84 classic feelings in the circle of friends
Know yourself
2023-04-19 03:35:47
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1、 We were all vulnerable, and we will be invulnerable.

2、 More difficult than resistance is to keep your own pace.

3、 In every night accompanied by your voice, it is no longer too lonely and lonely.

4、 If you know each other, you will be happy without words. If the heart is tacit, we know each other without words.

5、 Some roads, you must walk alone, this is not lonely but choice.

6、 The real peace is not to stay away from the noise, but to build fences and plant chrysanthemums in your heart.

7、 In the great practice of life, what we cultivate is to not only dare to mention it, but also dare to put it down.

8、 Everything will get better in the end. If it doesn't get better, it means it's not the end.

9、 Everything in life is not a coincidence. What you get comes from what you pay.

10、 Complaining is like throwing a stone at one's own foot. It is not good for others, bad for oneself, or helpful for everything.

11、 A fool always wants others to understand him. Wise people try to understand themselves.

12、 People will not give up roses because of thorns, so people will not refuse love because of pain.

13、 What can move people is never rhetoric, but just the right gentleness and sincere heart.

14、 If jealousy is an insurmountable obstacle to friendship, then suspicion is the most dangerous enemy of love.

15、 I don't need that person to be perfect, I just need that person to make me feel that I am the only one.

16、 We always want to learn how to be calm. In fact, we don't need to learn this. We will be calm when we experience more.

17、 Sometimes when we forgive someone, we don't really forgive, but we don't want to lose her. We just pretend to forgive.

18、 Love is like a zipper. Only when we have experienced stories together can we be unforgettable and never leave.

19、 Although the joy of love is extremely sweet, it can only survive where glory and virtue exist.

20、 When you fall in love, please cherish it; When turning around, please be elegant; When we say goodbye, we must smile.

21、 This is indeed a new era full of desire and, similarly, more empty and gloomy.

22、 The greatest gift in life is forgiveness. The most admirable thing in life is diligence. The greatest wealth in life is health.

23、 You smiled and said nothing to me. And I think, for this, I have been waiting for a long time.

24、 I will remember the unexpected warmth in my life, and I will also remember the days when it rained heavily and there was no umbrella.

25、 Those things that once thought we could never forget are forgotten by us in the process of our obsession.

26、 In the world, there really will be a person who silently pays attention to you, loves you, but never gets close to you.

27、 I admit that there is nothing more painful than the punishment of love, and nothing happier than serving it.

28、 The most reliable thing in this world is not others, but yourself. Don't rely on others. Be strong and independent.

29、 No matter how you change, you can't make everyone like you, so you might as well be the person you want to be.

30、 Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to, doesn't mean they don't love you as much as they can.

31、 When love comes, every girl is a fairy. I haven't been a fairy for a long time.

32、 Love is sometimes educational work. I try my best to sort out that person, and then return that person to the world.

33、 Gold years, water like years, with your departure, I buried my years, you know?

34、 If you are unhappy, if you are unhappy, let go; If you can't bear to let go, it's painful.

35、 The perishable is life, just like the fading flower; However, eternal is the desire for the future, born.

36、 Without a clear mind, no matter how fast the pace is, it will go awry; Without careful steps, no matter how flat the road is, it will fall.

37、 Their hands, not only separated by a cold mirror, but also separated by two thousand years of time, still have some pulse flow.

38、 There are no obstacles in life, only people who can't overcome them. Slowly, no more tears; Slowly, everything will pass.

39、 When you really love someone, you will forget your own bittersweet gains and losses, but only care about each other's bittersweet gains and losses.

40、 I want to send my missing for you to the scattered stars. I hope that the little starlight can shine into your window and accompany you to sleep.

41、 The thing that makes people feel happy most is that after a lot of efforts, everything is slowly becoming what you want!

42、 The harder you try to catch something, the more harm you will get. It's better to let go of it in time.

43、 Some people argue with you every day, but they never blame you. Some people, even without quarrel, have disappeared into the sea of people.

44、 At the beginning of love, it is always sweet. Later, there will be boredom, habits, desertion, loneliness, despair and coldness.

45、 Never listen to embarrassing words, and never meet ugly people. Or to do something difficult and fall in love with someone who should not be loved.

46、 Luckily for the man, all women who are in love are always fascinated by love and never understand life.

47、 Many times we complain that life cannot be repeated. In fact, have you ever thought that if it can be repeated, who will cherish it.

48、 The past, the past heart, can not remember; The present thing, the present heart, can follow the fate; The future, the future, why bother.

49、 Jealousy is a kind of envy in itself, slander is a kind of look up in itself. Therefore, you should be happy that someone envies and slanders you.

50、 Whoever lays the foundation of his love palace with virtue, builds the wall with wealth, shines with beauty, and paves the roof with glory is the happiest person.

