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Falling flowers follow flowing water
2023-03-20 13:29:50
Complete sentences

1. Ignorance may not be forgotten, but it must be estrangement. It takes courage even to take the initiative after being silent for too long.

2. The greatest attraction between people is not your appearance, your wealth, or your talent, but the trust and steadfastness, sincerity and kindness you pass on to each other. Life is not all about competition and interests, but more about win-win! If you know how to be grateful, you will be lucky!

3. Behind all success is the persistence accumulated painstakingly; All the scenes in front of everyone are silly and don't give up. As long as you are willing and persevere, one day you will live as you like.

4. Some things are not worth forgiving, and have nothing to do with generosity; Each has its own bottom line. If you make a mistake, you should consider paying the price for your mistake, so you can't forgive it. Not everyone is sorry. It doesn't matter if they can exchange one back.

5. The most powerful time is not the time of persistence, but the time of letting go. When you choose to empty your hands, who can take anything from your hands! How many people, when lamenting their helpless fate, forget that the three strongest words in the world are: Don't care!

6. At the most beautiful age, don't let your best self down. If you change every sentence from "I won't" to "I can learn", you will make progress. Trying is better than never daring to start!

7. At the worst time, they know how to eat, how to wear, and how not to mess up.

8. Life is so short, everything deserves full devotion.

9. He has an independent personality, knows how to take care of himself, can enjoy life after things are handled properly, and does not often confide. He has the ability to dispel his own suffering, and rarely shows aggression. He has a compassionate gentleness due to his strong heart. He is not provoked by cheap words and emotions, and insists on his own judgment without regret. May you become such a person.

10. Maybe you are not the first person everyone envies. Maybe your appearance is not outstanding and your family condition is average. However, you are in your twenties, when you are in the prime of youth. As long as you continue to pursue the road, you will make progress and work harder every day than you did yesterday, even if only a little, your life will shine brightly.

11. We always give up ourselves too freely and always compromise with the world. In fact, maybe a little more persistence will bring us the fruits of victory, but many people choose to give up when they are close to it.

12. Life is not easy to give up. In the long life, setbacks not only enable people to accumulate experience, but also enable people to constantly sublimate life. Therefore, we should face setbacks and cherish life. Those who have not tasted setbacks cannot feel the joy of success; A life without setbacks is not a perfect life!

13. How is a high-quality life? When you see everything around you, you won't envy or hate.

14. As long as you don't fall, others can push you to the ground, but they can't prevent you from standing up covered in dust and bruised.

15. All people will experience frustrations and setbacks in life. Frustration is the precursor of success. Only those who are not afraid of setbacks are more valuable than those who are eager to succeed. Those who have not tasted setbacks can never feel the joy of success. Those who have not experienced setbacks, life is not perfect. The truly successful people, all in the experience of failure and frustration before the brilliant achievements.

16. Without the courage to break the cocoon, there is no flying wings. The pain of molting is the price of maturity.

17. You can not only see your own inner sunshine, but also see the inner shadow, and let them coexist in harmony, which is mental health.

18. In leisure time, sit quietly in a corner, comb silently, without words or companionship, just like that, quietly and slowly, let the gusts of breeze take away the confused mind, let the pieces of white clouds pick up the confused mind, let the gurgling water smooth the small and complicated feelings, let the floating heart knot untie itself.

19. Life tells me that no matter how beautiful the house is, it will be dusty. No matter how precious the antiques are, they are just rubbish!

20. There is a person in everyone's heart who is no longer a lover or a friend. As time goes by, it doesn't matter whether you like it or not. I always think of you habitually and hope that everything will be fine with you.

21. Winter comes by the autumn wind. It is not as colorful as spring, rich and beautiful as summer, and not as fruitful as autumn. As soon as winter is mentioned, many people immediately think of its cold depression, withered technique and residual grass. In fact, this is the personality of Winter.

22. Life is a practice. There is no absolute right or wrong, and there is no right or wrong that does not change. Both you and I come here in a hurry and leave in a hurry. They are telling the story of a passer-by. Therefore, when we are not afraid, we don't need to remain frightened. The game of passers-by is to see who can speak more bravely and who can make this journey more exciting.

23. Only when you realize that every day is the best moment of life can you be regarded as a person who understands life.

24. No matter how deeply you have been hurt, there will always be a person who will let you forgive all the difficulties of your previous life. Maybe a person will become mature after going through many roads and experiencing countless unexpected prosperity and desolation in life.

25. I don't know whether I am more and more independent or more and more guilty. After walking for so long, I find that the only thing I can trust is myself. Learn to live alone, no matter whether someone loves you or not. Do well what you should do, with or without love, and gladly treat.