Writing in the middle of the night in the circle of friends (sending sad writing in the circle of friends in the middle of the night)
Sleeping in spring and not knowing the dawn
2023-06-29 04:06:08
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1. Don't wait for the wrong person, don't hurt the wrong heart. Some people are destined to be passers-by in life; Some things often make us helpless. It's better to face it calmly than to cry.

2. Don't give up someone you miss every day. Such a person will never meet several in his life. Even if we have to suffer a lot together, it will be over. The bitterness of life will fade with time. But the pain of losing a loved one cannot be washed away by time.

3. Maybe you don't know how many words I have to say behind my "Never mind" sentence. Anyway, since we have said goodbye, no matter how many words we have said, they will look pale and powerless.

4. Don't tell others that you have suffered today, and don't say anything to others, because it is useless to say it.

5. Once, I wanted to share all my secrets with you, but now, you have become my secret.

6. When people ask if they are doing well, they will try to smile and say "OK". In fact, only they can understand whether they are doing well. Some pain, destined to only hide in the bottom of my heart. Sometimes I really want to take out my heart and throw it out; Then he said, "Why do you hurt?"? A worthless thing.

7. Sometimes people are so contradictory that they put on masks, but they have to lift the masks of others.

8. There is no empathy in the world. If acupuncture does not reach you, you will never know how painful it is.

9. Don't wait for me to change before you say you miss me. When my heart is tired to a certain extent, I have no strength to be angry and worried.

10. If one day, I become heartless. Please remember, I used to be kind... If one day, I become indifferent. Please remember that I was once indifferent. If one day, I won't care about anything. Please remember, no one ever cared about me.

11. Don't wait for me to cry, to say how much you love. Don't wait for me to get tired before you say you are willing to wait for me. Don't wait for me to leave before you say how much you love me. It was too late

12. The most frightening thing about distance is that we are not sure whether the other party will miss you or forget you.

13. Don't contact, because your indifference told me to disturb you; Don't take the initiative, because it can't move you!

14. You should cherish the kind of person who takes the initiative to talk to you, chat with you, send you text messages, and even talks after you say "Hmm", because no one will be full to please a person they don't care about.

15. You know who you love most when you are drunk, and who loves you most when you are sick. Sometimes, the person who is most suitable for you is the person you least expect.

16. If one does not despair once, he will not understand what he cannot give up most, nor will he understand what true happiness is.