Is there no summer in 2022 (67 selected sentences)
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2023-07-02 00:06:38
Complete sentences

1. When summer comes, people are basking in the sun and blowing the sea breeze on the beach of Hainan; Students are running under the sun, looking for the happiness of summer. It is really a beautiful picture.

2. In early summer, pomegranate flowers gradually opened, green leaves lined with red flowers, very beautiful. Looking far away, it looks like a burning fire and a red sunset rising at dusk.

3. I like the sunshine and wind in summer, and the sound of cicadas. I like these very much.

4. On a sultry and busy summer night, I slipped out to take a breath while working. Riding a bike in the twilight, you can walk through the tall buildings, people, and rivers, and wait and see.

5. I miss the summer. I mean the summer of that year.

6. Our story always takes place in summer. The hot weather makes people more naked, and it can also hide their desire. At that time, it seems that it is always summer. The sun is always free to accompany me. The sun is full and bright, making my eyes dark.

7. The moment the lemonade overturned, I saw summer.

8. The smell of floral water permeates the air at night in summer.

9. Summer is coming, the weather is very hot. Frogs sleep on lotus leaves in the pond, cicadas blow trumpets on trees. Some of the children ate ice cream, and some waved beautiful flower fans. The dog was so hot that its tongue stuck out.

10. The green spring of all things has passed. The sun shines directly on the Tropic of Cancer, and summer is the season of flowing fire.

11. Swimming is the best in summer. It is pity that I am splashing in the pool with no top.

12. The beautiful summer is hot. Grandfathers go to enjoy the cool under the trees, and some are playing chess; The old woman was fanning and chatting under the tree. The children liked to play in the water.

13. The small fan is cool and the summer is long.

14. Summer is full of blue.

15. Young people's heart is the summer night wasteland, which cannot be cut and burned completely. When the wind blows, the weeds connect to the sky.

16. It's refreshing to walk in the fields after the heavy rain in summer. The frog in the pond kept barking. With the cicada's song, the trouble had already disappeared.

17. Your smile is like the taste of the middle spoon of watermelon, lighting up the whole summer night, and the starry night is beautiful for you.

18. Although the early summer makes me dizzy, there are also very beautiful flowers in early summer, such as Erythrina Phoenix, which brings another kind of natural beauty.

19. With the beautiful dance of Spring Girl, who exudes the fragrance of flowers, she went away quietly. In summer, she came to the world with heavy steps wearing green clothes and eyes burning with the sun.

20. The sun in summer is like a big stove, baking the earth hot. Even the air is hot, and people sweat when they move. The buffalo had already hidden in the pond, and its whole body was buried in the water, with only one head exposed to breathe on the water.

21. Summer, in my mind, is the morning dew and the night stars. The glory of the setting sun is enveloped in the gauze, and the gusts of gentle wind rush towards you with the fragrance of flowers, giving you a pleasant gift.

22. Summer is free. During the day, we lay on the bamboo chairs humming songs while basking in the sun. When it's hot, you can take out refreshing popsicles from the refrigerator. At night, we look at the beautiful starry sky and enjoy our imagination.

23. Summer is a paradise for children. Without the pressure of school and the trouble of homework, we can enjoy the happiness that nature gives us. What a beautiful summer!

24. In summer, looking out of the window lazily, you can see the suffocating hot sun baking the already hot road. Although the lawn is green, there is no spirit in it. It is not as comfortable as the withered and yellow weeds in winter.

25. In summer, iced watermelon and sea salt sodas are gentle in wind and gentle in rain.

26. Summer is like a young man. The scorching sun is his bright smiling face, the burst of heat is his vigorous breath, the verdant vegetation is his thick hair, the torrents with high tide are his strength, and the quick rain is his temper.

27. The lovely summer is coming. The gentle wind brings a sense of warmth. The colorful rainbow floats in the sky, and the clouds are really colorful.

28. Although I am not the richest man in the world, I have had countless summers.

29. On the morning of summer, floating clouds float in the clear sky. It dances with the wind and is carefree. It seems to be chasing and playing with each other. It is very lively and lovely, adding a lot of life to the sky.

30. I know you in summer and leave you in summer, just like the sunshine in summer is bound to be brilliant, and the summer showers are also dark.

31. The summer of the Student Party is called summer, which is too long to be patient. The cicadas chase the drama, eat melons in the air-conditioned room, make an appointment with the boy you like to go to the library, then secretly watch him, and go home in the sunset.

32. As summer comes, the flowers all over the mountains and fields are blooming. They are bright and luxuriant. The grass also sprouted, green, green, as if coated with a layer of green paint, shining in the sun.

33. In summer, under the hot sun, I looked at the dense branches and leaves of the hawthorn tree and felt much cooler. The small green fruit on the tree shows its small face under the leaves, as if playing hide and seek with me.

34. Summer has its own flavor, just as spring has the fragrance of grass, which can not fade away for a long time. It is pure but not greasy, and drunk but not obsessed. So I love summer, which is full of charm and suffocation.