Dreams come true
Laugh at life
2023-09-01 15:48:13
junior middle school

My dreams are as many as the stars in the sky. Sometimes I dream of going to college; Sometimes I dream of becoming a salesperson; Sometimes I dreamed that I was on a spaceship and visited the space... With the passage of time, many magical and wonderful dreams have become blurred, but I still remember this dream clearly.
In a quiet night, the soft moonlight caresses the earth, and the cool autumn wind brings me to sleep.
It was in a remote mountain village, in a simple classroom, sitting dozens of simple children, dozens of pairs of bright eyes staring at the door together, I took books to the podium happily "wow", the children spontaneously stood up and shouted: "Hello, teacher!" I saw dozens of bright eyes, dozens of pure hearts, How eager the children are for knowledge. I am excited and excited, and my heart is warm. I stood on the platform and said kindly: "Students, we all come for knowledge. Each class is a collective. This class should be united. Let's unite together, OK! I smiled, smiling so sweetly.
Then, I taught the children to learn: "I love Tiananmen, I love the great motherland." I read it once, and the children read after it. The children read so carefully and emotionally. Every word and every sound comes from a sincere heart. The children are sucking the dew of knowledge like bamboo shoots after the rain. My eyes are moist and I gently call out in my heart: "Flowers of the motherland, grow up quickly! Learn scientific and cultural knowledge, make contributions to the motherland, and build the motherland more beautiful and rich.
After class, I played the game of eagle catching chicks with the children. How interesting it is for me, the "hen", to protect the "chicks" with both hands!
I also seem to see that after the entrance examination, the students all reported to me with admission notices: "Teacher, open the door quickly!" "Teacher, open the door quickly!"
How familiar and excited the voice was, I immediately opened my eyes, oh! What a wonderful dream!
I hope my dream will come true!