Short sentences to encourage yourself in the new year
simple but elegant
2023-03-26 05:19:30
Complete sentences

1. There is only a small tail left in the last month of the year. See you in 2020. Hello, 2021. Please treat me well!

2. Apart from tears, time is the only thing that can wash everything away. The longer the time goes by, the lighter the conflict will be, just like the tea that is constantly diluted.

3. Be merciful because you know; Because I know that there are so many people who have no regrets and are willing.

4. The most beautiful life is a process, and its significance lies in the endless pursuit, thus enriching and meaningful.

5. Dreams do not abandon those who pursue hard. As long as you do not stop pursuing, you will bathe in the glory of dreams.

6. Without you, the earth revolves like the earth. Every morning when I get up and look up, the sun in the sky still rises. Goodbye 2020, and hello 2021.

7. People who are fascinated by mountain flowers and weeds will never reach the peak of infinite scenery. 2020, goodbye; Hello 2021!

8. Where there is ideal, hell is heaven; Where there is hope, pain becomes joy.

9. Don't cater to anyone. You are also a beautiful scenery. There is no need to live in the eyes of people who don't have you in mind. Be yourself, and someone will come for you.

10. Dear self, there is a unique you in the world. Even if no one knows how to appreciate you, you should love yourself, relax, and be the most authentic yourself.

11. We have played too many roles to please others, but we are unwilling to do so. It is better to be the most authentic ourselves and wait for the right person.

12. Dear self, don't hold on to the memories of the past. The kite with broken lines can only let it fly, let it go, let it go, let it go, let it go.

13. Life is too short and the future is very long. I can have deep feelings for 2020, but I am still looking forward to 2021 with infinite possibilities!

14. You don't need to be a person who likes others, but you must be a person who likes you, not pandering to, not kitsch.

15. Standing at the end of 2020, I also want to give you these eight words: clear the past, love and hate at will!

16. Those who lose money lose little, those who lose health lose much, and those who lose courage lose everything.

17. Learn to control your emotions, no one owes you, so you have no reason to lose your temper with anyone.

18. I hope you will do everything from beginning to end, find what you love, and stick to it all the time. Don't do nothing again, and have your own pride and confidence.

19. The years are not long or short, because you never know who will come first, but it is worth working hard and waiting for the flowers to bloom.

20. As long as your heart is not chaotic, it is difficult for the outside world to change you. Don't envy others, don't lose yourself. In 2021, refuel~

21. At the end of this year, when the busy time is approaching, looking at the crowds in front of me, I am suddenly full of expectations for the new year.

22. Don't be afraid to do something, to touch the scene, to say the wrong thing, to think of the past, and to face the future.

23. The more busy, the fewer complaints. Optimistic people never feel tired. People are tired when they live. In fact, they are tired.

24. Even if I run last, at least I am athletic. And I will certainly finish the whole race, as long as I reach the end, I will succeed!

25. In the new year, all unhappiness and hatred should be dissipated. Let's welcome the new year together.

26. At the moment of welcoming the arrival of the new year, I feel empty in my heart and am not happy at all.

27. Gentle weather, bright sun, full moon, beautiful scenery on a beautiful day and a good New Year. Sing songs all the year round, and play flute in the Year of Pig.

28. Make yourself beautiful and live well every day, because every day is a limited edition and cannot be copied.

29. Sweet words send you sweet greetings. May these sweet words accompany you to welcome the new year!

30. Farewell is the end and the beginning, pain and hope. Each farewell has a story behind it, and one farewell after another constitutes all the states in the world.

31. Since you have chosen a distance for your dream, there is no way back. Therefore, they either died in battle or returned home in confusion. 2021 is expected to be better.

32. What is out of reach is not ten years later, but before today. What is within reach is tomorrow. I wish I could wake up and be myself again.

33. Warm tip: Your baby has been with you for another year. In the new year, if you need to renew, please pay in time.

34. Happy New Year's Eve. If you cross it, I will not cross it. I'm afraid my legs are too long. One cross will lead to 2021.

35. In our life, we always carry some of our own dreams, some of others' expectations, and some of our own missions and responsibilities.

36. In the New Year, I wish that people would be thinner and their wallets would be drummed. I hope they won't make any mistakes again. Last year, they corrected me.

37. Health does not necessarily lead to longevity, and infirmity does not necessarily lead to short life. The most important thing is to know how to cherish life.

38. Another year of ups and downs, and next year is expected to be a calm year. Goodbye 2020, hello 2021!

39. May all the good things come as scheduled, all the things you want and all the things you can't get be relieved. See you in 2020, hello in 2021!

40. I hope this wish I send you is the freshest and most unforgettable. Happy New Year and all the best!

41. The year is slow and fast. If it is good, it is wonderful. If it is bad, it is experience. In 2021, we will strive to pursue the poetry and distance we want.

42. Goodbye, 2020! Hello, 2021! As long as we do our best, anyone can become his own hero.

43. The bell of the New Year has already rung, and I hereby make a small wish that the new year will be without regrets.

44. I hope that in the coming year, you know where you want to start and where you want to go in the end, just as they said, never forget your original intention.

45. This season, I miss you most. Let the wind carry your best wishes and fill your sweet dreams. I wish you a more brilliant and brilliant new year!

46. It is plain, smooth and profitable. What is rare is the courage to continue after setbacks. Come on!

47. Everything you want to control actually controls you. When I thought about it later, it seemed true. In 2021, refuel~

48. I hope that this year is a little better than the previous year. I hope that your part is due to me.

49. Frustration will come and pass. If you fall, you can rise again. If you fail, you can work hard again. You will always believe that no matter how ordinary you are, you will have your own happiness.

50. For those who have lost, gained or injured, I hope you will overlook everything in 2021. Everything will follow the fate. Don't worry about it.

51. The most important things in life are character and health. With these two things, you will be very rich. 2021 is expected to be better.

52. Luck is beckoning to you, and tomorrow luck will come to you; Book a meter of sunshine and put it into the heart. Hello 2021!

53. Basketball is my life. I fight for my dream. 2020, goodbye; Hello 2021!

54. Tomorrow is the first working day of the New Year. When the sun rises in the east, I hope I can adjust my mind and make a good start with the new atmosphere of the New Year.

55. I hope that in the new year, I will become more mature, be more strict with myself, be what I want to be, follow the steps of my heart, and live a colorful life.

56. Live each day abundantly and look at each day happily. Goodbye to 2020 and hello to 2021.

57. Don't think so much about the things you decide to do. It's important to live a full life. Try to be yourself.

58. The reason why a great man is great is that when he is in adversity with others, they lose confidence, but he is determined to achieve his goals.

59. I don't care that you hate me. I don't live to please you. To the dying 2020!

60. There is only one kind of success in the world, which is to spend your life in the way you like. See you in 2020, come on in 2021!

61. May each of you continue to evolve into a better self and strive to write a different and wonderful future.

62. All the regrets in the past are the foreshadowing of the surprise of 2021. I hope that what you strive for will be as you wish in the end.