Famous sayings of Nan Huaijin The most classic famous sayings of Nan Huaijin (60 selected sentences)
everything is going smoothly
2023-05-02 15:44:46
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Life should live like this: Buddha is the heart, Tao is the bone, and Confucianism is the magnanimity of the world; You can live calmly in your body, in your hands, and in your mind.

2. From an academic point of view, since beauty and ugliness, good and evil are both man-made and relatively false, there is no absolute standard at all. Then, set up a model of good, and the good will be used by people, and become a shield for many evils.

3. I need good nutrition and enough rest before I can study hard. People ask me what I should do in isolation! Sleep? As soon as I enter the customs house, I will sleep for seven or eight days. I will not sleep any more. I will study hard once I sit down. Especially after eleven o'clock at night, you must sleep. If you sleep badly, you will be energetic.

4. Although in the "glory view", it is still indifferent and nihilistic, and does not change its original simplicity; Although Yan Ran is in the midst of prosperity, he is still detached from the outside world, and will not be tired by success, wealth and splendor. This is the way for those who have Tao to live.

5. The two most difficult things in life are money and life. As long as it is beneficial to the world and gives out all its life and property, this is giving. But this is too difficult. Although we can't do it, we should also aspire to it.

6. Only when individuals can enjoy loneliness can they understand life and realize a higher level of life.

7. There is no trace of antelope hanging horn, and the east wind is full of emptiness.

8. Learning is not words, nor knowledge. Learning comes from life experience.

9. Since I read Leng Yan, I don't read the world's dross books.

10. Who is the most beautiful in the world? Everyone sees himself as the most beautiful. He never tires of looking at himself in the mirror. He still likes to see old people. Ha! Are deceived by illusion.

11. The most important thing in life is to grasp the advantages and losses of advance and retreat.

12. To be a life, God and Qi are very important. Taoism talks about essence, qi and spirit. What is essence? As we have just said, don't be mistaken. The cells and energy of the whole body are essence, and the essence, qi and spirit should be integrated.

13. There are three basic mistakes that people cannot make: first, they are weak in virtue but respected in position; second, they are small in intelligence but big in strategy; third, they are small in strength but heavy in responsibility.

14. All phenomena are changing at any time. What are you catching!

15. There are worries about things that will last forever. The source of poverty has no reason to think about it. This heart returns to the truth like the sea, and does not make small streams to rivers.

16. After success and retirement, there are many romantic experiences. Only human hearts refuse to die, and they always want to grasp in the uncertainty. How pathetic that delusion violates nature!

17. Life, only in the hearts of people confused by desire, must distinguish between high and low. No struggle is the ultimate state of life.

18. A well-trained and knowledgeable person, though growing up from difficulties, is more compassionate and generous. Because he knows life and the joys and sorrows of the world.

19. In learning, we should not be afraid of loneliness and desolation. Only with this spirit and attitude can we talk about learning.

20. It is not enough to read only positive history, but also novels. The so-called history, often people's names, places and time are true, the content is not reliable; In novels, names, places and times are false, but the story is often true.

21. Standing upright without suffering, greed will come into being without suffering, life will be easy without suffering, and arrogance will rise without suffering

22. Stand up and don't ask for freedom from danger. If you don't have danger, greed will grow; It is not difficult to live in the world, and it is necessary to be arrogant and extravagant; Seeking things is not easy to achieve, but ambition is contemptuous when things are easy to achieve; Virtue does not seek for retribution, while virtue seeking retribution means something.

23. I don't cheat people all my life, but I'm not willing to be broken into pieces. But she couldn't help feeling embarrassed.

24. People who can control the morning can control life. If a person can't even get up early, what do you expect him to do that day?

25. The wisdom of prajna includes five kinds, namely the so-called five prajnas. The first kind is the prajna of reality, the second kind is the prajna of realm, the third kind is the prajna of writing, the fourth kind is the prajna of convenience, and the fifth kind is the prajna of family members. The five connotations are Vajra Prajna.

26. People can't live without knowledge. What's the use of drilling into the horns of an ox just for learning? We don't approve of such knowledge.

27. The real cultivation is to restore oneself to the lively and innocent life in childhood, which will be clean.

28. Most people believe in religion by focusing on the form, and most of them seek the results of nothing with the heart of gain.

29. Anyone in the world can only do three things in his life. He either deceives himself or others, or he is deceived by others. Do you think people in the world can escape from these three things? If you can escape from these three categories, you will jump out of the three worlds.

30. Parents have tens of billions of dollars, can they help their children buy a smart mind? Can't do it! Wisdom is not something that can be exchanged for wealth or worldly merit, but it is something that needs more lives to accumulate merit.