A copy of cheering for her daughter's college entrance examination
Moonlight brook
2023-03-01 09:23:29
Complete sentences

1. Real fear comes from fear itself, and fear of failure is the greatest failure.

2. The next beautiful stop is to be ambitious.

3. May you be proud of the swordsman when you finish writing.

4. Beauty belongs to the confident, calm belongs to the prepared, miracle belongs to the persistent, success belongs to the tenacious.

5. Good boy! Believe in yourself, you are always the best in my mind. You can fight several times in your life, this time!

6. Only students who don't work hard, no students who can't read.

7. The college entrance examination is coming, please remember my most sincere wish: heart, always yearning for the future, love, always with you! Where there is a pursuit, there will be a new tomorrow. Where there is a dream, there will be a wonderful life!

8. Everyone has only one youth and one life. You will encounter many difficulties and setbacks in your growth. Only if you don't give up, don't complain, and believe in yourself, your independence, self-confidence, sunshine, courage, and self-discipline will become our model.

9. The biggest obstacle to our learning is the known, not the unknown.

10. Calm down and build my strength; Spell it up to brighten my style.

11. The college entrance examination is coming, so keep your mood stable. Don't get too excited. You can't sleep well at night. Adjust your schedule and keep up with the rhythm. Work and leisure must be combined to clear your mind. The examination room is full of confidence, and the winner is on the golden list. I wish you good results in the college entrance examination!

12. Three minutes on the stage, ten years of hard work off the stage, ten years of hard work only in today, I wish you meet a distinguished person today, good luck today, today only see you can do the problem, today nothing will fail you. I wish you every success in your college entrance examination.

13. May the world's college entrance examiners: sorrow is differentiable, happiness is integrable, happiness is continuous in the future days of positive infinity, and the blessings to you are derivable and greater than zero. I wish you that the composite function of happiness every day is always the maximum.

14. Time will remember, the books you have turned over, the notes you have memorized, and God will see that you have worked hard, the sweat you have shed, don't leave the burden to yourself, and the full burden will be written in the examination paper. I wish you a smooth college entrance exam!

15. The god of triumphant return is flying, and the smoke of the college entrance exam has a lingering fragrance. Who is arrogant and domineering? In the first war, he became famous and shocked eight wastelands. Point out Weiming Lake, a national scientific research park. To make China strong and rich, continue to study hard. Aim high and see the mountains!

16. Wanjin Scholars are scholars. Since ancient times, celebrities have come out of poverty. It is a common thing to hang a beam and stab a share. Nang Yingxue has suffered for ten years, and heard the cock dance for ten years. After ten years of sharpening the sword, the immortals fly and break through the sky to shine on the Xuanyuan. The college entrance examination is a lifetime wish, and it will not fail ten years of hard work. Wish: Toad Palace wins and is nominated by the Golden List!

17. Look for happiness in the wind and rain, and remain tenacious in setbacks.

18. Stand at a new starting point, meet new challenges and create new achievements.

19. What will they do if we don't work hard?

20. There are not many experts. If you defeat yourself, you will be a strong one.

21. When you walk on the high school campus, you must understand that you should always pay attention to your words and deeds, because it reflects your character and quality, affects your class style and school appearance, and reflects your family style.

22. I send you a blessing, wish you good luck, send you a greeting, wish you luck, send you a message, wish you to play beyond your ability, wish you a successful college entrance exam, and enter an ideal university.

23. Create an ordinary mind and bring your extraordinary level into play.

24. Confidence is the condensation of endless wisdom. Plain, it is a post station on the road to success.

25. It's hard in the cold years, just for a moment of sweetness! Come on! Success beckons to us not far ahead. Let's work together, struggle together, support and encourage each other, walk together through the most important hurdle in life, and move towards a better life tomorrow!

26. For the ideal, get up early at the third watch, read to welcome the dawn, sharpen the gun and file the sword, and be not afraid of the battle!

27. You can refuse to learn, but your competitors will not.

28. I don't want to carry shoes for others all my life, so I study hard.

29. No pain, no fatigue, no taste in senior three; If you don't fight, you will live in the third year of senior high school.

30. Although time is passing, I already know that you have a goal in mind, and I am pleased to see that you are moving forward with this goal. Parents have also created excellent learning conditions for you. All the people who care about you love you. I believe you will try your best to turn your dreams into reality.

31. Prepare for the college entrance examination in the cold season of the year. Clothes, food, housing and transportation are just right, calm and not impetuous. Don't eat too much before the exam. Never drink cold drinks. Normal play is not sloppy, and gold list nomination is indispensable. I wish you a gold list nomination!

