There is nothing that can't get through. Kan is sad. He is tired and wants to cry
Missing is a disease
2023-05-09 07:22:04
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. I'm not jealous anymore, and I'm not crazy anymore. I'm tired. You can go with whoever you like

2. Every day I do one thing repeatedly, which is to force myself to laugh.

3. Many things, it is good to be open-minded; I can't see it, but I have to get through it. Don't think that if you can't open it, you won't pass.

4. If you don't want to lose, don't be lazy, work harder, and better yourself in the future.

5. Love again makes people decades old.

6. Endless fatigue, perhaps only death can really be relieved.

7. From then on, my heart was as still as water.

8. Maybe I won't meet someone like you in the future, but I hope I won't meet again.

9. You are the author of your life. Why write the script so painfully.

10. Love, play, hurt, make a mistake, lose, and finally we are tired.

11. Escape is just an excuse, because my heart is still hurt.

12. Learn to suffer. Some things, only suitable for rotten in the heart, suitable for silent forget.

13. It is better not to see or read what has passed away.

14. Is the last love really a matter of letting go?

15. Sugar is my life. When it is sweet, life is very happy. When it is not sweet, life is very tired.

16. One day, when you love someone as I love you, you will know how tired I am.

17. I prefer to bury some words in my heart, and never say them again.

18. I like him, but I'm tired of always looking for topics to talk with him.

19. I won't cry. I don't know how to cry. I can't cry. My heart is tired. I throw it away

20. Don't be surprised when I'm silent. I'm just too tired.

21. I'm not waiting for you. I'm just waiting for myself.

22. Time will bite, otherwise we will be scarred.

23. It's tiring to miss you, but it's easier than loving you.

24. After the prosperity, there is only one person left, just me.

25. Now I am tired, like a wild flower broken by the wind.

26. A person is so cowardly that he can't recall the past.

27. I am no longer looking forward to it. I wait quietly, and finally there is nothing left.

28. This life, this heart, is like this.

29. Oh, let's just say that no matter how much, it's still me who gets hurt and I disappear.

30. We, or the chessmen on the chessboard of destiny, just play different roles and positions.

31. We are too far away from each other, and love is too tired.

32. I am so tired now. I want to cry but I have no strength.

33. I would rather sleep forever than wake up.

34. Like a black cat, tired of intrigues in this world.

35. It's not that I don't love anymore, but that I'm tired of love.

36. My heart is tired to a certain extent, and I have no strength to be angry and considerate.

37. How can I be stronger than others.

38. It is unnecessary to be so persistent if you act as a dispensable position.

39. Don't worry about the stolen things, because the things that can be stolen are rubbish.

40. Sometimes I feel really tired when I am a man. Sometimes I don't want to be a man when I am tired.

41. Pale yearning and insistence are just scarred endings.

42. Laughing every day, only I know how tired I am.

43. Are you tired after pretending too long.

44. Can you give me a hug without saying anything when I am sad.

45. I love you so much that I'm tired. Can you give me some time to catch my breath.

46. There are more and more strangers who know me, but fewer and fewer old friends who remember me.

47. Sincerity is always unpopular, but the routine is provocative.

48. All our life, we just have been looking for it.

49. I'm finally tired, tired, tired, so I fell in love with silence

50. When our love is tired, we will stop the journey of love.

51. Dear. I'm tired. Let go. I wish you happiness.

52. If you are tired, you can leave. I am also tired and have no strength left.

53. In fact, you don't have to be so cold. I didn't want to be entangled.

54. Enthusiasm is required every time, and any relationship I actively maintain makes me feel very tired.

55. When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, you will show it a thousand reasons to smile.

56. Give you a hot heart, but you give me a heart full of scars.

57. Familiarity becomes weariness, and weariness becomes disgust.

58. I'm sorry. I squatted down and cried myself out. I don't want to hear any more consolation.

59. This road is too far, too long, and will be tired.

60. The enthusiasm at that time burned myself.