The sentence of losing the baby's heartbreak
have experienced all sorts of hardships
2023-07-30 16:03:53
Heartbreaking Sentences

1. Pigs and dogs are not as good as beasts! Just because of a small scratch, there were seven consecutive collisions, and a child of four and a half years old was gone... This scum is really inhumane and unworthy of being a human!

2. It's funny that your mother has lost her child. In the process of pain, she doesn't want to ignore her child's pain, but let the network platform bear the responsibility. The children are so pathetic.

3. This weekend, a heartbreaking thing happened. It was more than nine o'clock on Friday night, my husband received a call from his cousin in Beijing, saying that he could not buy a train ticket to let him drive home overnight. His daughter, who is more than one year old, was in the intensive care unit, and was in an emergency! My husband went out without saying anything. At about noon the next day, he received a phone call saying that the child was gone, and that he could not bear to see the child lying in the mortuary. The parents of the child were all at a loss. He helped comfort them and also considered a comprehensive arrangement for the future. There are many relatives in my hometown. My husband was responsible for seeing people off at both ends of the hospital two days on the weekend, and bought a new suit for the child before he was buried.

4. The child had been brought up by her grandmother in Beijing with her daughter-in-law. Recently, because her daughter-in-law had just been pregnant with a second child, she asked her grandmother to take her home. It was only half a month ago. She said that the child twitched because of a high fever and a cold. Within ten minutes, she had no breath. She was sent to the hospital and was not rescued. The initial diagnosis was that the trachea was blocked due to diphtheria infection. The father wanted to remove the body and further investigate the cause, The husband stopped him and said that the child was so small and was taken by his grandmother. He was not angry before going to the hospital. At least he ruled out the responsibility of the hospital. It was unnecessary to investigate the responsibility of the child or grandmother, which would only increase contradictions.

5. The tram I just bought was stolen yesterday, and half a month's salary was lost again. What should I do to send my children to school

6. Why don't you go there and smash it, and then claim compensation, saying, "Why is the good child gone?"

7. Today last year, when you were in the intensive care unit, I stayed up all night and tried to find your voice with my ears. I was carrying your sister for three months in my belly, crying crazily. I saw a "packed" child at the door, disappeared, and disappeared at the end of the corridor. I was afraid. I didn't know how long you could be my child, and who I would be a mother to, A year has passed, and you are healthy around. For the rest of your life, you will be grateful and happy. I am the mother of two children.

8、 Today, I lost some textbooks. I don't know why they disappeared. This time, I got the worst grade in the exam. I was a little doubtful whether I was not suitable for this way of study. The whole person was silent. These wonderful people made me happy. I always met such people. It's really an honor to work hard not to fall down again. Don't let parents down. Don't let children down Don't let yourself regret not having lost the toy! Things that are not satisfactory will pass

9. I can't imagine such a small child without a driver. It's so disgusting. I'm sorry not to shoot him. The dead child cried

10. I didn't say that the girl was gone when I saw her before. I feel powerless. If I want to tell her to live a good life at the scene, I will probably be very pale if I can speak out. Now I hope her family is fine. I don't know what will happen next.

11. Love is my spiritual pillar, and kinship is my responsibility. Take one of the two. Responsibility is greater than everything. Responsibility for parents and children. Without love, life is just lacking some color, so sketch it!

12、 The Tomb of Fireflies is an anime that I shed tears at the beginning. I look back and forth through the soul of brother and sister in the form of flashback. Many people blame my brother for not taking care of my sister and not looking for a job to earn food. But in the era of war and strife, there were no relatives. Two children went to depend on each other for their lives. It was not easy. Even if it was his brother, he was also a child. He had tried his best to give his sister the best The laughter after the air raid fled to someone's house and waited for the air raid to steal food made people sad. He was all for the sake of Jie Zi's sister, who was his pillar, and Jie Zi was a sensible child. His brother had been hiding the news of his mother's death, but she had already known that his mother slept in the tomb but didn't make any noise. The scenes after Jie Zi's death were filled with tears when his brother was away When I'm full and bored, I look at my own shadow in the river. Scissors, stone cloth. At night, I sew clothes, prick my hands, and bleed. I just lick them without crying

13. After watching this movie, the only wish is world peace and no war. I hope all children will be happy and healthy

14. After watching us later, we cried bitterly and touched the yearning story in our hearts. There are so many moving feelings in the world, but there is still a romantic feeling like yearning for Qiongyao in my heart. I dare not write about love. It seems far away from me. I can only use the word "feeling" instead. I thought that in those days, my appearance was as beautiful as jade. Now, for the sake of my family and children, I have no skin, no body and no face. I thought of my mother's beautiful and innocent appearance when she was young, but now she is 50 years old and can't see the shadow of her youth. I can't imagine what my future 50 years old will be like. It's another tragic end

15. There is one that is getting better and better. Who said that boys are becoming more and more unloved in a relationship? It's nonsense. In recent years, there has been no girl's delicate feelings. Maybe it is because I have been in a sense of security. I am getting better and better. I am getting more and more intelligent