The overbearing and sentimental online sentences in girls' quotations (76 selected sentences)
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2023-05-11 05:58:42

1. If you see the shadow in front of you, don't be afraid, it is because there is sunshine behind you.

2. Girls must be self reliant, learn to be unwilling when they have it, and learn to go higher when they make progress.

3. Live your own life and eat your own bitterness. Why live by watching others' faces.

4. No matter how long the tunnel is, there will be exits, and no matter how difficult it is, there will be solutions.

5. It's better not to touch things that can't be touched. It's better not to offend people who can't offend me.

6. How afraid I am to get used to your good, and then be mercilessly lost by you.

7. Love does not need to apologize, it is the person who loves you who is cheap.

8. Chinese women don't marry men they like, only men they like.

9. There is no flying heart, only cold heart.

10. I can't give you the love you said, because I'm tired of feeling.

11. It's better to shoot your own directed drama than to play a trick in other people's dramas.

12. If you look at me again, I will eat you! Don't move. I'll take a bite.

13. Tears are words that cannot be told in our hearts, and are our silent songs.

14. Cherish every bit of your life. If you cherish it, your life will not be pale, sad, and there will be sunshine and color in your life.

15. Pain makes people grow. It is an opportunity and a challenge for you to make progress. Don't be afraid of painful things. It has another positive effect.

16. If you can't enter the world, don't push yourself. It's hard for others to be humble. Why.

17. Turning a crisis into safety often requires a superior mind and a good attitude. Only by thinking more and being less excited, loving more and hating less, can life become more beautiful.

18. Love is so serious, more serious than anyone, but I was alone in the end.

19. The advice given by the psychologist to women "No matter how much you like each other, the initiative in love must be a man. If the man does not take the initiative, he would rather miss it.".

20. Miracles are often garlands of diligence. Open the fishing net first, and then the fish can find the entrance to the fishing net. Try hard!

21. It's not good to torture yourself for anyone and anything. For example, not eating, crying, autistic depression, these are all things that fools do. Of course, it is necessary to be silly once in a while. Life doesn't have to be smart all the time.

22. Replace my heart and give me a heart of stone.

23. Take your own road, take your own steps, and ignore the rubbish behind the gossip.

24. When I love you, you don't love me. When I don't love you, you fall in love with me.