26 modern romantic love verses
Peach Blossoms Still Smile in Spring
2023-02-16 19:54:45
Complete Poems

1. If you give me a tear, I can see the ocean in your heart.

2. I will use my heart to accompany you and protect you for a lifetime.

3. I want to love a person, is to abandon everything, only willing to stay with her determination.

4. How bitter love is, how painful love is. Only those who have experienced it can make it clear.

5. I want to be the loneliest light, which can be used to shape the strongest self after you leave.

6. Let go of Acacia and live happily every day. It's hard to see Miss Jun. I believe we will meet by chance.

7. The thin shadow slants horizontally, and the faint fragrance floats. Listen to the wind singing, shake off a season of sadness, look forward to you, come on the snow.

8. The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but when I stand in front of you and you don't know that I love you.

9. In the dusk, that one is transparent. Jasmine scented cheeks meet the warm sun. Bloom in the snow, amazing that smile.

10. If love is a belief, do I close my hands. If love is a kind of belief, do I want to burn incense piously.

11. The saddest and most disturbing thing is not the moment when you know that you have lost your loved one, but when you are still wandering and still don't know that you have lost it.

12. The waves are blossoming and the sound is surging. Hit the reef and fall. Half inch vision, half inch tide heart, let each cluster of rosy clouds kiss wet dew.

13. The sun sank, the evening star twinkled, and a clear voice called me! May the beach not cry and sob when I go to sea.

14. Morning and evening, I and you. Once again, we played close to avoid the complicated world. In the corner of Qianling, listen to your voice.

15. What are you talking about! Does love not make us richer? What happiness can compare with holding you in my arms!

16. Tonight, I will play alone, letting the wind chill to the bone and the tears flow. Send thoughts through the moon, penetrate nothingness, and Xun sound spreads far into the ocean.

17. Ah, when I love others, my heart will not become cold. It will think of you from others, as happy as reading a beloved novel.

18. It is a music of eternal silence, a piece of hope, gone and never looked back, such a sweet love, but not lasting, this is you, the flow of time.

19. The furthest distance in the world is not when I stand in front of you and you don't know that I love you, but when you know that you love each other, you can't be together.

20. He hung down his head beside the glowing red stove and spoke sadly about the loss of love. He walked slowly on the mountain overhead and hid his face among a group of stars.

21. Let's break up. Our meeting has become a thing of the past. No matter how hungry and regretful your heart may be. Your friendly smile is a dream to me, and I dare not ask for your deep sigh.

22. In that life, I watched the changes of mountains and rivers and thought that you would come in the end; In that life, I read all Cangshan and Langyue, but I can't read all you; In that life, I stepped over thousands of dangerous waters, but could not cross the threshold in front of you.

23. When I am deeply in love, tears will flow to me alone. Dead, the yellow spring is nine secluded. Solitary souls and wild ghosts plead. By the bridge, the river flows relentlessly. There is no end to this life, a dead heart, a broken skeleton.

24. Flowers are easy to touch people's feet, and most of them will be trampled; Whether it is shy or brave, people will always crush it when they walk by. The pearls are hidden in the sea treasure chest, but they will also be found by people, who drill holes for them, fasten them, and fasten them firmly on the silk rope.

25. Rain, in the silent night; Quiet, no sound; The glass windows are also covered with drops of water; With a little bubble like feelings; Quiet fall, fall; Suspension, through the dim window; Not very clear and tidy; Inadvertently stir the mood; Or quiet, or warm.

26. I flew over the mountains, walked through the woods leisurely, and occasionally rested on the electric wire to listen to the harmonious voice of nature. I often play with white clouds and sing with streams. I am looking for Snow White's hometown romantically, listening sadly to the legend that the Emperor Wangdi turns into a cuckoo. I held an olive branch for Noah, and I dedicated myself to Picasso. There is great love in my heart, and my happy songs are everywhere.