naturally cool. It is clear that the whole person will be calm when the heart is cold.

12. Human nature is something that cannot be said, researched or tested.

13. I dare not approach, and I am reluctant to leave. I know it is impossible, but I still have to drag on like this. I can't see the result. When did I commit a sin? Now I want to die like this.

14. From long company to wine company, from I love you to I hinder you, from singing and crying to being able to put aside and abandon.

15. I am a person who thinks of old things, old things and old things, but I don't think of old people alone.

16. If nothing bad happens, you can never see the people around you.

17. He is young but weighs a lot. The balance is not much, but I want to buy a lot. All affectation and arrogance, roaring and depression are due to the lack of money and love.

18. There are two me in the world: one is good at communication, cheerful and generous, and the other is half dead and lonely.

19. The beautiful skin bag is dissolute, and the interesting soul is addicted to being single.

20. To your carelessness, to my self indulgence; From now on, you and I are strangers in the world, never to see you again.