76 famous quotes about innovation
Old people don't return
2023-03-11 19:09:32
A complete list of famous sayings

1. When science comes to its final stage, it encounters imagination—— Hugo

2. Distance has disappeared, either innovation or death—— Thomas Peters

3. Innovation is finding something in life that the ancients did not find—— Li Keran

4. Innovation without self effort is not real innovation—— Konosuke Matsushita

5. Innovation is the soul of a nation's progress, because of the inexhaustible power of prosperity—— Jiang Zemin

6. Without innovation, there can be no reasonable, especially effective management—— Afanasiev

7. Anyone who can work independently will be able to open up a new line for his own work—— Wu Youxun

8. If learning is only imitation, then we will have neither science nor technology—— Golgi

9. How do cadres treat the market? Create and rush. Innovation and creation; Be aggressive—— Zhang Ruimin

10. Without some kind of bold and unrestrained conjecture, it is generally impossible to make progress in knowledge—— Einstein

11. Commodity development cannot be separated from innovative ideas, which are the most beautiful flowers in human wisdom—— Guo Guanghua

12. Progressive is conservative. Therefore, the innovation of business philosophy must be counter gradual and must be achieved at one step—— Zhang Ruimin

13. Progressive is conservative. Therefore, the innovation of business philosophy must be counter gradual and must be achieved at one step—— Zhang Ruimin

14. Human innovation is extremely difficult, so we regard the existing form as a sacred heritage—— Monsen

15. Innovation sometimes needs to leave the main road and dive into the forest, and you will surely find something you have never seen before—— Bell

16. We should love science, because there is no human power more powerful and invincible than science—— Golgi

17. Science also needs creation, fantasy, and fantasy can break the shackles of tradition and develop science—— Guo Moruo

18. Strive for the best possibility in everything, but prepare for the worst. This is especially true for innovative scientific research—— Wang Shizhen

19. With spiritual experiments and observations as the basis for research, imagination becomes the designer of natural science theory—— Tyndall

20. The secret of getting rich lies in the eight characters of "bold innovation and unique vision"—— Chen Yushu

21. The innovation based on size does not change anything, only by changing the number of products or services to launch new products—— Yang Jingli

22. The main mark of genius is not perfection but creation. Genius can create new situations—— Arthur Koestler

23. In the peaceful world, there is nothing outstanding, but the most outstanding work; There is no respect in the Taiping world, and the honorable one is just an innovative tool—— Kang Youwei

24. Any research work should be innovative. The foundation of innovation is the guidance of new concepts and the breakthrough of new methods—— Wang Hongzhen

25. For innovation, the method is the new world, and the most important thing is not knowledge, but ideas—— The Secret of Innovation by Lang Jiaming

26. Creation will change Baidu. Clean up the old habits and reform the weather: if you keep your promise, you will be quiet and inaction, so you will be wasted and damaged—— Kang Youwei

27. It is not enough for entrepreneurs to have and innovate. It needs a good system, system, team and a good profit model—— Jack Ma

28. People who refuse to study will not ask questions; People who lack breakthrough in their career will not innovate—— nameless

29. One thing is very clear: innovative ideas are not the exclusive domain of those who are specialized in developing innovative ideas—— Sweeney

30. People should make their appearance change with each passing day. They should be like hard and resilient metals that can withstand the training of any struggle—— Leskov

31. For an artist, if he can break the rules and create freely, his achievements will often be amazing—— Chaplin

32. The person who came up with a new method was always said to be a dreamer before his method was successful—— Mark Twain

33. Scientific research is based on the same law, that is, the production of all things depends on natural laws, which also applies to people's actions—— Einstein

34. The blue ocean strategy is a strategy centered on innovation, emphasizing the new market space and business opportunities without competition—— Yang Jingli

35. With the popularity of an idea, the degree of speech innovation is no less than that of habit change—— Seth Johnson

36. In natural science, creating methods and studying some important experimental conditions are often more valuable than discovering individual facts—— Pavlov

37. Fantasy adds an extraordinary color to life, which is necessary for every young person and sentimental person—— Konstantin Paustovsky

38. In science, every road should be taken. Finding a dead end is a great contribution to science—— Einstein

39. Smart young people think that if they admit the truth that has been admitted by others, they will lose their originality. This is the biggest mistake—— Goethe

40. Concept innovation is goal innovation, and goal innovation is to propose goals that others think cannot be reached, and to achieve them in innovative ways—— Zhang Ruimin

41. Four stages of Foxconn's innovation - vertical integration, reverse integration, horizontal integration and diversified integration—— Gou Taiming

42. The decisive factor for managing each employee into an innovative SBU and continuously managing high-quality talents is whether managers can manage themselves—— Zhang Ruimin

43. Science gives certainty and strength to people. A man who relies only on practice and does not rely on science is like a sailor who does not use a rudder or compass—— Dampier

44. The soul of poetry lies in innovation, that is, creating something unexpected, amazing and pleasing to the eye—— Seth Johnson