32. How can you fall down! Behind you are the beloved.

33. We will never regret our annual efforts, and the good news will follow us closely. The winner is the most proud, and the whole family is happy and cheerful. You come and I celebrate together, laughing and singing songs of praise. The dream takes off, the heart is happy, the future is bright and more brilliant.

34. If you sow hard seeds yesterday, you will succeed today. A carp leaps into a dragon, and a roc spreads its wings and shakes the sky. The future is like a bright dream, and the royal clothing is triumphant in spring. The poor students can live up to their hard work. I wish you high school in Jinbang. The college entrance examination went well, I wish you success!

35. Your strength is the confidence of the people around you.

36. You are much like the unknown roots, which make the young trees grow up and make the branches full of rich fruits, but do not ask for any reward.

37. Annual cold window, sowing hope; A test paper, cultivate dreams; When the pen is raised, the nomination list is golden. The college entrance examination is around the corner, so we should give up our nervousness, put aside our nervousness, and gallop around the examination room. Victory is in sight. May the college entrance examination go smoothly!

38. The exam is coming. Let go of the tension in learning in the past and face it with a calm mind. I believe you will get your ideal results. May good luck always accompany you.

39. Don't forget to bring the examination equipment, and carry the certificate and pen in advance; Prevent traffic jams from leaving early and have plenty of time; Pay attention to rest and relax, and don't touch books on time; You are the best in the college entrance examination, and you will be brilliant in the golden list!

40. Those who stick to their teeth and practice every day, and those scars in the body and heart, will become my strength to fight.

41. Paying will pay off. Confidence is absolutely important. Don't forget to smile after the college entrance examination. Have a good sleep when you have time. Don't be nervous. Open the embrace of Kunpeng and go straight up into the sky. I wish you success in the college entrance examination!

42. It doesn't matter if life is a little slow. It's more important to stick to it until the end

43. The college entrance examination is coming. It's a time to show yourself: confident but not timid, motivated but not stressed, not nervous and not anxious, and answer questions quickly without panic! I wish you success in your short term!

44. On the day of college entrance examination, three meals should be on time and food should be paid attention to. The breakfast nutrition is well matched, lunch is too full and easy to fall asleep, you should eat less meat and fish, spicy and greasy food should be limited, keep in mind the health and safety, and wish you more success in the exam!

45. Children, don't be nervous. The college entrance exam is not the only way, nor is it all for the exam, but to make your youth more meaningful.

46. Children, success and failure are neighbors. Life cannot always be successful, nor can it always be failed. It is very normal to experience both success and failure. But success is not proud, failure is not discouraged, this is a very important attitude. Open mindedness can bring happiness, whether it is the joy of success or the light of low ebb.

47. Our former comrades in arms can only bless them silently and wish them real success. At the same time, we hope to have a smiling face when we see them.

48. I firmly believe that we have worked hard and withstood the test, and the door of the ideal university hall will be opened for us. Let's continue our hard but happy way of learning!

49. Throw away your troubles and have a good sleep; After reading the test paper, you secretly laughed, all of which were reviewed. You were happy after the test and happy waiting for the results. I wish the college entrance exam a great success!

50. The cooperation of parents will certainly form the joint force of the college entrance examination. Challenge June, you will be able to harvest the fruits of your dreams, create miracles in life, and raise the prestige of the school

51. In the hot summer, the college entrance examination is coming again; Be energetic and enter the examination room; The examination paper is in hand, and the writing is like a spirit; The answer is like flowing water; With talent in mind, literary talent is flying. I wish you all a smooth and successful college entrance examination!

52. Self defeating is the most tragic failure, and self defeating is the most valuable victory.

53. We will regret the Ming Dynasty if we spare no time in today's world.

54. You have stood on the starting line of life. In order to achieve the lofty goal in your heart, you are working hard. Victory belongs to those who are brave enough to go forward! Victory must belong to you!

55. People who are used to working hard, no matter whether they are studying or working, and no matter what setbacks they encounter, will not escape, but will do well with heart.

56. With exhortation and hope, you should go to the examination room. With faith and dreams, you should spread your wings and fly. In the face of challenges, you should take it easy. You should stand up confidently.

57. The saddest thing in life is to be ambitious and waste time. I think I'm not smart enough, but the director likes to procrastinate. I think my education is not beautiful, but I don't continue to charge. I'm not satisfied with myself, but I comfort myself that today is fun and tomorrow is hard. Since we know it's a long way, we should start early.

58. You are about to take the college entrance examination. I found hundreds of blessings on Baidu and countless auspicious words on Sogou, but I think they are too vulgar. I just want to sincerely say to you: the college entrance examination is smooth, ten years of hard work today!