The movie looks beautiful 1000 words composition
Half step vicissitudes
2023-11-07 21:03:04

The kindergarten organized teachers to watch a movie "Looks Beautiful". After watching it, I felt the burden was heavy on me. The children shown in the film are very pitiful. No matter what they do, they are bound by the teacher. This will limit the children's thinking, make them lose the ability to think independently, and they are always accustomed to doing things according to instructions, thus denying all the children's thinking, which will have a great impact on the future development of children.

The square gun in the movie is a very smart child, which can be seen from his mischief. At first, I tried to find a way for a small red flower and often stared at the evaluation column. Later, I got a small red flower because of a word from a leader. Under the authority of the teacher, the square gun went to confusion step by step and left everyone. I think this is a failure of education as a teacher.

Every child has his own personality characteristics and work style. We should learn to accept and appreciate him. Even if he does something wrong, we should pay attention to him with patience and care and help him. If every child lives in the same way, then life will lose its meaning, Then children do not have the ability to innovate and imagine.

Children's childhood should be happy and happy. The teacher is a guiding light, illuminating the direction of children's growth. The teacher is fertile soil, bright sunshine, moist rain and dew, and the child is a small seed. This small seed should grow vigorously under the correct guidance of the teacher, and if necessary, it should shelter him from wind and rain.

The teacher's words, actions and even every look in his speech will influence the child's growth imperceptibly. In the teacher's opinion, it is a very small thing, but this small thing will affect the child's mood, and even affect a child's growth.

The teacher in the film ignored the children's exploration space and insisted that the children should follow the rigid teaching method, which hurt the children's mind and left a shadow on their growth.

Teachers and children should get along equally. In the game, we can play together with children to integrate ourselves into one of them, and communicate, share and grow together with them in teaching. In daily life, give children more opportunities to show themselves, exercise their self-confidence, improve their innovation ability, and cultivate their habit of using their brains. Let us use love to care for and help them. Let our love not only look beautiful, but also let the children feel the growth of love and love. Let us grow together with the children and truly become the guiding light on the path of children's growth.