Touching love quotes
It's better to rely on yourself than on the sky and the earth
2023-06-09 01:27:04
Complete sentences

1. I like that dream. In the dream, everything can start again and everything can be explained slowly. My heart is full of happiness, just because you smile at me, warm and sweet.

2. If time could come again, I would rather never know you. If time could come again, I would rather never meet you. In this way, I will not be the same as I am now. I am still the heartless person, just me.

3. Everyone says I'm ugly, but I'm just not beautiful.

4. Love is not a lifetime without quarrels, but a lifetime after quarrels.

5. Today's story makes me a person who has learned how to enjoy loneliness in life.

6. - When we remove the stumbling blocks under others' shelves, we may be paving the way for ourselves. ˉ

7. We watched fish fall in love with birds, cats fall in love with mice, dinosaurs, frogs, princes and princesses together, we saw meteors fly by and watch iron trees blossom, but I can't wait for the miracle that you fall in love with me!

8. Miss you occupy my whole heart, but you, no matter how I miss you, have come back again.

9. A person doesn't have much youth to waste in his mistakes, and his feelings are the same. Experiences will numb him gradually, so he should cherish every drop of friendship in his heart.

10. Too headstrong, will be a chance to miss happiness, I am too stupid, let you go.

11. True love does not need rhetoric; True love does not need deliberate skills; True love, you can hold hands with the person you love and live a happy life only if you really hurt and love with your heart.

12. Don't say that there is no good man in the world. Don't remember the man who abandoned you. After all, he once loved you and hurt you. Tolerance will make you more beautiful.

13. Some love gives you a lot of opportunities, but they don't care. When you want to pay attention, there is no chance to love.

14. I really envy Xie Na. She not only has such a good husband as Zhang Jie, but also has such a good boyfriend as He Jiong.

15. My lover must be happy to die, even if not with me.

16. As long as we really loved each other, that's enough. I don't expect too much.

17. I haven't been chasing her for a long time. I'm not even clear about breaking up. You said you were playing with feelings, I don't believe it. I was the first to lose.

18. Once upon a time, when I lost a person for the first time, I always felt that I would hate him for a lifetime, and I might be at a loss all my life. Now, people come and go, and I gradually get used to it—— Substitute cong

19. You can not believe in love at first sight, but you must obey the call of your heart.

20. The difference between hating a person and loving a person is: one is in the mouth, the other is in the heart!

21. The teenager who amazed your time may not be able to tender your time.

22. The same bus, the same location, but with different people, with different memories.

23. Never mind. I am the happiest person in the world if I can hurt you.

24. Love can be romantic, but not wasteful; Don't hold hands and let go. good night!

25. No one can stop my way forward, and I will not bother with those nothingness.

26. Add all the pain to me and let your dream fly.

27. If there are only minutes left in life, I will accompany you to see the Sea of Love.

28. I don't want to have more than one family. I will talk about it every day.

29. Time keeps turning. Whose hero are you now.

30. The world is not only gentle to you—— Rebellious Lulu Xiu

31. It is free, and free is the most authentic.

32. People always have to hit the wall to learn what to change and what to give up.

33. What you have lost is not only love, but also a happy life.

34. Once the outcome and process are complete, even you feel greedy when you go to entangle yourself. Looking at the back of your departure, I told myself to be strong and not cry, because I love you, but also because I understand you.

35. How I wish you happiness. I will give it to you personally.

36. Although you don't know my name, I don't know your family name, but what the matter is, fate, just listen to God's arrangement.