Student anti epidemic positive energy sentence
Empty man, empty world
2023-03-06 05:03:31
Complete sentences

1. Scientific response to mass prevention and control to defeat the epidemic.

2. Go out less and stay at home more Online Happy New Year to everyone!

3. Those who share the same desire win, and those who work together in the same boat win.

4. Strong protection, no panic, no rumors.

5. Get medical treatment as soon as you have symptoms, and do not panic or spread rumors.

6. We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

7. Reject game. Illness comes from the mouth. Remember the lesson

8. Pay attention to your own health and do a good job of self-protection

9. Pneumonia virus does not recognize people, everyone has the responsibility to protect!

10. Never take it lightly or stay out of it.

11. Viruses are not separated from love, and pestilence demons have no lovers.

12. Wear a mask: prevent thousands of masks, the first mask!

13. Wearing a mask is a blessing! If you don't visit, you will be lucky!

14. Strengthen joint prevention and control, and implement epidemic prevention and control responsibilities according to law!

15. We will prevent and control the epidemic in a scientific and orderly manner in accordance with the law and resolutely curb its spread.

16. People's health is above everything, and the fight against epidemic situation will be won.

17. We must work together in the same boat to overcome difficulties and hardships, and we must move forward hand in hand in prevention and control.

18. No one is an outsider in this war without gunsmoke.

19. No matter how difficult we encounter, we will share the hardships together.

20. Everyone is working hard in this "battle" against time

21. Thank you for the heroes who fought for this epidemic, and wish everyone can come back safely!

22. A brave man is not one who cannot feel fear, but one who conquers fear.

23. Take care, wish peace, health and success. A blessing, happiness and auspiciousness.

24. May everything be well, may everything be safe, may the disease be overcome as soon as possible, and may the health be restored as soon as possible.

25. Keep watch and help each other to fight against the epidemic. Caring and caring can see the truth. Keep watch and help each other to overcome difficulties, and the truth can be seen even more in times of crisis.

26. We all need catalysts to activate and open our own cause. The part closed for three reasons.