English Proverbs on Planning
able men tied down to a routine post
2023-06-27 03:54:09
English Proverbs

1. No plan in idle time, much effort in busy time.

There is no plan in idle time, but much effort in busy time.

2. When everything is in advance, it stands; when nothing is in advance, it falls into disuse.

Everything should be established beforehand, but not abolished beforehand.

3. Production cannot be counted, and everything will be done in vain.

Production can't be calculated, everything will be done in vain.

4. Set goals, make plans, and take lots of actions.

Set goals, plan, and do a lot of action.

5. Long term plan, short term arrangement.

Long plan, short plan.

6. Work without plan, blind people ride a bad horse.

Without a plan, the blind ride their horses.

7. Calculate and use, never be poor; The sea is dry and the mountain is empty.

Calculate and use, life is endless; not just use, dry mountains and empty.

8. If you are not poor in food and clothing, you will be poor if you do not plan.

Eat endlessly, wear endlessly, plan not to be poor.