Complete sentences about the circle of friends on Arbor Day
A piece of red paper
2023-04-26 00:05:29
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. Planting trees, green mountains will never grow old; Planting grass and flowers will make Chixian County more beautiful.

2. Afforestation is beneficial and planting trees is rich. When you are rich at present, you should pick up muck; If you are rich in the long run, plant more trees.

3. More green, less desolate; More cool, less hot; More vitality, less pollution. Let's take action and support a green shade of hope together.

4. The mountain water is picturesque, the flowers are red and the willows are green. Everyone has a small sapling. Tomorrow, under the shade of the trees, it is also important to purify the air, green the environment of the motherland, and plant trees to benefit us.

5. Give you a piece of sunshine, make you bright; I'll give you a big tree to play with; Here is a short message for you to understand that even if you return to Monkey Mountain, you will still be missed by my buddies when Tree Planting Day comes!

6. Willow wishes you peace, pine wishes you ease, plane trees wish you red days, cypress poplar wishes you happy, and even I, the "tree" person, also wish you happiness. Happy Arbor Day!

7. Paste Spring Festival couplets, make lanterns on the Lantern Festival, plant trees on the Tree Planting Day, form a habit, form a custom, and precipitate a tradition. Arbor Day is about planting trees. What you plant is trees, and what you harvest is health and happiness!

8. It's said that sprinkling soil and farmyard manure on the head on Tree Planting Day will increase your height. The effect is good. Try it now! At this exciting moment of national celebration, I must give you my warm greetings: Happy Arbor Day!

9. Planting a sapling makes a green land, planting a forest makes a green ocean, and the Arbor Day is coming. I hope you can plant more trees and trees, and contribute your share to greening the earth. Let's move quickly.

10. A tree planted in the sky is a beautiful wish for the earth. Cultivate with love and irrigate with confidence, the tree will blossom successfully, and you will reap a rich shade of green. Wish you a happy Arbor Day!

11. On Tree Planting Day, we should plant happiness into our hearts, happiness into our lives, good luck into our lives, health into our bodies, and peace into our lives. May everything go well with you!

12. Plant the hope of struggle and improve the brilliant "index"; Cultivate hard work and learn the "art" of becoming rich; Cultivate kindness and beauty, and be happy "directly under"; To plant willows and poplars, we should actively "plant trees" on Tree Planting Day!

13. Planting trees to show mountains and rivers, planting flowers and grass to smell the eaves, the fragrant grass is still green, the plum blossom is natural in the spring, thousands of acres of green sea shelter mulberry fields, and the green mountains and clear water look today. I hope the mountains of our motherland are green! Happy Arbor Day!

14. With a money tree on the left, the money can't be stopped; Take a plane tree on the right to attract the admiration of the beautiful family; Laugh heartily and make all the iron trees blossom. "Hey, wake up, today's Arbor Day, you'd better plant trees first!"

15. I will contract a happy forest for you, plant a wishing tree, harvest a basket of pistachios, grind them into a basket of happy beans, tie a lucky grass, and send you a lush and spring garden! Happy Arbor Day! Happy Arbor Day!

16. Plant a tree and take the green cloud step; Plant two trees and expand your career; Plant three trees and walk on the road of luck; Plant four trees, friendship is rooted; If you plant n trees, you will be happy. Wish you a happy Arbor Day!

17. Arbor Day, you have to have a "tree" in mind. May you be strong for thousands of years, rich for money, warm for love, vigorous for your career, boundless for happiness and happiness!

18. Greening the country's green mountains, transforming the natural forest, beautifying the land of China, and decorating the country. From Tree Planting Day to, start with me, love every tree and grass in nature, and protect the ecological environment on which human beings depend!

19. I plant a happiness tree for you. The root is a strong body, the trunk is a happy family, the leaves are a happy career, and the flowers are a happy love. No matter how many storms, she is your warm dependence! Happy Tree Planting Day.

20. When the imperial edict arrived, the emperor made an imperial edict: on the Tree Planting Day, each person should bring his own shovel to dig holes and plant trees; If anyone does not want to plant trees, he will be punished with three days of hunger; Who dares to destroy green trees and protect them with spring mud. Don't want to be a fertilizer, act quickly!

21. Plant a tree with green hills lined by green trees; Protect every tree to prevent wind and sand from invading the land; A variety of trees make everything green; Cherish every tree and benefit future generations. Arbor Day, love trees, start from you and me!

22. Life is like a tree: sprouting in spring, flourishing in summer, reborn in autumn, and absorbing nutrients in winter. Each life cycle, let us mature step by step. Arbor Day, wish your life more wonderful year by year!

23. Plant a hope seedling, sprinkle a handful of happiness fertilizer, pour a basin of happiness water, and grow auspicious twigs and buds. On the Tree Planting Day, pick up the spade, plant seedlings together, pray for the earth, and wish the earth more beautiful, and the environment more beautiful!

24. Today is the Tree Planting Day. I plant a happy tree for you. The root is a strong body, the trunk is a happy family, the leaves are a smooth career, and the flowers are a happy love. No matter how much wind and rain, she is your warm dependence.

25. Planting a friendship tree on Tree Planting Day: sincerity is the soil, honesty is the fertilizer, missing is the fertilizer, wisdom is the light, SMS is the decoration, phone is the decoration, blessing is the ornament, and greetings are always waiting. May our friendship grow green and green forever.

26. Green is the flame of hope; Green is the source of health. Green is the color of the earth, and green is the color of trees. With the progress of the times, green is dying out. Let's push our hand to protect our mother - the earth.