2023 New Year Transcript Aesthetic Short Sentences 2023 New Year Transcript Sentences (140 selected sentences)
Light smoke and mist
2023-02-06 09:01:47
Complete sentences

1. Today is the last day of 2022. Adhere to the belief of treating life well, enhance the charm of personality, keep a long-term mind, keep an ideal in mind, and love life. 2023, let's go together!

2. In life, we will inevitably encounter frustration. Sometimes the plan in reality is just a part of the change, but we cannot lose our enthusiasm for life because of it.

3. I really had a different day in the New Year.

4. Countdown) Farewell to 2022 and welcome to 2023.

5. I hope that when I receive red envelopes for the Spring Festival, when I open them, it says "One more package"!

6. Hold up the glass in your hand, and kill the achievements of 2022. I wish you a warm wine, and we will be happy together. The farewell last year will record our efforts, the success of 2023, and remember our achievements. I hope that in 2023, we will continue to work hard, unite as one, and create miracles again.

7. Keep the happiness of 2022, remember the success of 2022, bid farewell to the frustration of 2022, get used to the pressure of 2022, accumulate the experience of 2022, support the popularity of 2022, strive for the new year of 2023, welcome the new look of 2023, set the goal of 2023 further, and make the achievements of 2023 more brilliant.

8. Without everyone's efforts, there will be no company's benefits. Without everyone's enthusiasm, there will be no 19's achievements. Success is the company's, and success is everyone's, and the company is everyone's home. I hope you will love your home, and our 2023 will be more prominent and brilliant.

9. It is another year of ups and downs, and next year is expected to be a calm year. Goodbye 2022, hello 2023!

10. This year, I feel loved. Alas, Lu Han is on Zhejiang TV, Wu Yifan is on Hunan TV, and Zhang Yixing is on Oriental TV.

11. Disappointment is probably that I said good night to you before going to bed, but you didn't reply, and still didn't wake up the next morning.

12. When you move forward, there are too many thorns. I hope you can overcome them all the way and finally reach the destination you want to go.

13. I hope you will work harder in 2023, and the company will prosper and you will be the most beautiful!

14. Put up an escalator where you need it most to help you climb. At the most critical time, a boat will help you swim in the blue ocean. I hope you and the company will work together, advance side by side, and work with one heart and one mind to create a brilliant future in the new year.

15. There is not much to gain, sum up, pay, encourage, feel, strengthen, experience, and think about. One prosperous year goes by, and 2022 goes by again. The new year is a new chapter and a new life, and 2023 is happy.

16. New Year's resolutions; I hope everyone in my heart will be fine.

17. I'm sleepy, but I don't want to sleep because you didn't say good night.

18. I wish you a new year: you don't get fat, you are the most beautiful in front of people; With money in hand, I am laughing in my dream.

19. Looking back to 2022, we will help each other at work and take care of each other in life. Please put these away quickly; I will continue our happiness and harmony in 2023. Wish us a happy cooperation and a better career in the new year!

20. 2022 is very powerful, life is happy without pressure, work is easy to be rewarded, my boyfriend is healthy and energetic, give me chocolates for Christmas, love to drink drinks with fruit grains, turn over the small desk calendar if you have nothing to do, spring is coming soon, 2023 is even more powerful! Come on!

21. I spent a year in a hurry, leaving the frustrations and hardships to last year; Bring back home with plenty of harvest, wind, frost, rain and dew create a bumper year; Sweet and honey is in the New Year, and we will have a happy New Year! 2023 Everyone will be reunited with happiness and good luck, and give our dear friends a 'good bye'!

22. This is the season of farewell. All the troubles of 2022 are polished; This is a time of transformation, and the hard work of 2022 will not be in vain! On the occasion of 2023, I wish you all the best and a happy New Year!

23. In the twinkling of an eye, we are busy with annual accounts and how much we have gained. We need to know that gains and losses are all blessings, and we will continue to be busy next year! On the occasion of the end of 2022, I sincerely wish my friends a happy mood and welcome 2023!

24. Tranquil happiness and open good luck make the New Year's flowers overflow; Walk freely and live comfortably, making the New Year interesting. Throw away your troubles, let your busy sleep, and wish you a happy New Year! Happy New Year's Day!

25. He may really like you, but this does not prevent him from liking others. In fact, the most regrettable thing is that I have never felt the feeling of being firmly chosen, just like he just needs it, and you just happen to be there. Hello 2023.

26. Go through 2022, gain some, feel some, grow some. It's time to sail for tomorrow, meet 2023, look forward to some, plan some, be excited, and rush again for the ideal. Year after year, life continues to move forward. I hope you will grow more and be happy.

27. A person can really grow up only if he is lovelorn once, fails once in his career, and makes a mistake in his choice at least once. So, don't be afraid to lose, everything is in time! Goodbye in 2022, and hello in 2023.

28, 2022 is going away, perhaps, I tired myself in the busy; Maybe, I lost myself in the pursuit; Maybe, in the boredom, I killed myself. However, don't care about all of this. Come on, 2023!

29 、 2023 Dear, we will be happier.

30. Fill your cup with the good wine of 2022, dry this cup of time, and let you forget all your sorrows; Fill your cup with the wine of 2023, drink this cup of wine, and wish you a grand future!

31. In the past year, we worked hard and explored hard, and achieved gratifying results. We hope you will continue to make persistent efforts to carry forward the spirit of hard work and reap the glory of this year! In the new year, come on!

32. No gifts will be accepted for the Spring Festival this year. Only local luxury money will be accepted.

33. It's almost 2023 in a twinkling of an eye. I hope you will stay with me in 2023.

34. 2022 has abandoned us, and the new 2023 has quietly arrived.

35. Time flies. On the last day of 2022, we should greet it with a smile, try our best to live each day, cherish every moment that belongs to us, and every day is brand new. On the last day of 2022, we should also refuel!