Practical short sentences with mature copywriting
2023-05-11 08:09:34
Complete sentences

1. When men have cigarettes and wine, they have stories; When a woman has money and beauty, she has tragedy.

2. Unique you, be the most real, happy and sunny yourself.

3. People never express what they say, but their desire to be understood.

4. It is not too difficult to sacrifice everything for others. The difficulty is to find the person who deserves your sacrifice.

5. Wine is good if you are half drunk. If you drink too much, you will be drunk; Love, or half true good, love too deep will break my heart.

6. The sentence written in winter wants to be harvested in spring. As everyone knows, I just write. All people don't know that I fed another self in the words. I'm not a storyteller. I just write myself into a story.

7. What you lost in the excitement will be found in the loneliness.

8. If you want to regain the proud way of life, you must face the reality that you are unwilling to face.

9. A big belly can accommodate things that the world can't; The Buddha's face smiles at the ridiculous people in the world.

10. When you don't have anyone you like, you live the most relaxed and happy life, although occasionally you feel lonely.

11. The harder you try to please someone, the more likely that person will make you feel painful. Expectation is the root of all heartaches. If the heart does not move, it will not hurt.

12. Now I understand that a person can be sad, no emotion, no words, no expression.

13. Often, the more thorough the contact information is deleted, the more unforgettable the person will be about that past. It seems that he is determined and unrestrained, but in fact, he is extremely uncomfortable.

14. When eagles grow up in chicken houses, they lose their ability to fly. When wolves grow up in sheep, they also fall in love with sheep and lose their wolf nature.

15. When you stare at the abyss, the abyss is staring at you.

16. The best state of life: be content with gains and losses, be indifferent to success or failure, and still move forward.

17. It's a pity whether we can't get it or whether we can find it but it's not so good.

18. You love the people who hurt you the most. To the person who is your best, you are most sorry for him.

19. She likes to listen to songs I can't sing, and the mobile phone screen is people who want to be together but are not together.

20. Everything will eventually have an answer. Why not let nature take its course.