109 plain happy sentences
Heartbeat in Tokyo
2023-04-12 10:57:28
Complete sentences

1. My favorite sentence is: nonsense, you are my woman! In my heart, you are always the best!

2. Look at happiness, don't write about sadness, the world of mortals is three thousand, don't talk about sadness, don't ask how many flowers bloom, just ask about smile Enron.

3. The teacher said: Don't fall in love with others. I want to say: I only want him, no matter how good the others are.

4. In fact, happiness is a kind of good attitude. Only those who are calm and in a good mood can truly experience happiness.

5. There is a cool man in my family who is a little thick in the palm of his hand and leads me to walk.

6. A lover, a wedding, a family, a child, a companion to accompany you to the end of life, the life I want.

7. No matter how much I make you, you will not leave me because I know that you love me and hurt me. It is my greatest happiness to have you in my life.

8. Happiness does not conform to Newton's law of inertia at all. It always stops at the most smooth time.

9. There is a coincidence, for example, I am a fish in the water and you are a bird in the sky. We can't meet. So they happened to love each other.

10. Life seeks happiness in insipidity, tastes happiness in subtlety, watches happiness in solitude, and misses happiness in forgetfulness.

11. Missing others is a kind of warmth, being missed by others is a kind of happiness, my world you have come, I am very happy, has been satisfied.

12. Time will slowly precipitate, and some people will slowly blur in your heart. Learn to let go. Your happiness needs your own fulfillment.

13. Happiness is that after going through the world of mortals and being quenched into steel, after years of circulation, the two sides of the busy flower are still calm and relaxed. With Buddhist heart, it has become a landscape.

14. No matter how hard the road ahead is, as long as you go in the right direction, no matter how bumpy, you are closer to happiness than standing still.

15. Happiness is not to get more, but to care less; People who live in a muddle are easy to be happy; People who live soberly are easy to worry.

16. Happiness is having a grateful heart; Have a healthy body; A group of trustworthy friends and a promising tomorrow.

17. Happiness is not to live forever, not to eat in royal clothes, not to have power over the country. Happiness is the fulfillment of every tiny wish for life.

18. Flowers fall with the wind, rain with clouds and sunshine, passers-by are in a hurry, and there will be a time to meet. It is good to keep the scenery passing by and the past in mind.

19. Happiness is really elusive. Let's care for others, cherish every detail around us, open our hands and grasp happiness!

20. I like to sit alone in the car, put on headphones, listen to songs, and watch the scenery along the way home, because I know that home is my harbor at any time.

21. Life, like tea, can only be forced out of its inherent potential and create long-term and stable happiness for itself by repeatedly soaking in boiling water.

22. I hope you will not get lost, make good friends, stop being bullied, be happy, and be strong by yourself.

23. You can look up at the blue sky, breathe fresh air and enjoy the gentle moonlight every day. It's not deserved. You should learn to be grateful.

24. If you are not happy, others are unhappy. If you make others happy, you will be happy with them. If one person is unlucky, he will not be completely happy.

25. The rainbow may not appear after the wind and rain, but it always comes after the wind and rain. Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.

26. The happiness you are seeking is actually the road under your feet. Don't think about other things, don't hesitate, go well with it, you will catch up with your happiness one day!

27. Happiness is a feeling of your own heart. It lies in your heart. Stay in your own heart. Please feel it, find it, and measure it with your heart.

28. In fact, the happiest love is not to enjoy what you have given, but to walk with you, or to be muddy, or to stagger, still insisting on smiling, and to come to the present.

29. People who often stand sit more, people who often sit lie more, people who often lie walk more, people who often walk stop more, people who are absentminded to face the world will be more relaxed.

30. Happiness is actually very simple, although ordinary, it has a wisp of quiet and faint fragrance; It is also like a touch of sunshine, although rare, it has colorful beauty.

31. Happiness is an unattainable beauty. It is the dust that wanders around. Every sand and gravel is the shadow of happiness. It is a joyful dissociation between people's hearts and the air.

32. Happiness means having a grateful heart, a healthy body, a satisfactory job, a lover who loves you deeply, and a group of trustworthy friends.

33. Happiness looks material, but actually it is spiritual. People with ideals and rich spiritual life have a sense of happiness; People without ideals and empty spirit lack happiness.

34. I want you to know that there is a person in the world who is always waiting for you, no matter when or where, you know, there is always such a person.

