Singles' Day funny jokes Talk about Singles' Day funny jokes (80 selected sentences)
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2023-08-01 15:57:13
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1. Ginger is still old and spicy. It's good to be a bachelor. One will be full when eating, and all thirst will disappear when fragrant tea goes into one's stomach. Go out to enjoy the scenery and travel around freely. I wish you all the best for today's holiday!

2. The fluorescent lamp met the bulb, looked at it and said contemptuously, "No wonder nobody likes you because you are so fat." The bulb squinted at the fluorescent lamp and said contemptuously, "You are slim, not a 'bachelor'."

3. Hmm, it's a good idea -- come here, I will marry you. Hum, I can't be fooled. Let me find you? You look down on me and leave me in a strange place. I have no place to cry! I'm not stupid.

4. You said that life is still a one-way street, life is still a one-way book, episode is still a clarinet, feelings are still fighting alone, and people around are still alone. Singles Day, and then clockwork SMS let you sigh, in fact, single is not bad!

5. Your eyes are sharp and hurt, and the little moon is passing through the window. So far single, tangled into a panic, who is cold sentimental on Singles Day. Lonely people are heartbroken. My heart is still flowing: I advise you to take off the "light" quickly.

6. Singles Day is coming, and I am so depressed as a single person. I have been reluctant to tell you for so many years. Today, I muster up my courage to tell you that in fact, I have always liked you... the one next to you! Happy Singles Day!

7. My best friend, today is Singles Day. Let's go to Phoenix Zhangjiajie to take pictures of our best friend, to attend a bachelor party, to go shopping to see the fashionable clothes of various brands, to have dinner, drink, and sing K all night. Long live our friendship!

8. Singles are good. Singles are wonderful. Singles live a wonderful life; No noise, no noise, single life is really carefree; Laugh and enjoy yourself. The world of singles is wonderful. Singles Day is coming again. I wish you happiness, sweetness and happiness!

9. He is an urban man and woman before he starts, and a single youth after he starts. Enthusiasm is the characteristic, unrestrained freedom is the characteristic, maverick is the characteristic, and form and shadow is only a specialty! Singles Day wish you: happy special eye-catching!

10. Today, do you think of your first lover; Today, whether you think of your sweet past; Today, do you feel lonely... In this special day, remember, there are friends with you, I wish you a happy Singles Day!

11. I am proud of being a single, and I sleep when others date me. The seven aunts and eight aunts are worried. They are as calm as water. It's good to be in pairs. They are also free when wandering in the Jianghu. It's the right way to get drunk and follow your heart. Wish you a happy holiday!

12. Although a fair lady is a good match for a gentleman, beautiful women are everywhere today, and it's hard to find one! Waiting for true singles, we must make a good wish on Singles Day this year, and I hope you will find your happiness this time next year!

13. When you think about the days when you have a wife, you will no longer have freedom. As a single, you should feel lucky. After all, being single is only a short segment of life. Please cherish it!

14. When there will be a lover, send a text message to greet him. I don't know if he is going alone this holiday, but I want to introduce him enthusiastically. I'm afraid you have a way, and misplacement is even worse. Don't hesitate. Hurry to find love. I hope people will last long and singles will no longer exist.

15. If you don't want to become a Buddha, please step into the world of mortals and find a partner; If you don't want to be lonely, please seize the fate and find an object; If you don't want to spend Singles' Day alone, what are you still doing? Hurry up and go on a blind date!

16. On Singles' Day on November 11, working outside is always lonely. Find a lover to get rid of loneliness. Don't worry and worry. Don't be afraid of being rejected in your pursuit. Do everything you can. I hope you can end your singleness and get rid of loneliness as soon as possible.

17. We are in the primary stage of the marriage era. After more than 20 years of efforts, although we have made great achievements in meeting many different sexes, there is a large population, a relative shortage of per capita resources, and local personal development is very uneven.

18. Announcement: In order to understand the pain of singles, Singles Day is a special day! Please lock the target as soon as possible and release the signal of love, so that you can chase girls everywhere. If you are brave, you can fall down on the spot! Effective time: one second before reading the SMS.

19. Stand up. Now is the time to witness miracles. Start immediately: spread your feet to shoulder width, hold the phone tightly with your right hand, hold it high above your head, OK, now open your voice and read aloud: Give me a girl, I'm a bachelor!

20. Singles Day is cold and sour, and I feel cold at home. Others have warm beds in hot rooms, but I am alone and cold. I also want to have a wife and family. The girl hates poor conditions. Now girls are all like this. They have all kinds of clothing, housing and transportation. May you take off early!

21. Singles' Day blessings come from simplicity, and sincerity comes from nature. We are friends, blessings can be simple, you are single, straightforward and unnatural. Time is like flowing water. We are eager to see it through. When will we have a wedding feast? Hurry up!

