Master Yancan's classic micro blog quotes
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2023-07-03 23:28:26

1. In life, we often face some people who disagree with each other. What we need is a gentle and silent attitude. The tip of a needle is never the best strategy for Maimang. Wake up quickly, the world is everyone's and the society is everyone's, no one is making trouble for you, why don't you live out of that third field.

2. Life is not a design. There is no fixed melody. A strong heart can turn difficulties into nothing. An open-minded heart can make life happy. Don't let troubles grow into towering trees. Years of happiness and hardship make all troubles just drizzle. It really needs your heart to have a certain height to cross the railing of fate.

3. As an old Chinese saying goes, literati are indifferent to each other for thousands of years. I changed a few words to describe the religious world, which means that the religious world has feuded and criticized each other for thousands of years. A person who goes to Jianghu to perform arts and sell plasters is to hate each other through the ages, which is equivalent to saying that his peers are enemies in business. The first thing to learn Buddhism is to learn modesty. For example, Monk Jijing, who has already achieved success, still pretends to be crazy and makes others look down on him.

4. It is a common saying that people should forgive others when they have to forgive others. It is better to forgive those misunderstandings than to simply quarrel. It is also a common saying that people should forgive others. It is not others but themselves who are ugly.

5. The little apprentice suddenly asked a question, Master, do you think my future achievements will be different if I study hard? I told him that even if you can go to heaven and earth, in the end, you are still a plain stuffed bun. What can make you different?

6. Good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil, which cannot be offset and diluted. Human feelings can be diluted, but the laws of the universe cannot be diluted; Just as darkness and light can not be neutralized, the same truth. Karma is the natural law of the universe, not superstition, and no one is the master. Heaven will return the favor.

7. Life needs to be understood and its true meaning understood. Live with a smile and a happy mood. More sunshine, health, happiness and warmth. The world is not warm, but your heart is warm. Live a simple life. Life is about looking at the years and books.

8. Many people become more worried as they learn Buddhism. Why? My delusions are so terrible that I desperately want to get rid of them, but I can't get rid of them, so I'm worried and miserable. Buddha is here to tell you that there is no need to give up without taking or giving up?

9. The mood is always rising and falling every day. Don't blame the imperfection of life. In fact, it's no big deal. History doesn't care about what you do in the world, or what you gain or lose, or what you achieve. At best, it's a small fish in the long river of history. My joys and sorrows are just a common ups and downs.

10. Life is a fate. Cherish those who pass by, and they will be nowhere to find. Maybe they will hope to meet again at the corner of their destiny, which is just a hope. Today is good, you are good. Look at the vast and boundless world.

11. Everyone is a traveler of life. Go from worry to open-minded. Don't think how stubborn your problems are. Time will prepare you with whatever medicine you have. The more stubborn you are, the more sad you will be. The treatment period has been prolonged and you are asking for trouble.

12. In life, no matter what you are willing to bear or what you are willing to avoid, it is unnecessary to live so heavy, and even more unnecessary to live so complex. Recognize all the troubles, in a word: just suddenly. The best way is to suddenly forget and live a relaxed life.

13. When we are alive, we will meet each other in a hurry. Meeting is fate, knowing is fate, knowing is also fate. But fate comes like a dream, and fate goes like the wind. What can be put down is a good fate, and what cannot be put down is also a disaster. I was already trembling, but the monkey came to make trouble and forgot the words.

14. What is liberation? Don't let the feeling get in the way, then you will be at ease. Learning the Tao without the taste of the Tao, I feel that I am very ordinary. Even if I become a Buddha, I am also very plain. Plain is the Tao, plain is the Buddha dharma. Don't make yourself look like a Buddha. Strange, strange, different from ordinary people, that is not plain, that is a bit obsessed.

15. A troubled heart, let us use white head to redeem this life, even if we continue the obsession of the previous life, look up and see the sky, what should be scattered, what should be far away. All you can leave behind is another false love in the next life.

16. Ye Zhiqiu, through the ups and downs of the world, and the inconstancy of the world, who can endure the torment of these years, just a few years of life, now it is autumn again. If life is an accumulation, it is better to say that life is a silence. Life is just like the countless falling autumn leaves, which go round and round. Autumn is neither the beginning nor the end, it is a cycle, it is reincarnation.

17. On the road of life, everyone may be worried about gains and losses. They are always helpless and forced. We must believe that patience is a kind of strength. What if we endure for a while and take a step back. The sea is still wide and the road is still long. It's no harm to sit on the road and have a rest for a while. Let's forget the unpleasant things. Remember that a lifelong injury is itself a repeated injury.

18. A young man sent a text message to tell me about his troubles. The young man told me that his major was a veterinarian. After graduation, he was very upset when he talked about people and people. I told him that veterinarians are also doctors, so there is no need to inferiority complex. If you go out for blind dates in the future, you should talk about strategy when introducing yourself. You can say that you are the relevant department of the medical institution. Good luck.

19. Everyone's life is nothing but an experience. The scorching years, the attitude of gain and loss, the open mind is an appreciation, the open mind is a torture. All things, whether they are passing by or like a dream, if you think about retaining, you will certainly get the tears in your eyes. The real face of trouble is in the sigh.

