Microquotations of general emotion in 2023
Long Street Old Friends
2023-03-30 03:32:32

1. The unspeakable pain is still spreading in my heart, while happiness is still hiding behind my back.

2. Sometimes, I just want to be crazy, because I am depressed. I just want to let off steam, because I am unhappy.

3. I am like a stream of water, hoping to flow into the sea and become a brave ship, to find the harbor of love. Friend, please accept my heart.

4. Love was buried, and the heart followed love

5. It is better to choose a city to die than a person to die; It is better to choose one person to love than to choose one person to love. People's contentment is because of love, people's happiness is because of company, and people's satisfaction is always there. Love heart, warm and warm; Hand in hand, persistent and firm.

6. In my dream, I smile sweetly, become intoxicated with beauty, and coil gently, just for the sea that is hard to meet in my life, and only for the paradise that has never been reached.

7. Every relationship has a deadline. The longest one is a lifetime, and the shortest one may only take a second.

8. I can only hide lonely in the corner and cry silently.

9. Men are impulsive animals. They like to think with their lower body. The fatigue of the lower body is much easier and faster than that of the upper body.

10. I'm afraid of the end of a relationship, and more afraid of losing you.

11. As long as the hearts are connected, the horizon is also very close. Memory is like water in the palm of your hand. No matter you open it or hold it tightly, one day I will be happy to grow with you! Dear friends, I wish you happiness forever!

12. Little girl, don't be silly, but how can you avoid being silly when you meet someone you like? His every move and emotion are imprinted on your heart. Can you really control yourself from doing these meaningless reverie?

13. Anyway, I have a long life to be arrogant.

14. He never mentioned that I love you, but she was willing to do everything.

15. Inner peace can fill the heart with happiness. People who are peaceful can look open, put down, think clearly and live freely. Be tolerant, tolerant, tolerant, forgiving and calm.

16. Someone told me not to forget the feelings of my youth. I smiled and said, "I can't help it. Who let me meet the light I want to pursue at the best age?".

17. Suddenly I thought of a sentence, the most painful thing is not what you love most, but what you love most is no longer around you.

18. If you want high-quality love, you must first create a high-quality yourself.

19. You always feel me infinitely, and let me feel the love except indifference.

20. After that, I thought it didn't matter, as long as we had a good relationship with each other.

21. In the wind and rain, this section after section of earthshaking beauty is swaying, and the lingering misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River can't stop people from dreaming. I miss falling into my heart, and the intoxication is floating down in the rain, winding around my heart. At this moment, I just want to gaze deeply and recall your beautiful figure.

22. No one knows that he is experiencing the happiest moment of his life when he experiences it. Those missed good times in our life.

23. Life can be sweet or bitter, but it can't be tasteless. You can win or you can lose, but you can't give in. good night!

24. In this turbulent youth, I am glad that I have you to accompany me crazy together.

25. Who will wait for a lifetime for a stranger, and who will wait for a lifetime for an oath? It is decades of youth. I love you, love to the bone, love to the blood, but it has nothing to do with you. Your proudest self-esteem, your poorest self-esteem—— A Letter from a Strange Woman

26. We are all over the age of listening to love. What we really do for you is all the details we don't care about.