35. Don't forget what others said when they were angry, because that is often the truth; Don't hate the person who said this, because it is another way for him to let you see yourself clearly.

36. You hold me in your arms and pass the temperature of your body. These are the most beautiful and happy pictures I want, but how long will it be? It won't snow over there.

37. I don't know who said that happiness should go so many ways, take so long, make so many efforts, and destroy it with only one step, in a flash, without blowing dust.

38. I used to think that a lot of tears would flow when I was sad. It turns out that a real sadness cannot shed a single drop of tears. Everything will pass. We live like this.

39. It is happiness to wait for a colorful flower event. It is happiness to build dreams with people you like in the sun. It is also happiness to keep a period of warm and cold intertwined time and slowly grow old

40. Happiness, sometimes so vain, sometimes so real; Happiness, sometimes so near, sometimes so far; Happiness, sometimes very simple, sometimes very complex.

41. In fact, happiness is very simple. It comes from every drop of life. As long as we feel it with our heart, it will appear in every part of our life, accompany us all our life, and forever.

42. What is true happiness? In fact, happiness is everywhere. Happiness is actually a kind of ability. Use it to create happiness, use it to convey happiness, use it to feel happiness, and use it to feel happiness.

43. One of the happiest things in the world is to be in the same city with your friends and share the same taste and values. You only know that no matter when and where you are in a good mood, you want this person to accompany you.

44. Disappointment is sometimes a kind of happiness, because there are expectations, so we will be disappointed. Because there is love, there will be expectations, so even if disappointed, it is also a kind of happiness, although this kind of happiness is a little painful.

45. From dawn to dusk, the sunshine is abundant, surpassing all the poems in the past. Happiness finds me and says, "Look, this poet is happier than me."

46. When I was a child, happiness was a thing. When I got it, it was happiness; When you grow up, happiness is a goal. When you reach it, you will be happy; After maturity, happiness is a state of mind, which means happiness.

47. Happiness itself has no class nature, but different happiness views are marked with different class brands. Workers are happy to enjoy the fruits of their labor; The exploiter is happy to enjoy the fruits of labor.

48. Happiness is all the time. Happiness is everywhere. As long as you feel what you can feel with your heart, you are happy. Cherish what you have now is your greatest happiness!

49. Happiness is the pursuit that accompanies people all their lives, and it has never been far away for a moment. Happiness is around us, just like a shadow, but most of the time, we are busy chasing secular goals, while ignoring its existence.

50. Wandering in the sense of happiness, there is often a happy and healthy attitude. Because of happiness, it is simple, because of simplicity, it is ordinary, because of ordinary, it is love, because of love, it is happiness.

51. People are not perfect, and there is no turning point in happiness. It is a kind of maturity to know that one has no ability to have so much at one time and has no right to demand so much. Otherwise, you will not only suffer yourself, but also embarrass the other party.

52. Happiness is a landscape. If you walk in it with a calm mind, life will be full of beautiful scenery. It is not only about how you appreciate and experience, but also about your attitude and direction when facing life.

53. No one can tell what happiness is. If you want to really feel happiness, it is true that only by delivering happiness to others and creating happiness for society, can you feel happiness and taste happiness in person.

54. Happiness is hard to get, but sometimes it is so simple. Happiness is within reach. If you are not careful, you will be far away. Happiness may last a lifetime, but it may only be a moment.

55. One can fall in love with many people in one's life. After you get the happiness that truly belongs to you, you will understand that the pain together is actually a kind of wealth, which enables you to better grasp and cherish the people you love.

56. When I was a child, happiness was a thing. When I got it, I felt happy. When you grow up, happiness is a dream. When you realize it, you will feel happy. Mature, happiness is a state of mind, understand it, then feel happy.

57. When you came, you broke into my heart; When you left, you locked my heart. Since then, my heart is like a window that can't be closed. When the wind rises, it is cold. Only you can enter my world and comfort my light sadness.

58. Happiness is the warmth of snuggling up in the warm embrace of mother; Happiness is the sweetness on my father's broad shoulders; Happiness is the kindness of looking at grandpa's smiling face; Happiness is the respect of watching the teacher smile.

59. We can easily avoid an elephant, but we can never avoid flies. What makes us unhappy is often a small matter like a sesame or a green bean. Don't despise the small details of life, and use snacks to master happiness!

