After Reading Young Drummer
Life is as light as tea
2023-07-28 08:05:10

Today, I read the story "Young Drummer" in "Education of Love".

The story takes place on July 24, 1848, the first day of the Kostyca battle: an Italian infantry team of about 60 people was ordered to occupy an empty house on a certain highland. When they were about to reach their destination, they were suddenly attacked by the enemy. The strength of the enemy's two companies far exceeded that of the Italian infantry. They had to leave their dead and wounded companions behind and withdraw into the empty house. The house backs against the cliff, and the enemy can only attack from the other three sides. They closed the door downstairs and went up to the second floor to make fire with the enemy.

The officer of the infantry team was a captain. He was tall and had white hair and beard. Among the soldiers was a fourteen year old drummer. The captain ordered the small drummer to go through the enemy's defense line, find our main force and ask for support. The little drummer received the order, carefully opened the door of the building, bent down and ran. He went forward in the rain of bullets. Suddenly, the little drummer fell down. The captain thought, "It's over. He must have been killed by the enemy's bullets.". Decades of seconds later, the little drummer stood up and went on. But the captain saw that the little drummer's foot was a little lame. After a while, the little drummer stopped to rest for a minute, and then ran again. In this way, the little drummer ran off and on.

Before the reinforcements arrived, the captain's heart was suspended, fearing that the drummer would die. The captain pulled out his saber and was ready to take the remaining dozen soldiers to fight with the enemy. At this critical moment, reinforcements arrived!

In the end, the Italian army won. When the battle was over, the captain with the injured left hand met the young drummer again when he was admitted to the field hospital. The little drummer lost a foot in the battle! The captain said excitedly, "You are the hero of this battle!"

After reading this story, I was deeply moved. Although the little drummer was shot in the foot by a bullet, he still kept going, because he knew that if he held the injured foot and stayed here, all his comrades in the empty house would die or be captured, so he went forward painfully and finally invited reinforcements, but he sacrificed one foot. His spirit of saving comrades in arms and sacrificing himself for others, regardless of his own life, is worth learning for all of us!