20. The little apprentice suddenly asked me a topic. What are you most afraid of, middle-aged and old people like you? I told him that I was most afraid of death. If I died, you would not like to study. I would stare at you. The little disciple asked, what is your greatest legacy? I told him that it was you who lived well, but I didn't die.

21. When life is good, learn to tell yourself that this is the buffer of life's twists and turns. In times of adversity, you should also tell yourself that this is the time to temper your mood, to study hard in life, and to read so many micro blogs at ordinary times. This is the time to test your academic achievements. This time in life, you are ready.

22. Have more responsibilities in life. It doesn't matter whether your temper is big or small. Don't be too stingy. Have fun with happy things and forget unhappy things. Peace of mind is the essence of life. How embarrassing it is to pull and talk, which makes a group of monkeys come to watch. How difficult it is to see, please apologize to everyone.

23. We know that worry is a kind of devil, life and death is a kind of devil, and desire is a kind of devil. From the standpoint of monasticism, all are evil states. Even if a person loves the beautiful realm and likes mountains and forests or cities, it is magic realm if he is persistent. It is not easy to really jump out of the magic net.

24. Life is like a letter, everything will pass, and no one can draw an indelible trace in the age. Whether you are high spirited or plain and lonely, you will be included in the dust of history. Flowing clouds over thousands of mountains is a dream. As long as it is not covered by the troubles of life, living is a smile.

25. Life can have no height, but it must have an attitude. The attitude of life is open-minded, tolerant, calm, happy and happy. A young apprentice told me that there were mountains outside the mountains and people outside the people. It was not easy to squeeze into Yao Ming's side, and he almost showed his head. High, really high.

26. Everyone hopes that his life will be smooth, but always wishful thinking. Whether in work or in life, the mistake is not the trouble itself, but our attitude towards trouble. A mild, a burden, allowing the existence of trouble, it is as an episode of life, forgive once, relaxed once.

27. As far as Buddhism is concerned, all human physiological diseases are mostly caused by psychology. The so-called unhealthy mind, impure mind, and sickly body result. What is purification? It is pure mind that is free from delusions and distractions, and absolutely pure. There are delusions, distractions and troubles, which are caused by emotions and sorrows. There are many diseases mentioned in it, all of which are about our psychological and behavioral problems.

28. Life can have no height, but it must have an attitude. The attitude of life is open-minded, tolerant, calm, happy and happy. A young apprentice told me that there were mountains outside the mountains and people outside the people. It was not easy to squeeze into Yao Ming's side, and he almost showed his head. High, really high.

29. Therefore, the Buddha Dharma may not be in a quiet place on a high mountain or in a temple. The true great Bodhisattva may not have a word of Buddha in his mouth. Don't look at the world and people in the form of religion. There are Bodhisattvas everywhere in the society, even among dogs, cattle and horses.

30. Understand the nature of life, and it is not smooth at all. The taste of life inevitably has twists and turns and bitterness. No matter how you live, it is the best policy to cope with the past. How about bending over, how about forgetting, how about lowering your head. The world is still that world. Difficulties are just an episode of life, and never the main theme of life. Many things in life, do not think eight or nine, often think one or two.

31. Buddhists who become monks at home should pay attention to "not giving up the dharma". It would be wrong to learn Buddhism in order to give up the method of leaving the world. Therefore, we should also remember that we have repeatedly quoted the words of the Sixth Patriarch, "The Buddha is in the world, and never leaves the world. Looking for Bodhi after death is just like asking for a rabbit's horn.".

32. I don't like to keep secrets. In my hands, I am open, and my thoughts are also my wishes. The Tao is the justice of the world, and the law is the public law of the world. If you are predestined and confident, take it yourself; Without predestination and confidence, if it is passed to you alone, you will not succeed.

33. Since all beings are Buddhas, can they not practice? No, for example, if you dig a gold mine, but it is not gold, it is useless. You must practice melting, remove impurities, and refine it into pure gold. Only then can it be valuable. Gold is not produced by melting, but is originally stored in the mine. After removing other impurities, gold is left behind.

34. Everyone's life is full of ups and downs. Forgive others' mistakes and weaknesses. Everyone may have scars in life. Tolerance is also a kind of strength, but also a kind of confidence. It has nothing to do with compassion.

35. It's not easy to live in the world. Don't eat your troubles. Your happiness is the real world. Little apprentice asked me, what did you realize, Shifu. I told him that many years later, he would not come to my grave empty handed, but at least take some apples.

36. There are naturally many shortcomings in life. It's not that you feel helpless. Don't let other people's voices interfere with your attitude towards life. Don't conflict with resentment forever. Looking back, all troubles are just trivial.

37. In life, we need to be strong and responsible in the loss, as well as generous in sharing difficulties and mistakes with friends. If you spend all your life entangled in troubles, suffering in entanglement, struggling in pain, it is really a misreading of life.

38. The little apprentice asked me an international question. Master, why did Putin cry when he was elected as a senior official. I told him that, simply speaking, it was the wind blowing in a cold day. It was complicated and difficult. The tears of an old man were inexplicably complicated, but I didn't know who I hated when I saw the wet tears.