60. Sharing with you, I understand happiness; Share with you, I understand the warmth; When I talk with you, I understand warmth; With you, I understand happiness. dear! I also want to work with you to verify the meaning of life.

61. Happiness is the beauty of working. Although sweating and working hard, it is bittersweet. It is a kind of harvest happiness, whether it is the process or the result, as long as you are working hard, it is happiness.

62. My happiness is everywhere: when I arrive at school in the morning, I answer the questions correctly in class; Students are happy; Listen to your favorite music when you go home; Write homework for a while; Watch TV for a while. This is all happiness!

63. Hold the greatest hope for the future; Try your best to achieve the goal; Prepare for the worst for the result; We should have the best attitude towards success or failure. Don't be impatient, don't be arrogant and don't be discouraged. I wish you to grasp every minute and let happiness embrace you!

64. Missing you is a kind of happiness, thinking of you is a kind of habit, loving you is a kind of treasure, dreaming of you is a kind of romance, loving you is a kind of tenderness, waiting for you is a kind of test, having you is a kind of happiness, and accompanying you is a kind of enjoyment. It's good to have you!

65. When we are hungry, the acquisition of a piece of bread is happiness; When we are lost, a signpost appears, that is happiness; When we cry and feel sad, a kind word of comfort is happiness.

66. If you want to be happy, you must first let others be happy, because I feel that everyone has been blessed. They have a happy family, but they are ignorant. They do not know how rich they are. Therefore, life needs happiness.

67. The word happiness sounds so simple. People often deliberately pursue happiness and try to find it. Some people still struggle for it all their lives, but in the end they find themselves on the road of happiness, but never enjoy it.

68. Happiness, sometimes really simple, quietly appears in the world around us. We always lament that happiness is always at a loss for us, which is only because we have never really felt and discovered with our heart.

69. Happiness has no standard. It is like a threshold. Whether it is high or low depends on your own views and positioning. When you have everything, but you don't feel happy, maybe in the eyes of others, that is a kind of happiness that you have been longing for for a long time.

70. What is happiness? Happiness is the insipidity and peace we have, happiness is the happiness in pain, happiness is the beautiful memory of childhood, happiness is the joy in work, happiness is the song we sing unconsciously every day, and happiness is the exciting words.

71. Life is colorful. The key is how you look at it; With a correct perspective, you will find that life is so beautiful. Let's have an optimistic attitude towards life, like that couple, to feel the beauty and happiness.

72. In sickness, health is happiness; In darkness, light is happiness; In the cold, warmth is happiness; When separated, reunion is happiness; When you are sad, having a reliable shoulder to make you cry is happiness; When frustrated, it is happiness to hold your hand tightly.

73. Happiness is accompanied by happiness. Happiness is actually very simple. We don't need to deliberately compare and pretend. Facing life, a simple smile is clearly a happy warmth; In the face of life, a sincere and persistent, is clearly a happy warmth.

74. Happiness has nothing to do with status, money, size of house, beauty, knowledge, age, etc. It depends on desire, bearing, attitude, inner cultivation, and spirit.

75. Cultivation is a process of happiness. Happiness and pain are synonyms. If you can't experience pain, you can't get happiness. If you don't know what pain is, you don't know what happiness is. For personal experience, pain is happiness, and happiness is pain.

76. Happiness is the chant in the mouth of the punters. The more it blows, the brighter it becomes; Happiness is the tamping in people's hands, the more tamping, the more solid; Happiness is the chalk in the teacher's hand, even if it is broken, but also willingly; Happiness is the ox held by the ploughman. Although he works hard, he is also indomitable.

77. Having a good job is a kind of happiness; Having a warm home is a kind of happiness; Having a bosom friend is a kind of happiness; Having a good attitude is also a kind of happiness; Having a wife who loves you is a kind of happiness.

78. Life itself is the source of happiness and the holy land of happiness. Happiness comes from the understanding and making of life. Life is originally a kaleidoscope of happiness savings. In this colorful kaleidoscope, people who pursue happiness and work hard are even more indispensable.

79. The students' view of happiness is simple: a smile from their parents, a compliment from their teachers, and an envious look from their friends are enough to make them happy for a day; Breaking through a difficult problem, solving the contradiction between friends, a small activity, has become a priceless happiness.

