Watching movies in 2022 and sending humorous sentences to friends (43 sentences)
If the youth is as green as before
2023-07-03 21:19:45
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1. Recently, I watched movies and listened to music crazily. I hope I can study crazily in a month.

2. I went to see a movie with my boyfriend last night. Luckily, it was a bit scary.

3. Everyone burst into tears and walked out of the cinema. Alas, most of the actors' lines were also very good. I saw sweating when watching a movie in the cinema for the first time! Heart disease is coming!

4. There are still 24 hours left. Hold on. After reporting, you can go to see a movie. You can also go to see a movie on weekends. You can also go to learn about swimming and fitness.

5. We chose a different place at the same time on the same day. Although this was Xiao Ning's first attempt to go to the cinema alone, it seemed like he was really with us. It was a great feeling.

6. Some friendships can be called out to accompany a movie, invite a meal and catch a baby even if they haven't contacted for half a year.

7. I always like watching movies, and only two hours in the cinema I am genuinely happy.

8. I like watching movies so much. I feel like a movie geek. I'm in a good mood recently. I feel it's time to feel relaxed and fat.

9. You can know your character from the way you watch movies: fast forward when watching art films, and pause when watching porn films.

10. Sometimes I also ask myself what I like, like your little thoughts, like your sudden kisses, like your loveliness when you become angry, like the purity of your tears when you watch movies, and like you.

11. I really want to see the ferry people, but I can't find anyone to go with me. It's impossible to go to the cinema alone.

12. I have watched many movies for so many years, but they are all alone and can't find friends with similar tastes.

13. I am still me. I like writing, listening to music, watching movies, reading books, being keen on electronic products, traveling and not staying at home.

14. The first time I watched a movie alone, I started to cry from the beginning of the movie, cried until the end, and cried until lack of oxygen.

15. Biao's 80 mile motorcycle, climbing tall buildings, lying in the same bed watching movies, karaoke, dancing, hating each other, drinking, eating hot pot, and practicing stalls. A perfectly arranged day.

16. I really like watching movies! Some movies can last even four or five hours!

17. On Tanabata, I watched a movie alone, and I missed that I could never find the person I loved deeply.

18. I have never liked going to the cinema to watch movies, because I don't like the laughter of others in the cinema, and I don't like the crying of others in the cinema.

19. After watching it, I would like to watch it on my mobile phone in bed, which is totally different from watching it on my computer or in the cinema. I love watching movies again.

20. I can take the subway to the destination alone, or I can watch movies alone until 6:00 in the morning. You think I'm lonely, I just want to be comfortable.

21. I haven't gone out for a long time. I didn't like watching movies and was tired when I went shopping. Now I love watching movies and going shopping. Spending money can really make people happy.

22. It's really interesting for girls nowadays to show off their friends when watching a movie with a boy. Have I said anything when I have classes with more than 20 men at the same time?

23. In the afternoon, I suddenly wanted to see a movie. I turned on my mobile phone to buy a ticket, and then remembered that everything I wanted to see had been withdrawn.

24. Eating, shopping and watching movies with friends you like are things every girl wants to do every day!

25. Watch a movie individually, do what you like while still young, and take a personal trip next time. This site has sorted out humorous sentences of watching movies and sending friends. Welcome to read and collect them.

26. I think the reason why I like going to the cinema to watch movies is probably that kind of experience and feeling. It's like a life from a stranger who suddenly enters a world to a stranger who leaves.

27. All of a sudden, I want to get married. It's raining outside in this typhoon day, and I want to stay on the sofa with the person I like to watch movies. At the moment, I can lie in his arms.

28. In the middle of watching a movie in the cinema, the screen of the cinema went black. A friend shouted: move the mouse.

29. I also want to wear a small sling to show my beautiful collarbone and ask you to go to the movie. I also want to look into your eyes and kiss you while drinking, but I'm a little late.

30. I washed my hair on the way back. In order to maximize the value, I chose to invite someone to watch a movie together tomorrow. What a wonderful life.

31. Looking out of the window on a typhoon day, I suddenly feel it is romantic to go home to watch a movie with someone I like under an umbrella. A woman in her 30s has a heart of a girl in her 20s.

32. It's fun to date friends, eat together, watch movies and eat desserts together.

33. It's nothing to watch a movie alone, but it feels good. I bought Coke and Hamburg in the middle of the movie, but it started when I went to the cinema, but it did not affect the integrity of the movie.

34. I'm in a bad mood. I want to go to the movie, but I can't find anyone to watch it with. I don't know what to watch. I'd better cry about the plot. I'm tired.

35. After watching the original work before watching the movie, I felt like a pig's head. Thanks for meeting you and making me mature. Even in disguise, please rest assured that I will not wait for you at the end.

36. You can go shopping, watch movies, eat and sleep alone, but love cannot be alone.

37. How lonely am I now? There is no one to accompany me when I watch the movie, and no one to invite me when I want to drink. What accompanies me every day is my cell phone, my bed and the air conditioner.

38. I was in a bad mood, so I decided to go to the movies. The dopamine secreted by exercise alleviated a bit of boring life.

39. The reason why I like watching movies may be that I have my own shadow in a certain scene, venting my mood, touching the moment, and living a scene that cannot be realized in my life.

40. On a whim today, I wanted to see a movie. I came here alone, and suddenly found that, wow, I am excellent alone!

41. I used to think that one could not watch movies, go shopping, eat or travel. Later, I became more and more fond of being alone.

42. How happy I was a few weeks before the holiday! Blow the air conditioner at home every day, and don't go out. It's eating, drinking, watching movies and watching dramas.

43. I used to go to the movies almost every week for a long time. When will I have time? I miss my big screen.