If the youth is as green as before
2023-10-12 20:44:20
Grade 6
reaction to a book or an article

Squirrel is a beautiful little animal, which is very attractive. Its limbs are flexible and agile. A pair of shiny small eyes are embedded in the exquisite small face holes. The grayish brown hair on its body is smooth as if it has been oiled. A large furry tail is always tilted upward, which is particularly beautiful pine
Rats like to jump up and down on the branches. As long as someone touches the trunk, they will hide under several branches or jump to other trees. On a sunny summer night, squirrels jump happily in the trees and chase each other
They seem to be afraid of strong sunlight. They often hide in their nests to have a rest during the day; Only when the branches are swayed by the wind can they reach the ground. They never approach people's houses. Squirrels like to live in tall old trees and often build their nests in the middle of tree forks. When they build their nests, they first move the small branches interlaced together, then find dry moss to spread on it, and then press the moss tightly and level it. When the nests are built, they cover the whole nests to protect them from the wind and rain. She They live in a warm and safe house with their children. Squirrels often eat pine nuts, hazelnuts and acorns. Sometimes they also eat bird eggs. When they eat, they often sit upright on the branches and hold them in their forepaws. In autumn, squirrels store food for winter and stuff it into the cracks of old trees. In winter, they sometimes use their paws to dig through thick snow to look for snow The meat of squirrels can eat the hair on their tails. They can make brush skins and clothes