Philosophical text suitable for sending the life perception of the circle of friends
Blue sky and clear water
2023-04-15 10:30:49
A complete set of maxims

1. I am not afraid of tomorrow, because I have experienced yesterday and love today.

2. Never regret the past, have confidence in the present and hope for the future.

3. Some miss is to better meet, some miss is to avoid mutual torture; At this moment, don't feel sorry for your loss. See you at the next intersection if you have a chance. If you have no chance, you will never owe each other.

4. Love is the best thing in the world. Even if it breaks your heart, forget it with a smile, and then start the next journey.

5. Time may really be an antidote, but it is also a poison, because time can let you know a person, but it can also let you know how superficial he is

6. Good does not lie in heart, but in deeds.

7. Anything can be ambiguous, but love must take a clear stand. So please tell me your decision, let me feel at ease or give up.

8. Let the wisdom of the elderly guide the vitality of young people, and let the vitality of young people support the wisdom of the elderly.

9. People, in fact, don't need too many things, as long as they live healthily and love sincerely, it is also a kind of wealth.

10. At first, we came to this world because we had to come; In the end, we leave the world because we have to.

11. The furthest distance in the world is not that people who love cannot be together, but that they can't stop missing each other while pretending that they never walk into their hearts.

12. In the future, you only need to be better than one person, who is now you.

13. Someone stabbed you in the chest and said you were sensitive. When you put the knife back, he said, "How about this little thing?".

14. Don't think too highly of yourself, anyone can leave the world; Don't take yourself too low, you are unique in the world. Everyone has his own mission in his life, so he doesn't have to compare himself with others.

15. When someone takes out your heart, you pretend not to see it because you don't like it. When someone takes out your heart, you pretend not to hurt it because you like it.

16. Exhausted his strength and sincerity, and finally only moved himself.

17. Your real value lies in the difference between you and others. So when you go out, don't always stare at other people's bags and clothes. Things that can let you see the "price" at a glance usually have nothing to do with the "value". A person's real ability is "unable to copy"!

18. In fact, after walking for a while, looking back, there are really not many things that can be remembered. There are only a few people who can't really forget. There are only a few really interesting days. In our life, there are few things that really need to be feared.

19. When you are frustrated, you should be like a big tree. If you are cut down, you can grow again; It should also be like a weed. Although it is trampled, it can still live bravely.

20. Cherry blossoms bloom only once, and true love comes only once. If only lonely, please don't love me.

21. Destiny will not ferry you, heaven and earth will not ferry you, rivers and seas will not ferry you, and I will ferry you.

22. Sometimes I have to admit that after several years, the gap between people who felt the same before and those who felt the same before is growing larger and larger unconsciously.

23. If you are right, you don't need to lose your temper; If you are wrong, you have no right to lose your temper. This is true wisdom.

24. After all, we are not alone in finding a bosom friend.

25. The goal of life is to move forward and turn. The growth of life lies in learning and experience. The cultivation of life lies in insight and meditation.

26. Be good at yourself and pay less attention to others. If you think too complicated, that person is not simple.

27. Misses will lead to new encounters. Fate is that it's neither early nor late, just right.

28. Your name is when you open your mouth, and your appearance is when you close your eyes.

29. Human survival is adaptation, adaptation to dirt, adaptation to death, adaptation to betrayal, adaptation to passage.

30. If you don't understand my silence, you will never understand my words.