To commemorate the Japanese case together (19 sentences)
Lost Birds Return to the Forest
2023-04-28 18:31:29
Complete sentences

1. There are countless good people in the world, but meeting you is enough.

2. We will be together in the future. You are responsible for spoiling me, and I am responsible for loveliness.

3. For the rest of my life, I just want to hold your hand and walk from the broken sky to the white head at dusk.

4. I still like you very much. Xiangfeng has gone eight thousand miles without asking for the return date.

5. Pull your left hand and run in the rain. Finally, we are very happy.

6. The deepest sea is a dream, the deepest night is a dawn, and my soul is you.

7. Happiness is like sand. We can't catch it, but we can hold it in our hands.

8. The world is so big, and the place I really want to stay is beside you.

9. Meeting you is a gift arranged by God. It is a sweet surprise to break into my ordinary life

10. There are three kinds of people I like best: you in the past, Qing today, and you in the future.

11. I like Yiliqiaolozi so much, just because that sentence likes you. It doesn't make sense.

12. It's mine, and can't be beaten away by wind and rain; It's not mine, and I can't keep it even if it's hard to fight.

13. Not everyone can make troubles in my heart, not everyone can make me remember.

14. The most unforgettable thing is your smile. When it blooms on your face, I feel as if a spring breeze has blown through, melting my heart.

15. The most extravagant thing in my life is to meet you on the way, and then share the fragrance of flowers. In my lifetime, I will only talk about warmth without sorrow. I will fall in love with you and accompany you safely.

16. Flowering flowers and flowing water. One kind of lovesickness, two idle worries. There is no way to eliminate this situation. I just frown, but my heart is on. Honey, what are you busy with? Your baby misses you!

17. Love, an eternal book, love, an endless picture, adds a line of loving characters to you with my whole life and paints a thick emotional color, connecting you and me forever!

18. No matter how far the kite flies, the line is always in the hands of the kite person. No matter where I am, my heart is always with you. My dear, my love for you is always a little more than yesterday.

19. If the person who accompanies me to the end is you, then the suffering, pain and despair that I have experienced before are no longer important. You can not be the sunshine in my life, but you must be my destination.