Experience of the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China in 2022 (Experience of the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China)
Storm Harvard Road
2023-04-24 22:34:15
Complete sentences

1. It is the seventieth anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China. During these seventy years, New China has undergone earth shaking changes.

2. Now, not only the transportation has become convenient, but also people have become very convenient to drink water.

3. My motherland is a majestic dragon in the East, a powerful country in the world for economic and cultural development, and that is the great China.

4. My Experience of Praising the Motherland on the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China in 2022

5. Motherland, you not only bring us warmth, but also provide us with convenience.

6. People's eyes are like a camera. Grandpa lives in the countryside, and his eyes capture the changes in the countryside. Grandpa said that he was just ten years old when New China was founded, which was the time to remember things. He told me about the changes of clothing, food, housing and transportation in the countryside that he took pictures of.

7. Now, the bus is running in front of my house. If I have to go to the fair, I think: I have to hurry to make lunch after catching the fair.

8. I decide to study hard and study abroad in the future. The day I return from my studies will be the day I repay you!

9. The motherland, like our mother, provides us with warm hugs and creates convenient and fast conditions for us. As your child, I want to repay you!

10. On the map of the world, there is a "cock" called China; Chinese people with 5000 years of Chinese history live in this territory. Our whole class is excited about the National Day these days. Why? Because the motherland is 70 years old.

11. Work hard! Fight! Students, let us rise in the east of Asia and revive in the east of the world!

12. Understanding and experience of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in 2022

13. As Chinese people, as Chinese people, I am proud of my motherland, proud!

14. The motherland, you have changed, whether in economy, culture or transportation, has undergone earth shaking changes. We are deeply worried and grateful for your changes.

15. Having said these things, Grandpa felt his beard and sighed deeply. Then he said happily, "It's better to build a new China and lead the reform and opening up, so that China's rural areas will be changed dramatically. We now enjoy the happiness."

16. In my grandfather's generation, people opened doors to mountains, raised their heads to slopes, and stepped to ridges. My grandparents carried things to the market in the county. They had to walk for hours on foot alone. When they got home after selling things, it was almost dark.

17. In my father's time, people in the village spent money to build a road together, which made it much more convenient. People can still cook dinner when they come home from the market.

18. In addition, there are mobile phones, televisions, and the Internet. You provide us with countless convenient transportation.

19. Motherland, how many ups and downs have you experienced? Maybe this is just a simple historical process in the eyes of outsiders, but it is great and unyielding in our Chinese people's minds!

20. The motherland, you have changed, you are no longer as poor and vulnerable as before, you are constantly moving towards prosperity and prosperity.