Comments on the Korean film The Gift of Room 7
Drunken Beauty Knee
2023-10-04 09:01:00

A friend recommended me to watch this movie. For various reasons, I delayed watching it until today. It may have been delayed for nearly a month. I will watch this movie as soon as I can steal some time today. To be frank, I don't like watching Korean dramas, so at the beginning I watched them with the idea of watching them at random, but I really felt a lot after watching them.


I have always been very impressed with the plot of misunderstanding others. For example, I have seen the "three strikes of white bone spirit" in Journey to the West, the "three drives of Fan Lihua" in Mountain and Sea, and the experience of children in Xishuangbanna, which made me cry. Or, some people think it is incredible. In fact, I don't know whether it is because of some of my own experiences or my own personality. The film I saw today also made me feel a little heartache. Suddenly, I felt a little fragile, but it was much better than before.

I think the focus of this film is to express the appeal for judicial justice and the great praise for fatherly love. I will not talk about these for the moment. I want to dissect human nature first.

The hero in the story is just a mentally handicapped person, but the police officer uses his shortcomings to frame him; Use his great father's love to make him admit the crime that does not belong to him, just to solve the case as soon as possible. What are our people doing? The heckling and accusation that he thought he knew the situation undoubtedly increased the hero's fear of society. In all kinds of reviews, there are meetings like "Munich Conference", and the decision is made before the parties have attended. Because people's selfishness, darkness and self righteousness make the tragedy happen.

However, let's take a look at those "criminals" in prison. Are they criminals? Yes, but they are more worthy of being noble people. When they saw the man's punishment, they were angry first, which showed that they had not lost the most basic human nature, and then they helped him again and again after understanding the situation. Isn't it a great thing? Do we have to reflect on today's human indifference? Need to learn?

Human nature needs to be anatomized, especially today we really need to anatomize ourselves. Is our excitement really right? And how many people will be misled by the news that the media listen to the wind and rain?

Human nature aside, it's time to talk about justice. In the film, I have to say that thanks to the goodness of his nature, he finally cleaned up his grievances. If it was not a coincidence that he saved the head of the prison and the section chief, how could he have "good luck" later? Do we have to rely on luck to ensure the authority of the judiciary and redress grievances in the future? This is obviously not feasible. We must solve the problem from the source and guarantee it from the system. I think the laws of South Korea are more perfect than those of China. If there is such a thing, what about China? How can we ensure normal legal demands? When people and officials fight, will the lawyers assigned by the court ensure fairness? In the face of the questions raised by the General Manager himself, I can't answer them. After all, I'm not a professional and lack of analytical ability. But shouldn't we think about it?

I don't like being misunderstood, and I don't like being wronged. In fact, this is the real fragile place in my heart. Maybe no one can recognize it, but my heart always feels a sense of heartache. I hope we can calm down before we know the truth. Please treat suspects with judicial prudence. Misunderstandings or unjust cases are inevitable, but at least we should try our best to reduce them. If we encounter them, we should correct them in time to reduce injuries.

At the end, another familiar story is told: when a student of Confucius was cooking porridge, he found something dirty fell into the pot. He quickly picked it up with a spoon, and was about to throw it away when it occurred to him that porridge and rice are hard won. So he ate it. Confucius happened to walk into the kitchen and thought he was stealing food, so he taught the classmate who was responsible for cooking. After explanation, everyone suddenly understood. Confucius said with great emotion: "What I saw with my own eyes is not true, let alone hearsay?"

Seeing is not necessarily true, but listening is more important. This is the end of my reading!