Sentences that are sad in the heart indicate sentences that are complex in the heart (18 selected sentences)
a man should stand strong
2023-02-01 12:36:48
Complete sentences

1. The world is over, and it is no longer bright. Only I smile!

2. I never deceive myself. I only look at the truth.

3. Life is a one-way journey, and it is impossible to look back after it.

4. It doesn't matter. Your world is yours. Don't bother, it's my gentleness.

5. The more you know, the less you care, the more you experience, the less you complain, the more leisurely you are and the more hypocritical you are.

6. It is better to break up with one stroke than to get entangled. Miss, remember that from now on, your mouth should be sweet and your heart should be cruel. You should stay and roll away.

7. Good driving skills, few complaints, high appearance, good personality! For the full screen back to the beginning of the dream, the mood is complicated~

8. Since you left, I have been thinking whether it is time for me to give up.

9. The greatest power of effort is that you can choose the life you want, rather than being chosen by life.

10. These two days, my thoughts are very confused and my mood is very complicated. My personality is really not suitable for worrying. I will be suffocated if I rest assured for too long.

11. Dogs are also life, just like humans. If you can't take good care of it, why should you bring it into your home? It has no choice, but you have. Complicated mood, don't want to say more.

12. Sometimes I just don't want to understand; Sometimes I don't know, just don't want to say it out; Sometimes I don't understand, but I don't know what to do when I understand, so I keep silent.

13. Send your smile to a stranger. It was probably the only sunshine he saw in a day; Probably, it's the only time you meet in this life; It is likely that he will remember this ray of sunshine all his life.

14. It's raining in your city. I want to ask if you have an umbrella, but I can't help it because I'm afraid you said you didn't have one, and I can't help it.

15. I really want to live happily, but I always pull myself like a lonely patient.

16. When others get closer to you, you open your heart immediately. What you think is frank is actually because of loneliness or inferiority.

17. He who loses confidence loses the chance to make love successfully.

18. Yesterday, I chatted with a student who entered a university to do a major after graduation. I felt that my mood was complicated. It's sad and exciting.