Talking about mood phrases about drinking
The taste of coffee
2023-04-23 03:02:29
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. I have loneliness and wine to follow me.

2. I like your voice when you read English

3. Will you follow me with loneliness and wine

4. I know who loves you most when I'm sick.

5. That year, we were still friends.

6. That night, I got drunk for you.

7. Wine into the sadness, into Acacia tears.

8. You can't walk in the Jianghu without drinking.

9. If you don't know, you can only drink.

10. A small amount is not a gentleman, and no poison is not a husband.

11. It's said that when drunk and crying, you have the most courage

12. I drank the breeze and returned with a laugh.

13. When I was drunk, I didn't agree with anyone, so I helped the wall.

14. The east wind blows and the war drums thunder. Who is afraid of drinking today!

15. I know the taste of wine when I'm drunk. Who do I know when I'm drunk?

16. The east wind blows and the war drums beat. Anyone who drinks today is afraid of anyone.

17. It's raining and the earth is dry. That cup just now can't count.

18. The sky is blue, the sea is blue, and it is passed down from cup to cup.

19. We are bosom friends when we get together. Let me drink two comfortable wines first.

20. Laugh frequently when you have nothing to do. Indulge in drinking and sing songs to relieve your troubles

21. sober people are not necessarily happy, so people like wine

22. I like you. I'm shocked and ugly

23. You win and I see you reign in the world. You worry and I will accompany you to the end of the world

24. Is there a song or a word that can remind you of me.

25. Tears in eyes, courage in hands, hesitation and decision.

26. His friend told me that he always called my name when he was drunk.

27. I like freedom when I am drunk. I often make mistakes and lie, but I always feel guilty

28. When the wine enters the throat, there is a cracking sound, like a song of despair.

29. Drunkenness is never a sin of alcohol, but a high degree of emotion.

30. If you hug me at dusk and break my ribs to make wine, I will brew a room of honey and pour it into your dimple

31. Everyone is drunk if he is not drunk. When he looks at the empty glass, his tears flow down unconsciously

32. You are the wine that I want to drink but dare not drink when I catch the wind that I can't embrace

33. No drinking, no future; In search of wine net push and farewell to the White Emperor's colorful clouds, half a catty and half a dozen others are waiting.

34. Men do not drink, live like dogs, and walk in the world in vain; Living like a eunuch, I can't make good friends.

35. Don't give up your old friend easily, because you can't find someone else to replace him; Friendship is like wine, the older the better.

36. Wine is an inspiration and emotional catalyst. This man is said to drink and fight against the moon.

37. I listen to you silently. Because I am afraid I will feel distressed when I speak. I'm not afraid of you scolding me. Just afraid you will ignore me.

38. Feeling deeply and feeling stuffy; If your feelings are shallow, lick them; Feeling thick, not drinking enough; Feelings are too thin to drink; Emotional iron, drink blood.

39. A friend who can drink one or two liang is generous enough; Those who can drink two liang will drink five liang, and such friends will be cultivated by the Party; He can drink half a catty and one catty, which is the most intimate guy; He will drink one jin of wine and one bucket of wine, and then he will be promoted to vice president; The director of the distillery wants you to be a good drinker.

40. When the wine is full, it will overflow. But who is the redundant melancholy that overflows? I will fill my sorrows again and drink all the recent troubles and unhappiness! Others may think that I am magnanimous, or that I drink very happily, but only my own psychology is weighing the pain.