80. No desire, of course, is free, and a broad mind can enjoy peace and happiness. Happiness is a major pursuit of life, and a happy life is enviable. The real world is cruel. Happiness is easy to get one day, but it is difficult to get happiness one year. For most people, a happy life is a paradise in their dreams.

81. Happiness is sweating happily, happiness is loneliness in the dead of night, happiness is no longer awakened by nightmares, happiness is laughing heartily when happy, crying loudly when sad, happiness is feeling the surprises brought to us by the changing spring, summer, autumn and winter, and happiness is helping the helpless.

82. Happiness is always around you. If you take the job from your mother and feel warm, that is happiness; If you read letters from friends and taste friendship under the lamp, that is happiness; If you sit alone in a corner, listen to music quietly, and concentrate on reverie, that is happiness.

83. Happiness is like a cup of tea. The light fragrance overflows from a slow drink, refreshing and comfortable; Happiness is like a glass of red wine. No matter what kind of wine is, you can always taste the thick thread of glycol in careful tasting, which makes you intoxicated. What you are intoxicated with is the body, and what you are intoxicated with is the heart.

84. Dad's view of happiness is simple: as long as parents can spend their old age in peace, wives are happy, and children can study hard. I have achieved relatively good results, and my father also said that I was very happy; Drink two cups of wine and stir fry a few dishes. Dad said he was too happy. For my father, happiness is so simple.

85. What is the taste of happiness? In my opinion, the taste of happiness is that people who can give happiness to others should be happy themselves, because only they can feel this taste. The taste of happiness is that people who can give happiness to others should also be happy, and this taste is often fun.

86. What is happiness? Different people have different opinions on this question. There is no clear standard for happiness, but everyone can feel and taste it. Happiness is gratitude, warmth, dedication, tolerance, and dedication. Let's look for it and yearn for it. In fact, happiness is just an angle of view.

87. Sometimes happiness is a feeling of one's own heart, which is deposited in the bottom of one's own heart, invisible and intangible, but that kind of experience and enjoyment is very real and direct. Maybe you don't have rich materials and controlled fame and wealth, but as long as you have a good mood, you are actually happy.

88. It is fair to give happiness to others, but you are willing to enjoy it. Happiness has no distinction between rich and poor, between rich and poor, between rich and poor, between rich and poor, between poor and poor, between poor and poor, between rich and poor, between rich and poor, between rich and poor, between rich and poor, between rich and poor, between rich and poor, between rich and poor, between rich and poor, between rich and. As long as you have a happy and ordinary heart, you will always embrace happiness in happiness and make life better.

89. We must maintain an optimistic and open-minded mind. With this mind, the soul is like a source of fresh water. It can nourish the flexible eyes all the time to find happiness, discover beauty and appreciate beauty. Colorful colors, long grass and flying birds are beautiful, desert is lonely and smoke, long river sunset is beautiful. Does He Baiju Xie enjoy the scenery?

90. Putting into action is a kind of happiness, a joy originating from the soul. When the sky generously sprinkles cool drizzle, when the big trees happily spit out fresh oxygen, when the bees work hard to make sweet honey, their hearts must be full of joy and pride. Their lives are therefore more glorious and magnificent.

91. Happiness is a mystery. If you ask a thousand people to answer it, there will be a thousand answers. When we are hungry, the acquisition of a piece of bread is a kind of happiness; When we fall into confusion, the appearance of a signpost is a kind of happiness; When we cry, a kind words of comfort is a kind of happiness.

92. Happiness can be met but not sought, just like love. But happiness is so simple, as if we can embrace it with open hands. Everything comes from magical and incredible opportunities, which have stayed in our hearts for a long time. Therefore, we should remember that happiness is a kind of mood, plain, tolerant, warm and lovely.

93. Those who are content are always happy, and those who are always happy are happy. In life, we have a lot of things that we can't own, and there are also many realities that we can't change. Although we can't change our life, we can change our life values to enjoy the warm side of life.

94. Mother's view of happiness is simple: no need to wear gold and silver, no need to be rich and noble, as long as the parents are healthy, the husband is successful in his career, and the children are clever, they are free to knit sweaters, the pots and pans jingle before dinner, the family talk and laugh after dinner, and the neighborhood is harmonious... This is mother's happiness.

95. The key to life experience is everyone's attitude towards life. If you think that doing your duty is a kind of happiness, you will have the experience of responsibility happiness; If you think contentment is a kind of happiness, you will have a happy experience of contentment; If you think simplicity is a kind of happiness, you will have much more happiness experience than others.