22. Life is precious, and love is more expensive. Although work is busy, love should not be delayed. Both hands should grasp at the same time, and happiness is in front of us. Singles Day is coming on November 11. I wish to drink your wedding wine one day earlier.

23. On Singles' Day, there is no magic in one's eyes, no one asks about three meals, and there is a lonely shadow all the year round. It's hard in winter and summer, and it's hard to get up and down. For a long time, a bachelor is very eager for pity; Singles Day, a hundred years away, I wish you good health, early partner, end the single resentment!

24. It is said that the wind is fast, and Scud can't match it, so they just smile; It is said that the brightness is high, and the ranking is always high. The sun smiles; It is said that the sun sends warmth, how lonely it is to be aloof, and the bachelor smiles. Happy Singles Day!

25. Forward a car of love messages, store a blessing message, copy a blessing message, and paste a warm one for you. I hope you will be happy all the way. I hope you can hold the cheque passbook in your life, and give you one in six on Singles Day, sweet.

26. You are the most gorgeous rainbow in my heart, shining my colorful heaven; You are the flower that never fades in my heart, engraved with persistent attachment. No matter how the world changes, no one can stop our future! On the night of Singles Day, I really miss you!

27. Where is the daughter-in-law? Ask Qingtian about the wine. I don't know how to live today. I want to dig a corner, but I'm afraid of being found. How cold is a single man? It's hard to sleep with a lonely pillow. It's not like having a family! Singles Day, wish Singles a happy holiday!

28. The legendary Singles' Day is coming, and the whole world is celebrating with joy. No matter whether you have left the organization and are in a tender plight, or those who are still single, the organization should wish you a happy holiday!

29. Singles Day is coming, flowers are smiling, grass is blowing with the wind, and trees are looking for their girlfriends; The birds are in love, the insects live together, and the fish are registered. They all say to you, "20__ is coming. Singles should find their daughter-in-law quickly. Say goodbye to being single without troubles, and the end of the world will be happy.".

30. Singles' Day is coming. Someone should accompany you and be less lonely. It's also good to be a single. One person can eat and feed the whole family, save money and space, go out smart and convenient, and have nothing to worry about. Singles should not complain, and take this opportunity to play more.

31. Enjoy the fish swimming in the water in pairs, watch the butterfly dishes and flowers flying in pairs. Never feel sorry for yourself when you are alone. Friends are laughing and relatives are caring. Love will not make you lonely. Happy Singles Day!

32. Singles Day is coming, whether it's single, double stick or iron stick. First wish your friends a happy holiday, and then forward this message to the eleven most colorful brothers, otherwise premature ejaculation for a year! I thought of you at once!

33. The most diligent reason for being single: Why do you want to be at home if you have failed in your career? The most elegant reason: pass through flowers and leaves without touching your body. The most confident reason: the charm of a diamond king. Reason: Singles Day can be celebrated.

34. A single man, his eyes straight, in the middle of the night, he felt uncomfortable, five tastes surging, lost his mind, seven emotions out of control, and asked for help from all directions. It was very helpless to find nine. Sincerely wish you a successful farewell to being single on the next Singles Day!

35. On Singles Day, there is no magic in one's eyes, no one asks about three meals, and there is a lonely shadow all the year round. It's hard to get up and down in winter and summer. For a long time, a bachelor is very hungry for pity Singles Day, a hundred years away, I wish you good health, early partner, end the single resentment!

36. Do you know? I wanted to die without your message. I used to hang myself with noodles, knock my head with tofu, take poison with cola, jump out of a building with a parachute, and cut my pulse with chopsticks. Yesterday I plucked up the courage to touch the switch, but it was a power failure. Alas, it was unsuccessful! You see how much I miss you.

37. On Singles Day, it is recommended that married people spend a single day reliving their bachelor days; Unmarried people should hurry to love and bid farewell to being single as soon as possible; Those fake bachelors who are unmarried and enjoy married treatment should surrender to the crime immediately, or they will be beaten again!

38. The receipt of this message indicates that you are a lonely person in your heart. No matter you are a golden leftover, or you support each other, on this holy Singles Day on November 11, take out your loneliness in your heart and let the holy light baptize and open up. The next moment, you will be completely naked and evolve!

39. On World Youth Day, we will definitely offer to spend time with single friends; Tomorrow's Singles Day, we should invite young friends to share it. Different festivals, different meanings, embed colorful memories into the youth of single people.

40. Do you know that I wanted to die without your message? I used to hang myself with noodles, knock my head with tofu, take poison with cola, jump from a building with a parachute, and cut my pulse with chopsticks. Yesterday I plucked up the courage to touch the switch, but it was a power failure. Alas, it was unsuccessful! You see how much I miss you.