Classic Copy of Greeting Card and Blessing Words for Celebrating the Laba Festival (72 selected sentences)
Fate is doomed
2023-06-16 15:57:09
Blessing words

1. Laba porridge should be drunk to make people happy and never worry, to make people happy, to make people happy, to make people happy, to make people happy, to make progress, to make money, to make people healthy, and to make people happy. I wish you a happy Laba Festival.

2. Boil a pot of hot porridge with red juice and send it to relatives and friends for tasting. The taste is spicy, warm and affectionate. Eating healthy, warm in the heart and tasting delicious. The body is comfortable against cold and frost, and the peace and auspicious demons are not entangled. Happy Laba Festival!

3. Wine is warm, food is hot, work is happy, purse is bulging, colleague is iron, boss is you. Wish Laba a happy, prosperous and rising year after year!

4. On the Laba Festival, give a bowl of Laba porridge and add some good luck medlar to boost your happiness; Add some happy sesame seeds to fragrance your time; Let some successful red dates bloom your pride; Mix some healthy rice, happy your day!

5. On behalf of the place, the border, and the vast number of wire posts, the spring cabbage state, the summer watermelon seedlings, the autumn spinach soup, and the winter bamboo baskets, I would like to extend warm greetings to you in advance: Happy Laba Festival!

6. Give you a dress. Peace is in the front, happiness is in the back, auspiciousness is the collar, Ruyi is the sleeve, happiness is the button, and the pocket is full of warmth. Put it on and let it accompany you every day! Happy Laba Festival!

7. The Laba Festival is coming. I will make you a bowl of Laba porridge with lucky rice, pistachios, beautiful beans, fat dates, Meimanren, Ruyi honey, health sugar and worry free water. I hope you will be happy every day!

8. The red porridge juice reflects good luck, and the hot porridge rice is healthy. Fragrant taste wafts everywhere, and round dreams come true. The hot porridge is full of happiness, and the beautiful wax festival smiles. May you have a good health and spend the festival in awe!

9. Laba porridge is a song, singing sweet and sweet thoughts, I hope you drink more and enjoy more; Laba porridge is a month, and I hope you will be happy and happy. I wish you happiness, happiness, auspiciousness and romance on the Laba Festival.

10. Adzuki beans, cowpeas, red beans, and beanstalk beans; Longan meat, longan meat, white fruit meat, meat taste; Rice, glutinous rice, sticky yellow rice, rice fragrance; White porridge, red porridge, Laba porridge, porridge blessing: Happy Laba Festival!

11. When the Laba Festival is coming, I will give you eight gifts. I hope you are very smart and talented. Your family is always kind and happy. You are full of vitality every day. You are very lucky. You are full of wealth and good luck all the time.

12. I have never been a thief, but I want to steal happiness for you! I've never cheated anyone, but I want to cheat you happiness! Never hurt anyone, but I want to give you a happy turn! I've never lied to anyone, but I want to rob you of safety! Happy Laba Festival!

13. The Laba Festival is coming, and I will send you a bowl of happy porridge to ensure you have no worries and worries; Give you a bowl of peace porridge, without injury or disease all your life; Give you a bowl of rich porridge, and the wealth will roll in everywhere; Give you a bowl of happiness porridge. Life is delicious enough. Happy Laba Festival!

14. Happy spoon, a bowl of happiness, a plate of luck, a warmth, a pot of sweetness, a pot of wealth, a basket of peace, a bag of good luck, I will all go down to the SMS and boil a special Laba porridge for you. I hope you have fun!

15. On the Laba Festival, we should have enough food, warm clothes, gradually become rich, and comprehensively enjoy a well-off life. Greetings are sincere, blessings are sincere, you must promise me to live well, healthy and happy.

16. In order to promote environmental protection and save paper, please don't send me a greeting card in the New Year. Please write down your blessings on the largest possible RMB and send them to me. Saving is a virtue, and I wish you a happy Laba Festival!

17. The cereal grains are boiled into porridge, and you can have it on the Laba Festival: Happy millet dispels troubles, lucky red beans generate money, successful lotus seeds laugh with you, safe longans taste good, healthy medlar is more lively, and happy rock candy is popular!

18. One mouthful after another, warm in the heart and sweet in the throat; One sentence after another, good things can not be said completely, smiling happily; Time after time, there are thousands of knots in love and thousands of pages of happiness. The Laba Festival is coming, wish you good luck one after another!