96. We always think that the happiness we want is on the other side of time. In fact, happiness is submerged in this fleeting scene and has never been far away. The meaning of life lies in the pursuit and perception, and this process is happiness. No matter how time flows, some things will never change, that is, the longing for a better life.

97. Happiness is not necessarily reflected in appearance, but in whether you really touch the happy skin and soul. Happiness is not adorned and embellished with tangible things, but needs to be kept in the deepest part of your heart with the feeling and discovery of your heart, and quietly appreciate the posture and fragrance of the blooming flowers of happiness.

98. I can sit cross legged in front of the table and put a book, a cup of favorite tea or hot milk tea. The sun can be projected on the white carpet from the French window, and you can see the sun in circles. It's better to meet snow. Sit in front of the window, put on a comfortable dress and watch how the snowflakes dance. It seems that I will be happy all my life.

99. What is happiness? It should be happy to do what you like and be with the people you like. If your wish comes true, you should be happy. A man works in the field, sweating heavily, but he feels very happy, he is happy; Another man was walking in the garden, but he felt very unhappy. He was not happy.

100. You can also walk on the bluestone slab in the small lane. If you meet a little girl, you can join in and return to simplicity. Or talk about some trivial life with those old people, embroider with them, accept shoes, eat delicious food they make, and listen to their vague balderdash. You can also hold an umbrella in rainy days, splash water all the way, listen to the songs of rain, and applaud them.

101. It is inevitable for a family to bump and bump together, but they are always happy after that. When a child lives in fear, he learns to worry; A child who lives in sarcasm learns inferiority; A child who lives in encouragement learns self-confidence; I live in happiness. I think what I will learn is to treat everything sincerely with heart.

102. True happiness is not the danger of carrying lifelong regrets and deliberately removing the slightest flaw in ourselves; Instead, we should grasp the real pearls in our own hands and learn to tolerate and cherish them, so that we can feel real happiness from each other's hearts! Happiness will not come to you by itself, it will stand near you.

103. Happiness is the spring in my heart when the north wind blows in cold winter; It is a cup of warm tea with light green floating in the holiday; It is a kind and relieved smile with gratitude and understanding; It is the exhortation of relatives when they travel far away; It is a cheerful conversation and laughter with three or two friends in the tea shop; It is the embrace of lovers by the river with moonlight like water; It is a variety of frustrations and warm life that we will savor in the twilight.

104. Why not taste the beautiful artistic conception of "listening to the sound of rain while leaving the residual lotus" and "there are still Aoshuang branches after the residual chrysanthemum"? In the city, there is a bustling bustle of high-rise buildings with beautiful neon clothes; In the countryside, there are simple and quiet bridges, flowing water, rolling wheat waves and frogs. This is optimism, this is happiness.

105. Happiness, in fact, comes from "love". It really has nothing to do with money. I am moved by my lover's warm love for me; I was moved by my daughter's sweet attachment to me; I was moved by the careful care of my friends; I am moved by my parents' tireless exhortation to me... These moves make me feel happy!

106. Happiness is not waiting. Happiness is something you can see and grasp; Happiness is not rich material, it is just a small piece of bread, so you don't have to beg all over the street; Happiness is not how others see you, but how you enjoy it; Happiness is not an illusion in the air, but a reality you can have today

107. Happiness is the moon in the water, a flower in the mirror. - Use the shadow to realize your own "can't be asked". The eagle flies in the sky, but also swims in the sea, telling the happiness of flying in the sea with the deepest and solid shadow; the fish swims in the water, but also shuttles in the clouds, passing the happiness of playing in the clouds with the lightest and gentlest floating.

108. Happiness is the experience of countless reincarnations and return to the original life. It is not only the happiness of "asking for no", but also the happiness of "asking for no". In fact, happiness is a glass of boiled water, plain and light, but it is pregnant with unlimited body. Different people put different ingredients, taste different flavors, experience different happiness, in your hands, also in my hands.

109. Perhaps, happiness is the concern of "being close to each other before leaving, fearing to return late"; Perhaps, happiness is the reunion of "I hope people will live for a long time and share the beautiful moon and beauty"; Perhaps happiness is the pleasure of "raising a glass to invite the moon and making three people"; Perhaps, happiness is the joy of "looking back suddenly, the person is in the dim light"