51. You should be so excellent that no one deserves your grievance. Everyone who says he doesn't want to fall in love has a person in his heart who can't have it.

52. Many people who give up love, are disappointed in marriage, or even divorce because they want love to be excited all the time and do not accept its normality.

53. The lovers who can never be reunited are often not those who separate in anger, but those who separate on the basis of friendship.

54. If you can't fly, run; If you can't run, go; If you can't walk, climb. No matter what you do, you should go forward bravely.

55. If we are all children, we can stay in the place of time, sit together and listen to the stories that will never grow old while slowly honing our heads.

56. Before marriage, a woman looks at a man as a result, but after marriage, she is always dissatisfied with him. She feels that her premarital life is as white as a fig.

57. The life of struggle makes you capable, and the bitter suffering makes you mellow; These are the two magic weapons of the times to make young people able to shoulder the historical mission.

58. Behind everything that is pleasing to the eye, there is always a sad secret. Even the most inconspicuous flowers will open, and the world will have to experience pain.

59. The hardest thing in life is choice; The most difficult thing in work is innovation; The most painful thing in life is self disturbance; The most troublesome thing in life is grievance.

60. Women tend to be angry and cranky. Worries are not cloth. If you cut them, you can cut them. The only way is to wake up, face and surpass them.

61. Women can bear unfortunate marriage, but can't bear unfortunate love; Men can stand unfortunate love, but can't stand unfortunate marriage.

62. Commitment can last for a lifetime or a moment. If the wind and rain come, please hold each other tight and don't complain. Warmth is the best thing to give at that moment.

63. When you are used to living one day, you will only live one day in your life; If your life is always new, you will have a wonderful life every day.

64. Time is the most impartial judge; History is the best witness. You will eventually know how I love you, but give me some time!

65. What cannot be retained is not only time and years, but also friendship and love; What cannot be abandoned is not only honesty and integrity, but also yearning and longing.

66. The first half of your life may belong to others and live in their opinion. Then return the rest of your life to yourself and follow your inner voice.

67. For love or friendship, I only believe in one sentence. It is good to see people's hearts for a long time and leave them to the last. I will know better and better.

68. Feel life with heart. Complete the process of firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea in the collision of pots and pans. Love is tolerance! Real love can be seen in insipidity.

69. Life is like a pencil that never stops. It is sharp at first, but gradually becomes smooth. However, if it's too smooth, it's almost time to be cut again.

70. People are forced out. Under pressure, many potential wisdom will be inspired. Therefore, there is no impassable road, no impassable obstacles.

71. A good habit is a fortune. Once you have it, you will benefit for life. Get into the habit of taking immediate action, and your life will become more meaningful.

Seventy two, meteorological theory: love is not afraid of darkness, the darker the corner in the park, the more lovers love to drill there; Love is not afraid of heat, even if the temperature is 1 ℃.

73. In fact, no matter how many people you have loved, no matter how happy or painful you have loved, in the end you have not learned how to love but how to love yourself.

Seventy four, love has always been a matter of thousands of turns. How can you love someone without being abandoned or hurt? Love is a kind of experience. I hope it will last forever.

Seventy five. Learn to enjoy life: enjoy the joy of work, enjoy the laughter of friends, enjoy the warmth of family, enjoy the joy of creation, and enjoy the sweetness of fruits.

76. People do not have to be beautiful, but interesting. Being a person and doing things is interesting. Beauty should be added with taste, happiness and other things, which is the happiness of life.

Seventy seven, our life is reborn in the posture of constant starting. For some calls from the heart that can only be perceived by oneself, you can't stop walking on the road.

Seventy eight. In love, the false with ulterior motives is always more lovely than the true face. That's why many men are willing to spend money like dirt on female cheats who are usually skillful.

Seventy nine. Love is not a rabbit. It is useless to guard the plants; Man, don't complain that you have never been in love. No one likes a person who is standing still and ready to go down.

80. Love is not a sweet word under the shade of flowers, not a secret word in the Peach Blossom Garden, not a light tear, not a rigid compulsion. Love is based on a common foundation.

81. What is love? Love means that no matter what the person looks like, what matters is the warm heart that cares about itself. No matter how difficult the world is, we can go hand in hand.

82. Life will not always treat us kindly. There will be setbacks and failures. We should learn to face it calmly with an optimistic attitude towards life and greet it with a peaceful and indifferent mood.

83. The beauty of a man does not lie in his appearance, clothes and hairstyle, but in his own heart. If a man does not have the beauty of his heart, we often hate his beautiful appearance.

Eighty four, love is like a watch, it will stop without winding up; Marriage is like a clock. In addition to having to wind it up, we have to bear the bell that rings every hour!