19. On the Laba Festival, porridge is needed. There are all kinds of grains and miscellaneous grains. Red beans and red dates nourish blood and gas, and beans and nuts are nutritious. Chestnut and lotus seeds can be used for health care, and millet and black rice have enough energy. Laba porridge brings you health and happiness. Happy Laba Festival!

20. When Laba comes, you are lucky to be happy, amused to be happy, surrounded by good luck, snuggled up to be healthy, blessed to be safe, and blessed by friends: Happy Laba Day and all the best! Elegant in all aspects, everything goes well!

21. Blessings come to you quietly and tell you in advance that the gift I gave you on the Laba Festival: good things are chasing you, diseases are hiding you, lovers love you deeply, pain is far away from you, happiness follows you, and happiness surrounds you!

22. Close your eyes, my little wish will fly to your window in the New Year's evening clock, like a beautiful meteor, drawing the most beautiful light and shadow in the sky to bring the warmest blessing, and hit you head-on to see where you hide! Happy holidays!

23. Good Laba Festival! Sincerely bless you, God bless you, __ care about you, Bodhisattva love you! You want wind to wind, rain to rain, spend time and drink, gold everywhere!

24. Life goes hand in hand forever. It is perfect and beautiful. A hundred years' cultivation of the same boat, a thousand years of good marriage in the present day, a thousand years of withered heart, happiness and good marriage. Belonging to you, my blessing.

25. Spend a lot of time when I was a child; Walking through many places, the most beautiful place is at home; Having eaten many dishes, Laba porridge is the most delicious; I have met many people, but I most want to be a good friend: May you have endless blessings on the Laba Festival!

26. Serve a dish first. I wish you love; Another bowl of soup will keep you healthy forever; Another glass of wine, money every day; Another bowl of rice will keep your family together forever. Laba Happy!

27. Sweet dates+healthy beans+happy lotus seeds+happy nuts, add happy water, and slowly boil with happy fire all your life! Today, I drank it during the Laba solar term. I wish you a happy life and a healthy life forever!

28. When the Laba Festival arrives, I will send you the rice of happiness, ten lucky dates, ten Wangcai beans, ten sorrow dried beans, ten healthy chestnuts, and a bowl of sweet porridge. I wish you a happy Laba.

29. The Laba Festival is full of wealth. I wish you a great fortune, a small fortune, a good fortune, a good fortune, a good fortune, a good fortune, and a good fortune; Ambition, talent, heroism, pride, courage, kindness and happiness will bring you happiness in your life. Good luck on Laba Festival!

30. When the Laba Festival comes to true love, a bowl of eight treasures will be given to you. Nourishing yin and tonifying yang is everything, which can ensure your health and friendship. Lucky blessings are sent at the same time, and happiness will never end. Happy Laba Festival!

31. It is the December of another year. I wish you a prosperous and promising future in the coming year. I wish you good luck, prosperity, happiness, prosperity, prosperity, longevity, happiness, prosperity and dreams! Happy Laba Festival!

32. When the Laba Festival comes, will the Spring Festival be far behind? If troubles go, will happiness be less? When the blessing comes, will it be far enough to honor it? Greeting in advance on the Laba Festival, we should be prepared for the great fortune of the coming year.

33. On the occasion of the arrival of the Laba Festival, I wish you: big money, small money, unexpected money, and a rolling source of money; Family, friendship, love, affection; Official, financial and peach blossom luck, and prosperity; Lovers, relatives, friends, everyone is safe.

34. It's the eighth lunar month. I want to deliver it to you personally. So far, it has disappeared and disappeared. It's the most powerful bowl of eight treasure porridge unknown. It was made after 365 days of hard work in my heart. Drink it and you will be happy for a lifetime!

35. On the Laba Festival, I will give you Laba porridge. One bowl of Laba porridge will help you live a happy life. Two bowls of Laba porridge will help you start your own business. Three bowls of Laba porridge will bring you great happiness. Four bowls of Laba porridge will make your belly bulge like a ball! Happy Laba Festival!

36. The delicious thing is Laba porridge, which is fragrant, sweet, and warm. Coke is the Laba Festival, noisy, noisy, noisy with warmth. The Laba Festival is coming. Drink sweet porridge and celebrate the Happy Festival. May you enjoy this wonderful moment.