Green Willow
2023-07-15 08:37:19
first grade

Labor creates man, and man cannot live without labor. Work requires time, physical strength, fatigue, and hard work. Only hard work can bring you gains, and only hard work can bring you rewards. Labor also needs honesty, and labor should be far away from opportunism and fraud. Everyone has the beginning of labor, and I am no exception.
One weekend in my first grade, I finished my homework early and had nothing to do, so I went to my grandfather's small garden to stroll around. Although it was called "garden", it was actually a piece of land with many potted plants and flowers. The big one and the smiling one hug and set off each other, which is very beautiful. When Snow Teng saw me, he waved his hand; All kinds of nameless flowers meet me, demon body; Hanglan provoked Wu when she saw me. When I was intoxicated, my grandfather came to my back unconsciously: "Go and water them." I was very happy: "OK, OK!" I picked up a pipe, screwed one end of it on the tap, took the other end and rushed into the small garden. As soon as I turn on the tap, the water comes out. I'm excited with the water pipe. I pick up the "machine gun" and keep shooting. The flowers and grass have to "grievance" for a while. They play the role of the enemy. The sound of my feet on the ground, the sound of watering, and the sound of my joy constitute a trio. It seems that flowers, grass and potted plants have also been infected by me, so flowers are particularly sensitive, grass is particularly green, and potted plants are particularly strong. Just as I was enjoying my work, Grandpa turned off the tap and said kindly, "If you water again, the plants will be drowned." I felt embarrassed and touched the back of my head! "I quickly picked up the broom to sweep the floor. After a while, I was sweating, but looking at the neat little garden, my heart was happy. When the last drop of water fell from the leaves, my essay was also finished: I watered the flowers today, and learned that although labor is not easy, it can also bring us happiness!
Labor is the foundation of happiness, the source of happiness, and the only way for everyone to succeed and prosper. If you want to get out of trouble, you go to work; If you want to create the future, you work; If you want to find happiness, you go to work; If you want to realize your dream, you should work. Honest labor has created a beautiful world and highlighted the glory of labor!
One afternoon in March, I went to the nursing home with several leaders of the Young Pioneer Brigade under the guidance of the Brigade Counselor Teacher Fan to comfort the elderly and clean the nursing home.
When we came to the nursing home, although the elderly in the nursing home stumbled and moved slowly, they still came out to greet us step by step with their hands on the wall. Looking at the scene in front of us, we were moved by the enthusiasm of the elderly and determined to complete the task of this activity with quality and quantity guaranteed.
After Teacher Fei assigned the tasks to each group, he simply explained a few words, and we acted separately.
I am responsible for cleaning a room with two classmates. We came to the room and immediately entered the "battle". One student is responsible for cleaning the desks and chairs, one student is responsible for cleaning the glass, and I am responsible for sweeping and mopping the floor.
I was about to mop the floor, but I didn't know where to wash the mops. At this time, a kind looking grandpa came over with a smile, as if he was ready to lead me. He led me straight to the bathroom. While we are working, we are making friends with the master. Grandfather seemed to have endless questions. He asked us how old we were, what grade we were in, and who were in our family. We talked to the master one by one. From his question, we felt that he envied our life.
In the unconscious conversation, we helped the grandpa clean up. Although we were all ashen faced, looking at the clean and tidy room, we couldn't help smiling with satisfaction.
Next, we would like to express our condolences to the elderly, and we would like to wish our grandparents happiness like the East China Sea and longevity like the South Mountain; Healthy, enjoy your old age! With the unanimous recommendation of everyone, I also sang a folk song "The Horse Herding Song" for my grandparents. Some old people sing in a low voice to the beat, and some old people laugh their mouths off.
We are going back. Grandparents hold our small hands tightly for a long time, and they keep saying thank you to us!
On the way back, one of my classmates said, "I'm really tired. I've never done such a tired job since I was so old." And I thought to myself: it's our Young Pioneers' bounden duty to work for the lonely elderly. This labor has made me feel much better. The seemingly unrequited labor has actually made us gain the most precious gift - the old man's heartfelt smile! I think this is more important than anything else.
The labor is over, but the happiness brought to me by labor remains in my deep memory forever, and I really understand the meaning of the sentence "happiness in labor is the real happiness".
When I got up in the morning, the sun had already poured into the room, and I felt warm. I was very happy to see such a fine weather. Hmm, it's great. Today is Sunday. Please invite your friends to go out and play together.
I was thinking happily, just listening to "Son, come and help me." Alas, my mother asked me to help with the housework again, wouldn't it be useless on a sunny day? I walked into the kitchen listlessly, and saw my mother was concentrating on making dumplings. "Mom, what do you want me to do?" My mother said, "You and I can make dumplings together!" "Ah? I can't make dumplings!" I said as I walked out of the room. "Don't be afraid of anything, can't you learn? It doesn't matter if you don't pack well, come on!" My mother smiled at me. Although I was reluctant, I looked at my mother's expectant eyes and still drew back my feet when I just walked out of the room.
I slowly walked over and reluctantly put a round dumpling skin in my hand like my mother. My mother taught me how to put stuffing and close my mouth while chatting with me. My mother made so many dumplings that I gradually became interested. No matter how hard I studied and carefully made dumplings, I could not make them like dumplings. They were all strange "strange" dumplings. I was a little embarrassed, But my mother said, "My son is very creative. Unlike my mother, he can only make dumplings. Some of them are like boats and some are like bread..." Listen