45. The success or failure of an enterprise depends on whether it can innovate, especially in the current transformation stage of the old and new systems. In the special difficult period of an enterprise, this spirit is even more needed—— Huang Hanqing

46. Innovation can be defined as changing the value and satisfaction consumers get from resources from the perspective of demand rather than supply—— Drucker

47. Science is by no means a selfish pleasure. Those lucky enough to devote themselves to scientific research should first serve mankind with their knowledge—— Marx

48. Scientific research is especially creative, especially relying on self-reliance. Of course, self-reliance does not mean blocking yourself—— Li Siguang

49. Either innovate or die. Especially in the technology driven industry, there is no faster disappearance than success—— Bill Saporito

50. Innovating a little every day is leading the way. Doing a little more every day is a good harvest. A little progress every day is towards success—— Zou Jinhong

51. Innovation requires a certain amount of inspiration, which is not innate, but comes from long-term accumulation and wholehearted investment. No accumulation, no innovation—— Wang Yening

52. The bee takes a middle road. It collects materials from flowers in gardens and fields, but uses its own power to change and digest this material—— Bacon

53. It is an important task for the management organs and leaders to tear down this wall of indifference everywhere and create a way for innovative people and innovators—— Afanasiev

54. Imagination is more important than knowledge, because knowledge is limited. Imagination summarizes everything in the world, promotes progress, and is the source of knowledge progress—— Einstein

55. To continue to build momentum, we must make the enterprise a flowing river. The source is the innovative SBU, and the end of the river is user satisfaction, that is, loyal users to the enterprise—— Zhang Ruimin

56. If you want to succeed, you should move on to a new path, not follow the beaten path of success—— John D. Rockefeller

57. Only by taking the lead, outwitting others, and constantly creating new systems, new products, new markets and new situations that overwhelm competitors, can an enterprise remain invincible—— Huang Hanqing

58. In scientific research, it is allowed to create any hypothesis, and if it explains a large number of independent facts, it will rise to the level of a well founded theory—— Darwin

59. Climbing science is like mountaineers climbing Mount Everest. To overcome numerous difficulties and obstacles, cowards and sluggards cannot enjoy the joy and happiness of victory—— Chen Jingrun

60. Innovation -- "innovation" will be to improve the "core competitiveness" of manufacturing technology by integrating knowledge and experience -- Gou Taiming

61. Some people think that there is no reason that only poets need to fantasize. This is stupid prejudice! Even in mathematics, there is also a need for imagination. Without it, it is impossible to invent calculus—— Lenin

62. Those who just watch others' faces and act and bind themselves cannot make rapid progress, especially in the era of rapid changes in science and technology, and will fall behind—— soichiro honda

63. Those who just watch others' faces and act and bind themselves cannot make rapid progress, especially in the era of rapid changes in science and technology, and will fall behind—— soichiro honda

64. It is not enough for entrepreneurs to have and innovate. They need good systems, systems, teams and good profit models. The world is not about what you can do, but what you should do—— Jack Ma

65. Most of the young people who have made great inventions are those who dare to challenge the unchanging discipline law for thousands of years. They have done what the masters think is impossible, which surprised the world—— Fermat

66. The performance of innovation - the performance of innovation (on the ability of three operations): the innovation of business philosophy, the innovation of business methods, and the innovation of manufacturing methods—— Gou Taiming

67. In the future, only a small part of the value of products produced by advanced countries will be derived from the labor of blue collar workers and capital goods, but mainly from ideas and innovation Gifford Pinshawt No. 3

68. If one wants to do something, he must go his own way. To open up a new path, the most important thing is whether you can ask questions by yourself. To ask questions correctly is the first step of innovation—— Li Zhengdao

69. China grasps the potential of core technology through self independent innovation rather than buying others' technology. Only in this way can Chinese enterprises create their own brands in the international market and win the respect of the world—— Dong Mingzhu

70. Even the Japanese now have to go beyond the stage of imitating, importing and adopting other people's technology, and learn to carry out real technological innovation by themselves...... Drucker

71. Since people like crabs very much, some spiders must have been eaten, but they didn't eat them until they knew they weren't delicious. But the first person to eat crabs must be a warrior—— Lu Xun

72. In the future, only a small part of the value of products produced by advanced countries will be derived from the labor of blue collar workers and capital goods, but mainly from ideas and innovation—— Gifford Pinshawt No. 3

73. In our history of science, it is unfair to only write about someone who has achieved success and explored the way before the winner, and to not write about all the losers who found that "the road is blocked"—— Einstein

74. ISO9001 - dare to innovate - quality system → quality assurance mode of design/development, production, installation and after-sales service—— Gou Taiming

75. The basic element of innovative talents is to be responsible for "responsibility", be willing to understand, be diligent in "starting" and not afraid of mistakes, observe "discipline" and emphasize unity—— Gou Taiming

76. The basic elements of innovative talents - being responsible and willing to learn, being diligent and not afraid of mistakes, abiding by "discipline" and valuing unity—— Gou Taiming